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ㄑㄧㄤˊ [qiang2 (*ㄑㄧㄤˇ [qiang3, *ㄐㄧㄤˋ [jiang4). [Err. var. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  A surname.
(2)  Short for 國 big country: 列 the powerful nations;
The Big Five in United Nations.
V(*[qiang3]) To insist, to accomplish by force or against person's will: 逼,[qiang3bi1], [qiang3po4]↓;
賣 to buy or sell by force;
詞奪理 to exaggerate by rhetoric, to quibble;
記 to memorize;
to do s.t. against one’s will, also to strive one's best;
不必勉 don't do it if you do not wish.
Adj(1)  Strong, powerful: 國 a powerful nation;
有力 [qiang2you3li4]↓;
弩之末 on the decline, no longer what it was.
(2)  Better: 似一個人在此 or 乎 better than be here alone.
(3)  Over: 三十 thirty plus.
(4)  (*[jiang4]) Stubborn: 木 stiff;
Words1.半 [qiang2ban4], n., over half, the great half. 
2.暴 [qiang2bao4], adj., violent, brutal; adj., v.t., to violate (girl). 
3.逼 *[qiang3bi1], v.t., coerce (person). 
4.辯 [qiang2bian4], v.i., to argue forcefully; (*[qiang3bian4]) to call white black, refuse to admit one's mistake. 
5.求 *[qiang3qiu2], v.t., to insist on getting s.t. 
6.權 [qiang2qUan2], n., force, autocracy; 權政策 policy of force. 
7.盜 [qiang2dao4] (chiarng-’dau), n., a robber. 
8.調 [qiang2diao4], v.t. & n., to emphasize, -sis: 調他不能參加 emphasized he could not take part. 
9.度 [qiang2du4], n., degree of strength; n., adv., (interfere, etc.) with force. 
10.幹 [qiang2gan4], v.i. & t., to rely on force or persistence (to do s.t.). 
11.梗 [qiang2geng3], adj., stubborn. 
12.悍 [qiang2han4], adj., powerful, brutal. 
13.橫 [qiang2heng2], adj., arrogant, brutal. 
14.健 [qiang2jian4], adj., physically strong. 
15.姦 [qiang2jian1], v.t., to rape (woman). 
16.記 [qiang3ji4], adj., good in memory: (*[qiang3ji4]) to memorize by rote. 
17.壯 [qiang3zhuang4], adj., powerful, strong. 
18.制 *[qiang3zhi4](1)  v.t., to force, enforce, restrain by law; (2)  adj. & adv., compulsory: 制執行 compulsory execution. 
19.梁 [qiang2liang2], adj., unruly, defiant. 
20.迫 *[qiang3po4], v.t., to force, coerce s.o. to do s.t. 
21.韌 [qiang2ren4], adj., durable. 
22.人 [qiang2ren2], n., robber. 
23.如 [qiang2ru2], phr., better than, see [qiang2si4]↓. 
24.盛 [qiang2sheng4], adj., strong, prosperous (nation). 
25.襲 [qiang2xi1], v.t., lay down artillery barrage, spring mass attack. 
26.項 [qiang2xiang4], adj., resolute, inflexible. 
27.水 [qiang2shui3], n., popular term for strong acids (like sulphuric acid). 
28.似 [qiang2si4], phr., better than. 
29.死 [qiang2si3], v.i., (AC) meet violent death. 
30.挺 [qiang2ting3], adj., obdurate, inflexible. 
31.宗 [qiang2zong3], n., powerful clan. 
32.顏 *[qiang4yan2], v.i., (1)  to force a smiling face; (2)  (jiang4yiarn) shamelessly. 
33.硬 [qiang2ying4], adj., unyielding. 
34.有力 [qiang2you3li4], adj., powerful (person, country).