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ㄇㄚˊ [ma2. [Pop. of 61.01, signifying hemp, flax]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect

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ㄇㄚˊ [ma2.Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
N(1)  Hemp, flax, of various kinds (oft. wr. as ): 芝 sesame;
袋 hempen sack;
快刀斬亂 cut the Gordian knot.
(2)  Pockmarks: [ma2zi0]↓.
(3)  A surname.
Adj(1)  Benumbed, having tingling feeling: 發 feel tingling sensation;
disgusting, revolting ("give one goose flesh," but not in Eng. sense of frightening).
(2)  Pock-marked: 臉 pock-marked face.
Words1.痺 [ma2bi4], n., paralysis. 
2.布 [ma2bu4], n., linen; hempen cloth. 
3.雀 [ma2qUe4], n., (1)  sparrow; (2)  mahjong (also wr. [ma2jiang4]↓). 
4.刀 [ma2dao0]1, n., (1)  loose hemp chopped up to strengthen mortar; (2)  bother: 這件事我倒鬧了一脖子刀 "hemp all over my neck," like "sand in one's hair." 
5.搗(擣) [ma2dao0]2, n., (2) ↑. 
6.豆蠅 [ma2dou0ying2], n., a species of big fly; see [ma2ying2]↓. 
7.煩 [ma2fan0], v.t. & n. & adj., annoy, to trouble, troublesome, a trouble: (adj.) 這事真煩 this thing is troublesome, difficult to deal with; 太煩了 too troublesome; (v.t.) to trouble (person): 這事煩你了 I have to trouble you with this 別煩我 don't bother me; (n.) 別來找煩 don't look for trouble. 
8.呼 [ma2hu1] ([ma1hu0]), adj., as in slipshod (work), also wr. [ma2hu0], 呼呼 [ma2ma1hu1hu0]↓. 
9.花兒 [ma2hua1er0](1)  n., strands of hemp twisted together; (2)  n., an eatable, twisted dough fried in oil; (3)  adj., 都花了 (of dress, pants) worn smooth and shining. 
10.黃 [ma2huang2], n., (med.) ephedrine; (bot.) the plant Ephedra vulgaris
11.胡 [ma2hu2], adj., (1)  (of face) full of beards and pockmarks; (2)  see [ma2hu3zi0]↓. 
12.虎子 [ma2hu3zi0], n., "spotted tiger" used to frighten children with. 
13.疹 [ma2zhen3], n., measles. 
14.將 [ma2jiang4], n., mahjong (also called [ma2qUe4]↑). 
15.雷子 [ma2lei2zi0], n., large firecrackers. 
16.俐 [ma2li0], adj., quick-witted, smart, agile expert. 
17.呼呼 [ma2ma0hu1hu0], adj., also wr. 糊糊, see [ma2hu1]↑. 俐俐 [ma2ma0li4li0], adj., see [ma2li0]↑. 
18.木 [ma2mu4] ([ma2mu0]) adj., numbed (hand, arm, etc.); insensitive, benumbed (feelings): 木不仁 numbed, benumbed. 
19.繩 [ma2sheng2], n., hempen cord. 
20.團 [ma2tuan2], n., fried dumpling of glutinous rice, covered with sesame seeds (also wr. 糰). 
21.子 [ma2zi0], n., (1)  pockmarks; (2)  pock-marked person; (3)  hemp seed; 子油 hemp seed oil. 
22.醉 [ma2zui4], v.i. & t., (1)  anestheticize (d), narcotized (d), doped; (2)  become crazy, hypnotized (by women, pleasures); drunk with (Western civilization, etc.): 醉自己 hypnotize oneself, give oneself over to (pleasures); v.i. & t., 醉劑 [ma2zui4ji4], n., drug, opiate, narcotic. 
23.藥 [ma2yao4], n., anesthetic. 
24.衣 [ma2yi1], n., hemp mourning garment. 
25.蠅 [ma2ying2], n., a kind of common housefly, Sarcophaga carinaria
26.油 [ma2you2], n., sesame oil (=芝油).