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ㄔㄚ [cha1. [Var. ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To insert, stick in: 進去 stick in (flower in vase, pole in ground, etc.);
翅 (or 翼) stick on wings (which cannot help escape);
話,一句話 to interrupt, to insert a remark;
[cha1tu2]↓: 圖弄計set up a trap;
標 esp. 草標 put a tag of straw showing s.t. is for sale;
天 (high peaks) seem to stick into the sky;
柳成蔭 do s.t. which brings results without effort and easily;
科打諢 (Chin. opera) insert dialogue for comic relief.
Words1.板 [cha1ban3], n., formerly, plank to double-secure city gate; door bar; 板兒 (coll.) close up business (“board up”shop). 
2.班 [cha1ban1], v.i., to put new student in grade according to his ability. 
3.釵 [cha1chai1], v.i., to formalize marriage engagement, see [cha1ding4]↓. 
4.曲 [cha1qU3], n., (mus.) an interlude, intermezzo, episode. 
5.戴 [cha1dai4], v.i., (1)  see[cha1ding4]↓; (2)  n., what one wears (hat, girdle, hair decorations, etc.). 
6.單 [cha1dan1], v.i., (of monk) take up abode in monastery. 
7.定 [cha1ding4], v.i., to formalize marriage engagement of girl. 
8.關兒 [cha1gua1er0], n., door bar. 
9.花 [cha1hua1], v.i., (1)  to insert flower (on hair, in vase); (2)  arrange flowers in vase, (Japanese) ikebana; (3)  to pay land tax in a county other than the one where it is due. 
10.話 [cha1hua4]1, v.i., to interrupt in speech. 
11.晝 [cha1hua4]2, n., an illustration in book. 
12.腳 [cha1jiao3], n., a foothold, a place to rest one's foot. 
13.架 [cha1jia4], n., a bamboo book shelf, wall shelf. 
14.枝 [cha1zhi1], v.i., to plant (willows, etc.) by sticking branch in soil. 
15.句 [cha1jU4], n., an inserted remark, insertion. 
16.口 [cha1kou3], v.i., to put in a word, to interrupt speech, also [cha1zui3]↓. 
17.屏(兒) [cha1ping2]([er0]), n., a standing screen (with marble, or painting); a partition or wall frame for painting. 
18.入 [cha1ru4], v.i., to insert; to add remark. 
19.身 [cha1shen1], v.i., to gain a place (in group). 
20.消 [cha1xiao1], n., electric plug. 
21.手 [cha1shou3], v.i., to meddle lay hands on. 
22.頭 [cha1tou2], n., electric plug. 
23.圖 [cha1tu2], n., illustration in book. 
24.嘴 [cha1zui3], v.i., to put in a word, to interrupt speech, also [cha1kou3]↑. 
25.足 [cha1zu2], v.i., to gain a place (in group). 
26.秧 [cha1yang1], v.i., to transplant rice seedlings. 

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ㄔㄚ [cha1. [Pop. of 10A.21]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect