哲 學 概 論
Introduction to Philosophy

Dr. Tze-wan Kwan

   Philosophy Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong

課號: PHIL-1110B     時間: T07-09     教室: LSK LT2




  1. 引論
    1. 「哲學」和 philosophy 概念的緣起
    2. 一些常見的有關哲學的誤解
    3. 對哲學常見的一些疑問
    4. 介紹幾位哲學名家對哲學的基本看法
      1. 康德 (Immanuel Kant)
      2. 柯靈伍德 (R.G. Collingwood)
      3. 海德格 (Martin Heidegger)
      4. 維根斯坦 (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
      5. 波柏 (Karl Popper)
    5. 西周青銅器「大克鼎」與「史墻盤」中的「哲」字

  2. 哲學問題
    1. 何謂一哲學問題 (puzzle, quest, question, problem)
    2. Problematik, Problemhorizont, 與 Problemgeschichte
    3. 哲學問題展開的場域 - 生活、思慮、語言
    4. 從「疑惑」到「解惑」(From Problem to Problem Solving)
    5. 人類精神文明的主要軌跡:宗教、藝術、哲學

  3. 希臘悲劇與哲學
    1. 希臘悲劇對希臘社會的意義
    2. 希臘人獨特的神祇觀念
    3. 亞里士多德的悲劇理論
    4. 尼釆的悲劇理論
    5. 悲劇與哲學的興替
    6. 希臘悲劇於今對吾人的啟示

  4. 宗教與哲學
    1. 宗教和 religion 兩概念涉及的理論意涵
    2. 從哲學的觀點分析宗教作為一種現象
    3. 宗教的「真理」問題如何衡量 (Lessing)
    4. 宗教於人際溝通-孔漢思及其跨宗教判準理論 (Küng)
    5. 宗教與宗教感 (religiosity)

  5. 從大腦左右不對稱問題看哲學活動的機制
    1. 大腦左右半球不對稱問題之背景
    2. 雅各布遜 (Jakobson) 對大腦左右半球不對稱問題之觀察
    3. 「存活」的重新釐定
    4. 海德格《存在與時間》一書對人存活結構的分析
    5. 大腦左右半球之“互補”(complementarity) 與“整合”(integration)
    6. 從大腦功能之整合談合哲學活動之整合
    7. 從大腦左右不對稱問題帶出對教育的反思

  6. 「世界」作為一哲學問題
    1. 世界、宇宙、kosmoV (kosmos), fusiV (physis)
    2. 世界作為「界域」(horizon) - Husserl
    3. 世界作為「因緣整全體」(Bewandtnisganzheit)-Heidegger
    4. 世界與「世界觀」 (Weltanschauung)
    5. World-1, World-2, and World-3 (Popper)

  7. 「自我」(Self) 引出的種種哲學反思
    1. 「主體」(subject) 與「人格」(person)-現代人的兩種「自我形象」
    2. 主體理論 (Subjectivism) 與主客對立 (subject-object dichotomy)
    3. 人格理論(Personalism) 與社會現實 (social reality)
    4. 西方哲學與中國哲學論自我與他人

    5. 附:subject-person.doc

  8. 「經驗」與「知識」
    1. 經驗概念在西方-empeiria, experience, Erfahrung, Erlebnis
    2. 關於「經驗」的幾種代表性的學說-Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Hegel
    3. 知識概念-gnwsiV, episthmh, knowledge, Erkenntnis, Wissen, Wissenschaft
    4. 知識的能力與界限 - Aristotle, Kant
    5. 知識的「客觀性」- Popper, Kuhn, Putnam
    6. 知識的「系統性」(system)
    7. 知識的「界域性」(horizon)
    8. 知識的「價值負載」(value-ladenness)

  9. 「共相」與「個體」
    1. 共相作為一哲學問題: 共相論爭 (Universalienstreit)
    2. 個體作為一哲學問題: 個體化原則 (principium individuationis)
    3. 「共相」與「個體」問題的交互依存性

  10. 「價值」與「實踐」
    1. 價值 (value) 概念的多面性
    2. 事實 (facts) 與價值 (values)
    3. 價值與實踐的關係
    4. 價值哲學與人文世界

  11. 範疇理論與人類文化傳統
    1. 釋名:「範疇」,category, predicament, kathgoria
    2. 範疇系統 (systems of categories) Versus 範疇理論 (doctrine of categories)
    3. 範疇系統所表現出的兩種特徵
      1. 名目的臚列 (itemization of issues)
      2. 秩序的安排 (structural ordering of items)
    4. 範疇系統的一些具體例子:
      1. 西方哲學中的範疇系統
      2. : 亞里斯多德的範疇系統 (附:閱讀材料)
      3. 中國哲學中的範疇系統
      4. : 《尚書‧洪範》中的範疇系統
      5. 印度哲學中的範疇系統
      6. : 世親《百法明門論》中的範疇系統
    5. 範疇理論與「文化拓蹼學」(topology of culture)

  12. 從《周易》看中國傳統對變化的反思
    1. 易之起源
    2. 易之結構元件
    3. 易卦之排列方式-「卦序」的問題
    4. 今本《周易》所揭示的主要哲學理念
    5. 周易對中國人思維的影響
    6. 周易對漢語的潛在影響
    7. 張載「易為君子謀,不為小人謀」解

  13. 佛學基本概念與佛家的生命智慧
    1. 「三法印」
    2. 「四諦」:苦、集、滅、道
    3. 「五蘊」:色、受、想、行、識
    4. 「六根」、「六塵」、「六識」
    5. 「三科」與因才施教:五蘊、十二門、十八界
    6. 「十二緣起」
    7. 《般若波羅密多心經》:般若智慧中的「二諦觀」
    8. 佛教的空觀:「人無我」與「法無我」
    9. 世親《百法明門論》中的「五位百法」理論
    10. 從佛家「曼荼羅」(mandala) 製作所得的啟示

  14. 從哲學觀點看人類的未來
    1. 預言 (prophesy)、科幻小說 (science fiction)、末世學 (eschatology)、與未來學 (futurology)
    2. 綠色運動的理論反思
      1. 熱力學第二定律:熵增定律(能趨疲定律)所引起的問題
        (The Second Law of Thermodynamics: The Law of maximizing Entropy)
      2. 羅馬學會 (The Club of Rome) 及其活動
      3. 《成長之極限》及其對未來社會的預測
      4. 《成長之極限》所引起的震撼與討論
      5. 綠色運動 - 對熵增定律的回應!






  1. 唐君毅 (1961),《哲學概論》。香港 : 孟氏教育基金會。
  2. 牟宗三 (1983),《中國哲學十九講 : 中國哲學之簡述及其所涵蘊之問題》。初版.。臺北市 : 臺灣學生書局。
  3. 傅統先 (1946),《哲學與人生》(一名《哲學概論》),臺北:水牛出版社, 1987。
  4. 勞思光 (1962, 1998):《哲學淺說新編》。香港:中文大學出版社。
  5. 勞思光 (1984-86):《新編中國哲學史》,三卷四卌,台北,三民書局。
  6. 方立天 (1986, 1991):《佛教哲學》。 增訂本, 第2版。北京: 中國人民大學出版社。
  7. 張丰乾編 (2009):《哲學覺解》,廣州:中山大學出版社。
  8. 關子尹 (1994):《從哲學的觀點看》。台北,東大出版社。
  9. 關子尹 (2008):《語默無常-尋找定向中的哲學反思》。(香港:牛津大學出版社,2008.1)增訂重校簡體字版:(北京:北京大學出版社,2009.12)。特別其中〈宇宙、世界與世界觀〉、〈從周易看變化〉、〈意向性與宗教感 -從現象學的觀點看宗教問題〉、〈從「大克鼎」和「史牆盤」中的「哲」字看哲學〉等章。
  10. 關子尹 (1991):〈海德格論「別人的獨裁」與「存活的獨我」-從現象學觀點看世界〉。 見《鵝湖學誌》,第六期,台北,1991年六月;頁 113-164。
  11. Aristotle: Poetics
  12. Annas, Julia (2000), Ancient Philosophy : a Very Short Introduction. (Oxford, OUP).
  13. Barboour, John D. (1983), "Tragedy and Ethical Reflection", in: The Journal of Religion, Vol. 63, no.1, University of Chicago, pp. 1-25.
  14. Baron, Marcia, Philip Petit and Michael Slote (1997), Three methods of ethics : a Debate. (Malden, Mass. : Blackwell).
  15. Berlin, Isaiah (1950), Concepts & Categories: Philosophical Essays. (Oxford, OUP).
  16. Boltzmann, Ludwig (1886), "The Second Law of Thermodynamics", in: Theoretical Physics and Philosophical Problems. Selected Writings. (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1974), pp.13-32
  17. Conford, F.M. (1923), Greek Religious Thought from Homer to the Age of Alexander. (New York: AMS Press, 1923/1969).
  18. Danto, Arthur (1970), What Philosophy is: a Guide to the Elements. (New York, Harper & Row).
  19. Frauwallner, Erich (1973), History of Indian philosophy, (Geschichte der indischen Philosophie). Translated from original German into English by V. M. Bedekar ; introduction by Leo Gabriel. (Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass).
  20. Grice, H Paul (1989), Studies in the Way of Words. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  21. Gupta, Bina and J.N. Mohanty ed. (2000), Philosophical questions : East and West. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield).
  22. Häring, Hermann and Karl-Josef Kuschel (1979), Hans Küng. His Work and His Way. Translated by Robert Nowell. (London: Fount).
  23. Heidegger, Martin (1927), Being and Time. Translated by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson, (New York, SCM Press, 1962). Paragraphs 27 and 40. p.163-168; 228-235.
  24. Heisenberg, Werner (1967), "Goethe's View of Nature and the World of Science and Technology", in: Heisenberg, Across the Frontiers, Peter Heath, trans. (New York: Harper & Row, 1974), pp. 122-141.
  25. Honderich, Ted and Myles Burnyeat (1979), Philosophy as It Is. Harmondsworth, (Reading: Penguin).
  26. Hospers, John (1997), An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. (London, Routledge).
  27. Jakobson, Romam, Brain and LanguageL Cerebral Hemispheres and Linguistic structure in Mutual Light (Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1980).
  28. Jaspers, Karl (1954), Way to Wisdom. An Introduction to Philosophy, trans. by RalphManheim (New Haven/London: Yale University Press).
  29. Johnstone Jr., H.W (1965). What is Philosophy? (New York, Macmillan).
  30. Kant, Immanuel (1781/1788), Critique of Pure Reason.
  31. . The translation of Norman Kemp Smith is recommended. An electronic edition of this work is now made available online by courtesy of the MacMillan Press Ltd.
  32. Küng, Hans (1986), "What is the True Religion? Toward an Ecumenical Criteriology", in: Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, Cape Town, pp. 4-23.
  33. Kunzmann, Peter (et al.) (1998), dtv-Atlas Philosophie. 7. Überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. (München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag).
  34. Leaman, Oliver (1998), The Future of Philosophy towards the 21st Century. (London and New York: Routledge).
  35. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1778), Nathan der Weise. (Stuttgart: Reclam, 1985). Videorecording available at the CU library system: German with English Sub-titles (UL Audio-Visual B802 .E64 vdcst.11)
  36. MacIntyre, Alasdair (1984), After Virtue: a Study in Moral Theory. 2nd ed, (Notre Dame,Indiana.: University of Notre Dame Press).
  37. Meadows, Donella H (1972)et al.. The Limits to growth : a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind. New York : Universe Books.
  38. Georg Misch (1950), The Dawn of Philosophy. A Philosophical Primer, edited in English by R.F.C. Hull (London: Routledge).
  39. Moser, Paul and Dwayne Mulder (1994), Contemporary Approaches to Philosophy. (New York, Macmillan).
  40. Peters, F. E. (1967), Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon. (New York/London: NYU Press/University of London Press).
  41. Pieper, Josef (1992), In Defense of Philosophy: Classical Wisdom Stands up to Modern Challenges, translated by Lothar Krauth (San Francisco: Ignatius Press).
  42. Popper, Karl (1999), Alles Leben ist Problemlösen. English: All life is problem solving; translated by Patrick Camiller. (London/New York, Routledge).
  43. Popper, Karl (1979), Objective Knowledge : an Evolutionary Approach. Revised Edition. (Oxford: at the Clarendon Press).
  44. Putnam, Hilary (1988), Representation and Reality. (Cambridge, MIT Press).
  45. Russell, Bertrand (1912). The Problems of Philosophy. (Oxford, OUP).
  46. Savater, Fernando (2002), The Questions of Life. An Invitation to Philosophy. translated from the Spanish with an Appendix by Carolina Ospina Arrowsmith. (Cambridge: Polity Press).
  47. Scruton, Roger (1999). An Intelligent Person's Guide to Philosophy. (London: Duckworth).
  48. Shanker, S.G. (1986), Philosophy in Britain Today. (London/Sydney: Croom Helm).
  49. Simmel, Georg (1997), Simmel on Culture : Selected Writings, edited by David Frisby and Mike Featherstone, (London : Sage Publications).
  50. Sumpf, Samuel Enoch (1994), Philosophy. History & Problems. 5th Ed. (New York, McGraw-Hill).
  51. Toffler, Alvin (1970), Future Shock, (New York: Random House).
  52. Warnock, Mary (1992), The Uses of Philosophy. (Oxford; Cambridge/Mass.: Blackwell).
  53. Williams, Bernard (1985), Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  54. Kwan, Tze-wan (1990), "Husserl's Concept of Horizon: An Attempt at Reappraisal", paper presented at the First World Phenomenology Congress, Sept.28-Oct.4, 1988, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Published in: Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 31, (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1990), pp.361-398. Reprint in Dermot Moran and Lester Embree (ed.) Phenomenology: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, Vol. 1, Phenomenology: Central Tendencies and Concepts. (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 304-338.
  55. Kwan, Tze-wan (1995), "The doctrine of categories and the topology of concern: Prolegomena to an ontology of culture", originally a guest lecture in the 1989 Mini-course lecture series, delivered at the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Thoroughly revised and published in Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 46, Logic of the Living Presence, An oriental-occidental confrontation in phenomenology. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 243-302.
  56. Tze-wan Kwan (2007), "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns", paper presented at University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland on 17 October 2005, and repeated at Husserl Archief, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, on 26 October 2005. Now published in International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2, London: Routledge, June 2007, pp. 247-268.
  57. Kwan, Tze-wan (2007), "Intentionality and Religiosity: The Problem of Religion from a Phenomenological Standpoint", in Husserl's Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives, (eds.) Kwok-ying Lau & John J. Drummond. Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2007); an Italian translation appeared under the title "Intentionalità e religiosità. Un punto di vista non confessionale sulla religione", translated from English into Italian by Elisabetta Barone. In: Filosofia e Teologia, Rivista Quadrimestrale, Anno XVI, Nr.2 - Agosto 2002, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, pp. 330-352. For a Chinese version of this same paper, refer to item A8 listed above.

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