Special Topics in Western Philosophers
- Kant's Critique
of the Power of Judgment
(Dr. Tze-wan Kwan)
Course Code: PHI 5030 (Fall, 2006) Venue: MMW-707 Time: Wed 06-08
Course description:
This course focuses on
Kant's third major work in his programme of ¡§critical
philosophy¡¨ - the Critique of [the Power of] Judgment. As the keystone
to Kant's philosophical edifice, the Critique of Judgment is well known
for its wide scope of interest and its complexity in structure. This course
covers both parts of the third Critique,
namely, that of Aesthetic Judgment
and of Teleological Judgment. In
order to expound the contextual significance of the third Critique in
the midst of Kant's philosophical work, excerpts from other related texts,
including the first two Critiques, The
Metaphysics of Morals, as well as the posthumously published Reflexionen, will be introduced wherever
appropriate. For the sake of better dialogue between the participants, a good
knowledge of the general history of Western philosophy is required. Previous
enrollment in courses on Kant is a definite advantage although not a
prerequisite for taking this course. The course consists of both lectures and
seminar sessions to be held in alternate intervals. A written report on a topic
previously agreed upon is required toward the end of the semester. Assessment
will be made on the readiness for discussion in class as well as on the final
written report.
Main Texts:
Kritik der Urtheilskraft, in: Kants Gesammelte
Schriften (Akademie-Ausgabe), Band 5 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1908)
Kritik der Urteilskraft : Philosophische Bibliothek
Band 39a (Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1968).
Critique of Judgment, trans.
(1892) with
introduction by J.H. Bernard (New York: Hafner,
Critique of Judgment, trans. (1928, 1952) by James Creed
Meredith (Oxford: OUP, 1964).
Critique of Judgment, including the First
Introduction, translated
with an introduction by Werner S. Pluhar (1987) with
a Forward by Mary J. Gregor (Indianapolis: Hackett
Publishing Company, 1987). (The ¡§First Introduction¡¨ included).
Erste Fassung der
Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft, in: Immanuel Kant: Werke in
Sechs Bänden, Band V, hrsg. von Wilhelm Weischedel
(Wiesbaden: Insel-Verlag, 1958). Pp.173-232.
First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment, translated by J. Haden (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965).
¡m§PÂ_¤O§å§P¡n: ©v¥ÕµØ [¤W¨÷], ³¨ô¥Á [¤U¨÷] ¦XĶ¡]¥_¨Ê: °Ó°È, 1964/1987¡^.
¡m§PÂ_¤O¤§§å§P¡n: ¦È©v¤TĶµù, ¤W¤U¥U¡]¥x¥_: ¾Ç¥Í®Ñ§½, 1992-93¡^.
¡m§PÂ_¤O§å§P¡n:¾H¾å¨~Ķ¡A·¨¯ª³³®Õ¡]¥_¨Ê: ¤H¥Á¥Xª©ªÀ, 2004¡^
Other Related Texts by Kant:
Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Norman K. Smith (
Critique of Practical Reason, translated by Lewis White Beck
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1956).
Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, translated by Theodore M. Greene and Hoyt
H. Hudson (New York: Harper & Row, 1960).
Beobachtungen über das
Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (1764), in Kants
Gesammelte Schriften, Band II (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1905, 1968), pp.
205-256. English translation by John T. Goldthwait: Observations on the Feeling of the
Beautiful and the Sublime
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960, 1991).
Metaphysics of Morals, translated and edited by Mary Gregor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Opus Postumum, edited, with an introduction and notes, by Eckart
Förster; translated by Eckart
Förster and Michael Rosen (Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press,
Die drei Kritiken in ihrem Zusammenhang mit dem
Gesamtwerk. Mit verbindendem Text zusammengefasst von Raymund Schmidt (Stuttgart: Kröner,
Philosophical Correspondence (1759-99), edited and translated by Arnulf Zweig (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1967).
Secondary Readings:
Adickes, Erich, Kants Systematik als systembildender Factor (Berlin: Mayer & Müller, 1887).
Biemel, Walter, Die Bedeutung
von Kants Begründung der Ästhetik für die Philosophie der Kunst (Köln:
Kölner Universität Verlag, 1959).
Burnham, Douglas, An Introduction to Kant¡¦s Critique of
Judgement (
Cassirer, Ernst, "Die Kantischen Elemente in Wilhelm von Humboldts
Sprachphilosophie", in: Festschrift
für Paul Hensel, hrsg. von Julius Binder (Greiz i.V., 1923), pp. 105-127.
Cassirer, Ernst, Kants
Leben und Lehre (Darmstadt: WBG, 1977). English translation available: Kant's Life and Work.
Cassirer, H.W., (Heinrich Walter), A Commentary on Kant's "Critique of Judgment¡¨ (London: Methuen, 1938; Ann Arbor:
University Microfilms Int¡¦l, 1978).
Caygill, Howard, A Kant dictionary (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994).
Chadwick, Ruth F.
(ed.), Immanuel Kant: critical
assessments (London : Routledge,
Dorner, "Kants
Kritik der Urteilskraft in ihrer Beziehung zu den beiden anderen Kritiken und
zu den nachkantischen Systemen", in: Kant-Studien Band 4, 1900, Pp.
Düsing, Klaus, Die
Teleologie in Kants Weltbegriff (Bonn: Bouvier, 1968).
Feger, Hans, Die Macht der Einbildungskraft in der
Ästhetik Kants und Schillers (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter,
Gram, Moltke S., Kant:
Disputed Questions (Atascadero: Ridgeview Publishing Co., 1984).
Guyer, Paul, Kant and the
Claims of Taste (Cambridge: CUP., 1979).
Guyer, Paul (ed.), The
Heintel, Peter and Ludwig Nagl
(hrsg.), Zur Kantforschung der Gegenwart
(Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981).
Heimsoeth, Heinz, Studien
zur Philosophie Immanuel Kants, Band I und II (Köln/Bonn: Bouvier,
Heimsoeth, Heinz (ed.), Studien
zu Kants philosophischer Entwicklung (Hildesheim: Olms, 1967).
Henrich, Dieter, Aesthetic Judgment and the Moral
Image of the World: Studies in Kant (Stanford: Stanford University Press,
Henrich, Dieter, The unity of reason: essays on Kant's philosophy, edited, with an
introduction by Richard L. Velkley; trans. Jeffrey
Edwards et al. (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1994).
Hoke, Robinson (ed.), Spindel
Conference: System and Teleology in Kant's Critique of Judgment (Southern
Journal of Philosophy Supplement).
Kaulbach, Friedrich, Immanuel
Kant (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1969).
Kemal, Salim,
Kant and Fine Art. An Essay on Kant and the Philosophy of Fine Art and
Culture (Oxford: OUP, 1986).
Kroner, Richard, Von
Kant bis Hegel, 2 Bände, 3. Auflage (Tübingen: Mohr, 1977).
Kulenkampff, Jens, Materialien
zu Kants 'Kritik der Urtielskraft' (Frankfurt/M:
Suhrkamp, 1974).
Lehmann, Gerhard, Kants
Nachlaßwerk und die Kritik der Urteilskraft (Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt
Verlag, 1939).
Louden, Robert, Kant's Impure Ethics: From
Rational Beings to Human Beings (
Macmillan, R.A.C., The
Crowning Phase of the Critical Philosophy: A Study in Kant's Critique of
Judgment (London: MacMillan, 1912), (New York: Garland,
Makkreel, Rudolf, ¡§Imagination
and Temporality in Kant¡¦s Theory of the Sublime¡¨, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol.42, No.3 (Spring
1984), pp. 303-315 (JStor).
Makkreel, Rudolf, Imagination and Interpretation in Kant¡XThe
Hermeneutical Import of the Critique of Judgment (Chicago: Chicago
University Press, 1990).
Mörchen, Hermann, Die
Einbildungskraft bei Kant (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1970).
Noûs, Vol. 24, No. 1, On the Bicentenary of Immanuel Kant¡¦s Critique of Judgment, March, 1990, with contributions by R. Butts, Paul Guyer, Christel Fricke, Hannah Ginsborg, Klaus Düsing, Jens Keulenkampff, Harald Pilot, Ted
Cohen, et al.
Paul, Gregor S., Die
Kantische Geschmacksästhetik als Philosophie der Kunst, Inaugural-Dissertation
(Mannheim, 1976).
Ricoeur, Paul, ¡§The Teleological and
Deontological Structures of Action: Aristotle and/or Kant?¡¨ in: Contemporary
French Philosophy, edited by A. Phillips Griffiths (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1987). Pp. 99-130.
Romundt, Heinrich, ¡§Die
Mittelstellung der Kritik der Urteilskraft, Kants Entwurf zu einem
philosophischen System¡¨, in: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Band
24, Pp. 482-493.
Schlapp, Otto, Kants
Lehre vom Genie und die Entstehung der `Kritik der Urteilskraft' (Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1901).
Uehling, Theodore Edward, The
Notion of Form in Kant's Critique of Aesthetical Judgment (The Hague:
Mouton, 1971).
Vaihinger, Hans, Die Philosophie des Als
Ob (1911) (Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 2. Auf., 1913); English translation by C.K.Ogden: The Philosophy of ¡§As If¡¨ (London: Routledge
& KP, 1924).
Wenzel, Christian Helmut, Subjektive Allgemeingültigkeit
des Geschmacksurteils bei
Kant (Kantstudien-Ergänzungsheft
137) (
Wenzel, Christian Helmut, An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics (
Werkmeister, W.H., Kant: Architectonic and
Development of his Philosophy (La Salle and London: Open Court, 1980).
Zammito, John H., The
Genesis of Kant's Critique of Judgment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Kwan Tze-wan,
¡§Zur Systematik und Teleologie der Phänomenologie Husserls¡¨
(manuscript, 1979, 86 pages).
Kwan Tze-wan, ¡§Kant¡¦s
¡¥humanistic¡¦ conception of religion¡¨, in: Tunghai
Journal, Tunghai University Press, Vol. 24,
1983, pp. 95-120.
Kwan Tze-wan,
¡§The Idea of God in Kant¡¦s moral theology¡¨, in: Dialogue & Alliance,
Vol.1, No.1,
Kwan Tze-wan,
¡§Kant¡¦s Possible Contribution to Natural Law Debates¡¨. Paper presented at the Beijing
International Symposium on Kant's Moral Philosophy in Contemporary
Perspectives, organized by
Ãö¤l¤¨,¡q§PÂ_¤O§å§P»P±d¼w¶WÅçõ¾Çªº§¹¦¨¡r [¡§Critique of Judgment and the completion of the transcendental
philosophy of Kant¡¨], in: Legein Monthly ¡mÃZ´ò¤ë¥Z¡n, Vol. 1, Nos. 7, 8, and 9,
["On Kant's real/problematic distinction between Phaenomena
and Noumena"], in: Tunghai
Journal¡mªF®ü¾Ç³ø¡nVol.26, 1985, pp. 173-209
Ãö¤l¤¨,¡q±d¼w»P²{¶H¾Ç¶Ç²Î¡Ð¦³Ãö¥DÅé©Êõ¾Çªº¤@ÂI«ä¦Ò¡r[Kant and Phenomenology: Some Reflections on the
Philosophy of Subjectivity], presented in the Sixth Conference of the Society
of Chinese Phenomenology, Beijing, October 16-19, 1999. Published in the series¡m¤¤°ê²{¶H¾Ç»Põ¾Çµû½×¡n¡A²Ä¥|¿è (¤W®ü¡G¤W®üĶ¤å¥Xª©ªÀ,
2001), pp. 141-184.
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