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ㄒㄧ [xi1 (sp. pr. ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2). [Pop. 攜,攜,攜]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect
V(1)  To carry by the hand, to bring: 款潛逃 abscond with funds;
to help a younger man;
眷同行 travel with one's family;
(2)  Join hands, see [xi1shou3]↓.
(3)  (AC) turn away from person in loyalty: [xi1er4]↓.
Words1.帶 [xi1dai4], v.t., to carry (s.t.) on body or on journey (luggage, etc.). 
2.貳 [xi1er4], v.i., (AC) to show disloyalty at heart. 
3.手 [xi1shou3], v.i., (1)  to join hands: 手同行 walk hand in hand; (2)  (of factions) join hands in cooperation. 

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ㄒㄧ [xi1 (sp. pr. ㄕㄜˊ [she2). [Var.of ; pop.of ]Homophone
A Chinese Talking Syllabary of the Cantonese Dialect