Updated May 21, 1992 CONTENTS Project Review Guidelines The primary purpose of a review is to help the reader decide if a particular work is immediately relevant to his or her own research. The review should not be thought of as a substitute for the original work. Your review should clearly state the author's purpose and method. It should also indicate the work's contribution and significance, as well as its relation to current methodological trends. It is permissible to make negative critical remarks. Such remarks must be objective, precise, documented and expressed in good taste. Vague criticism is will be removed, as well as any remarks that appear as an abusive ad hominem. At the end of your review, please indicate other reviews of the same work should you be aware of any. Noting a few references to related works would also be helpful to our readers. Also, please provide a sentence or two that serves to indicate your institution and field of work. Your review will be read by the CONTENTS project director and the publications review editor to ensure that it reflects an informed and scholarly perspective. Please submit your review as a low ascii text via electronic mail to the address listed below. Reviews should be single spaced. Note that underlining, bold and italics are not possible in low ascii. To emphasize words do *this*, to indicate underlining, do _this_. Your review can be in English and/or French. As most of our readers our English speaking, we encourage authors of text to provide a translation along with the French text. As your review will be published in electronic medium, there are no necessary length restrictions. Your review can be anywhere from two to forty pages in length. Longer reviews should not be mere extensive paraphrases but should critically evaluate and engage the author. For an example of what an extended review might look like, see _Part I: Theissen's Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity_ in Richard A. Horsley's _Sociology of the Jesus Movement_ (Crossroad, 1989). Please keep in mind that you retain the full copyright to your review and are thus free to republish it elsewhere in any other medium. We ask only that you give advance notification to the CONTENTS project (see address below) and indicate in the republished review that it was originally published by the _Religious Studies Publication Journal_. A copy of your review will be sent to the author, and he/she will be invited to respond. The _Religious Studies Publications Journal_ hopes to extend the model of reviewing beyond a static process to a dynamic dialogue between author and reviewer. Our intent is to facilitate a dialogue between reviewer and author so long as it is deemed productive. We ask that you return a review within eight weeks of receiving a volume. More time will be allotted for extensive reviews. If you have any questions please contact the CONTENTS project director, Michael Strangelove (441495@Uottawa or 441495@Acadvm1.uottawa.ca).