- Introduction: Recapitulation of some hitherto underlying philosophical problems that linger on in subsequent development of the history of philosophy
- The notion of "history of philosophy" revisited: (Begriffsgeschichte and Problemgeschichte)
- The Ionian tradition vs. the Eleatic tradition
- The double criteria of truth: reason and belief
- Theodicy and the problem of evil
- Controversy over the primacy of will and intellect
- Problem of universals - controversy between realism and nominalism
- Problem of individuals- peras, tode ti, principium individuationis, haeccitas, existential solus ipse
- Subject and person in antiquity and in modern philosophy
- Natural law vs. positive law - the physis/nomoi distinction
- Questions concerning periodization and nomenclature in the historiography of philosophy
- René Descartes
(*1596, 1650)
- A brief sketch of Descartes' life
- Philosophical doctrines
- Concept of method
- Sources of error
- Discovery of the "ego"
- Proof of the existence of God
- Existence of external things
- Mind-Body problem
- Mind-Body Interaction
- The Passions of the Soul
- Controversy with William Harvey
- Occasionalism: Geulinux' and Malebranche's feedback
- Descartes and the origin of modernity
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Baruch [Benedictus] de Spinoza
(*1632, 1677)
- A brief sketch of Spinoza's life
- Philosophical doctrines
- Some preliminary ideas for the understanding of Spinoza
- Critique of Cartesianism (Letter to Oldenburg)
- 1st vs. 3rd person perspective
- Concept of "adaequate knowledge"
- Structure and detail analysis of the Ethics
- Of God
- Of the Nature and Origin of the Mind
- Of the Original Nature of the Affects
- Of Human Bondage, or the Strength of the Affects
- Of the Power of the Intellect, or of Human Freedom
- Religious-Political doctrines: Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
- Spinoza as rationalist, as pantheist, and as sage
- The place of Spinoza in the history of western philosophy: predecessors and influence
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(*1646, 1716)
- A brief sketch of Leibniz' life
- Leibniz' "motto"
- Leibniz as "renaissance man": Interests and contributions of Leibniz other than philosophy
- Philosophical doctrines
- Classification of knowledge
- Concept of substance - "force"
- Concept of substance - "metaphysical point"
- Concept of substance - "monads"
- Doctrine of truth
- Law of sufficient reason
- Principle of the best
- Pre-established harmony and divine retribution
- Tranquility of the mind -reminiscence of Spinoza
- Individualism and universalism in Leibniz: Russell, Heimsoeth, Mahnke
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- John Locke
(*1632, 1704)
- A brief sketch of Locke's life - Locke as philosopher and as statesman
- Theory of knowledge and of mind
- Epistemological vs. metaphysical approaches
- Criteria of knowledge
- Doctrine of "ideas"
- Doctrine of external things
- Doctrine of the mind
- Primary and secondary qualities
- "Representational realism"
- Locke's Political legacy: The Glorius Revolution
- Locke's Political ideas
- Essay on the Law of Nature
- Two Treatises on Government
- Letters Concerning Toleration (1689-1692)
- The Influence of Locke
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- George Berkeley
(*1685, 1753)
- A brief sketch of Berkeley's life
- Theory of knowledge and of the mind
- Berkeley's theory of vision and its philosophical implications
- Berkeley's reiterations on secondary and primary qualities
- Material substance
- Doctrine of the mind
- Notion of God
- Immaterialism
- Philosophy of language and common sense philosophy
- Political and economic thoughts
- The Querists
- Theory of money
- International Trade vs. national economy
- Criticism of mercantilism
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- David Hume
(*1711, 1776)
- A brief sketch of Hume's life
- Theory of knowledge and mind
- The Origin of human perception - impressions and ideas
- Derivation of complex ideas
- Concept of substance
- Cause and effect
- Problem of mind and personal identity
- Scepticism
- Theory of passions and morality
- Passions and intellect
- Moral sentiments
- Personality and the moral being
- Theory of religion
- Natural History of Religion
- Dialogues concerning Natural Religion
- Kant on Hume: homage and critique
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Immanuel Kant
(*1724, 1804)
- A brief sketch of Kant's life
- Philosophical doctrines
- Philosophia in sensu scholastico vs. philosophia in sensu cosmico
- Concept of "Crtique" (Kritik)
- Idea of transcendental philosophy (Transzendentalphilosophie)
- Kant's concept of experience (Erfahrung)
- Main tenets of Kant's problem of knowledge
- The two major issues in Kant's philosophy of practice
- Kant's theory of taste
- Kant's position toward metaphysics
- Kant's philosophy of religion
- Kant and philosophical anthropology
- Kant's influence and contemporary criticisms
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
(*1770, 1831)
- A brief sketch of Hegel's life
- Philosophical doctrines
- Hegel's concept of "experience"
- Different models of Hegelian dialectics
- Love
- Negation:- pure negativity, specific negation, negation of the negation
- Abstract and Concrete
- An-sich, Für-sich, and An-und-für-sich
- Immediacy and Mediation (Unmittelbarkeit und Vermittlung)
- Reflexion
- Aufhebung: (tollere, elevare and conservare)
- Three Moments of the Logical
- The notion of "system" and Hegel's system thinking
- Hegel's Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences
- Hegel's Logic
- Realphilosophie as "Applied Logic"
- Hegel's philosophy of history
- Hegel's philosophy of right
- Hegel and "German Idealism"
- Hegel's place in the history of Western philosophy and contemporary criticisms
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Karl Marx
(*1818, 1883)
- A brief sketch of Marx's life: Marx as philosopher or as political activist?
- Major doctrines as related to major writings
- A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
- The 1844 Paris Manuscripts
- Marx's controversy with his contemporaries
- Holy Family
- German Ideology
- The Poverty of Philosophy
- Manifesto of the Communist Party
- The Capital as a theoretical programme
- Marx's influence and contemporary criticisms
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 
- Friedrich Nietzsche
(*1844, 1900)
- A brief sketch of Nietzsche's life
- Philosophical doctrines
- Primacy of will over intellect: Schopenhauer's influence
- Greek tragedies and the "yes" attitude towards life
- Attack of Christianity as cultural critique
- Some major conceptions
- Resentiment
- Revaluation of values
- The Overman and "will to power"
- European nihilism
- Eternal recurrence of the same (das ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen)
- Love of Fate (Amor fati)
- The "malady of history" (die Krankheit der Geschichte)
- Nietzsche's influence and contemporary criticisms
Library links: - [CU 

] - [HK 