List of

  1. Monographs
  2. Articles/Presentations
  3. Translations
  4. Edited Works
  5. Minor Works
  6. Humanities Computing
  7. Records of Research Grants
  8. Theses Supervised/Supervising

Dr. Tze-wan Kwan



Philosophy Department

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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Last updated: 10-01-2025

A. Monographs   (in chronological order)

  1. Die hermeneutische Phänomenologie und das tautologische Denken Heideggers, [Hermeneutical Phenomenology and Tautological Thinking in Heidegger], doctoral dissertation, published as Volume 174 of the series: Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie, Pädagogik, (Bonn: Bouvier-Verlag, 1982), vi+217 pages. ISBN: 3-416-01673-4, ISSN: 0065-0366 (German)
    Note: Reviews of the above work known so far:
    1. Ingimar Ingimarsson, in: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, publiée par l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, November, 1982, pp. 703-704. (French)
    2. U. Hemel, in: Theologie und Philosophie, 59. Jahrgang, Freiburg i.Br., Herder, March 1984, p. 119. (German)
    3. Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler, in: Philosophy and History (German Studies), Vol. 17, No. 2, Tübingen, 1984, pp. 127-128. (English)
    4. A. Lichtigfeld, in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, published by Katholiecke Universiteit Leuven, Vol. 48, No. 1 (1986), p. 162. (English)
    5. Van Doan Tran, in: The Asian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1987, p. 157. (English)
    Reprint: Now available in digitized form in Google Book Search: URL:
    Die hermeneutische Phänomenologie und das tautologische Denken Heideggers, By Tze-wan Kwan [Ziyin Guan]. Published by Bouvier, 1982. Original from the University of Michigan. Digitized Jul 6, 2006. ISBN 3416016734, 9783416016735. 217 pages.

  2. 《從哲學的觀點看》 [From a Philosophical Point of View]. Book included in the 滄海叢刊 book series (Taipei: Sanmin Publishing Company, 1994), 15+340 pages. (Chinese)
    Note: Review of the above work:
    1. 江日新:〈開啟"語言的語音"原理之門-評《從哲學的觀點看》〉台北:中央日報,1995.3.21.
    2. 英冠球:〈哲學與歷史之間--評《從哲學的觀點看》〉,香港人文哲學會網頁:
    Reprint: Now available in digitized form in Google Book Search: URL:

  3. 《系統視野與宇宙人生》。陳天機、許倬雲、關子尹主編。(香港:商務印書館,1999)。 [System Perspectives on Universe and Life], Co-edited by Chen Tien Chi, Hsu Cho-yun and Kwan Tze-wan, (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 1999). (Chinese, co-editor and author of 6 Chapters)
    Reprint:《系統視野與宇宙人生》增訂版。(香港:商務印書館,2002)。 Revised and Enlarged edition. Co-edited by Chen Tien Chi, Hsu Cho-yun and Kwan Tze-wan, (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2002).
    Reprint:《系統視野與宇宙人生》。(桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2004.5)。 (Gueilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2004.5).

  4. 《教我心醉──教我心碎》,限量初版。台北:誠品出版,2006.7.26. (Taipei: Eslite Books, 2006.7.26); iv+165 pages. (Chinese)
    New Edition:《教我心醉-教我心碎》[Intoxicating Melancholy: Essays in Memory of a Dear Son],增訂二版。 台北:漫遊者,2007.6.5 (Taipei: Azoth Books, 2007.6.5); ISBN: 978-986-6858-04-8; 8+xii+196 (216) pages. (Chinese)

  5. 《語默無常──尋找定向中的哲學反思》[Articulation-cum-Silence: In Search of a Philosophy of Orientation].香港:牛津大學出版社,2008(Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2008); ISBN: 978-0-19-549655-0; xix+403 (422) pages.(Chinese)
    Note: Reviews of the above work known so far:
    1. 默 泉,《香港經濟日報》,2008年2月4日,C5 版
    2. 鄧正健,《頭條日報》/《頭條網》, 2008年3月3日,〈語默之間的哲學〉
    3. 梁文道,《蘋果日報》/《壹蘋果網絡》,2008年3月16日及3月23日,〈讓哲學動起來〉、〈哲學的微笑〉。
    4. 趙敬邦, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (2010) 9: pp. 363-365. (Chiu King-Pong)
    New Edition:《語默無常──尋找定向中的哲學反思》[Articulation-cum-Silence: In Search of a Philosophy of Orientation],新訂增補重校二版。 北京:北京大學出版社,2009.12 (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2009.12); ISBN: 978-7-301-16038-1; 6+14+409 (429) pages. (Chinese)

  6. 《徘徊於天人之際——海德格的哲學思路》(The Way betwixt Being and Man: On Heidegger's Philosophical Detours) ,(臺北市:聯經出版社,2021年7月初版一刷,9月二刷 ),ISBN: 978-957-08-5829-7。

  7. 《我心歸隱處》[Thither My Heart Recluses],(臺北:漫遊者出版社,2022.04)。網購連結

  8. 《語文蹊徑—哲學及跨文化視角下的漢語和漢字》,(新竹:清華大學出版社,年內出版 )。

    (For edited monographs, goto Section D: Edited Works)

B. Articles, Book Chapters, & Presentations   (in reverse chronological order)

  1. Tze-wan Kwan, "Die Bildung abstrakter Begriffe in archaischen chinesischen Schriften: Humboldt’sche Perspektiven", (trans.) Steffen Rimner, Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, de Gruyter, 2025, Issue 8, forthcoming.

  2. 〈他道論(Heterology)與自道論(Heautology)——近當代歐陸哲學的兩個邊際思維模式〉, 「現象學與意識研究」學術研討會 ("Phenomenology and the Studies of Consciousness” Conference), 香港中文大學哲學系鄭承隆亞洲現象學中心主辦,香港,2025年1月10-11日。

  3. "God as 'Problema': And the 'Applied Ethics' Hidden in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason", Bonner Humboldt-Forschungspreis-Forum: „Globale Perspektiven auf Kant“, sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Bonn, 10.-13. September 2024.

  4. 「萊布尼茲與『漢字之鑰』──兼論『漢語多功能字庫』的製作」,──香港中文大學MA 課程成立20週年演講系列,香港公共圖書館,2024年6月29日。

  5. 「萊布尼茲──哲學家、文藝復興人,與世界公民」,香港中文大學大學通識教育部 、專業進修學院與第二書店合辦全城讀書會䢟請演講,2023年4月24日。

  6. "Lexcial Field Theory and the Translation of Philosophical Works into Chinese", Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 50 (2023) pp. 263–282.

  7. "Alfred Delps Schrift Tragische Existenz und ihre Kritik an Martin Heidegger", (trans.) Moritz Kuhlmann SJ, Alfred-Delp-Jahrbuch, Band 13 (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2023), pp. 81-102.

  8. 〈哲學與宗教的分際與共濟〉,《思想》,45期,臺北,2022.06,pp. 123-146。

  9. 〈關子尹:退居方錄遺懷詞《我心歸隱處》筆談〉,《明報‧星期日文學》,2022.5.22

  10. 〈萊布尼茲:哲學家、文藝復興人,與世界公民〉,翁曉玲編,《萊布尼茲與牛頓》清華大學通識教育中心特刊,2022.06,pp. 88-129。

  11. 〈就拙著《徘徊於天人之際.海德格的哲學思路》敬答五位學友〉,《鵝湖月刊》,第47卷第8期總第560號 (RH3141),臺北市,2022年,pp. 52-64。

  12. 〈希臘悲劇與哀樂人生〉,《厚積薄發:通識沙龍文集》,香港中文大學通識教育中心通識沙龍系列,2022.08, pp. 185ff 。

  13. 「論漢語漢字中『存在』意緒的『四重根』」,中央研究院文哲研究所作演講。2021.11.1

  14. 「尼釆與希臘悲劇的抒情藝術」,國立台灣大學中國文學系作公開演講,2021.12.08

  15. 『從身體與世界的互動論漢字結構──梅洛龐蒂與胡塞爾現象學對漢字研究的啟示』,《政大中文學報》,第33期,2020年6月,頁5-48。 (Chinese)

  16. 關子尹著,梁家榮譯:〈尼采與悲刻時代──神義論、宇宙義論?還是人義論?〉孫周興、趙千帆主編:《尼采與啟蒙:在中國與在德國》,(北京:商務印書館,2020.9),頁3-38。

  17. "Subjekt und Person: Zwei Selbst-Bilder des modernen Menschen in kulturübergreifender Perspektive", Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, de Gruyter, 2019, Issue 4, pp. 347-378. (German)

  18. 『從身體與世界的互動論漢字結構──梅洛龐蒂與胡塞爾現象學對漢字研究的啟示』,國立政治大學華人主體性研究中心邀請,「身體與語言:梅洛龐蒂與漢字哲學工作坊」演講,2019 年 11 月 26 日。

  19. 『梅露龐蒂對漢字研究的啟示-兼論胡塞爾的純粹意義邏輯』,國立清華大學哲學研究所及人文社會學院學士班聯合邀請演講,2018年11月23日。

  20. 『略論哲學語言及其「操作空間」』,中央研究院文哲研究所概念史研究群演講,2018年11月19日。

  21. "Philosophia in Sensu Cosmico: Kant’s Notion of Philosophy with Resonance from Chinese Antiquity", Kant on Intuition: Western and Asian Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism, (ed.) Stephen R. Palmquist (London: Routledge, 2018), 219-237. (English)

  22. 『尼采與悲劇時代-神義論?宇宙義論?還是人義論?』,孫周興編,《尼采與啟蒙- 中國與德國》,(北京:商務印書館,2018),即將出版。 (Chinese)

  23. "On the Fourfold Root of the Notion of 'Being' in Chinese Language and Script", Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 44(3-4), 2017/2018, pp. 212-229. (English)

  24. 『希臘悲劇與哀樂人生』,香港中文大學通識沙龍系列。19 April 2018.

  25. 『略論哲學語言及其「操作空間」』,勞思光晚期哲學工作坊,華梵大學主辦,2018年1月27日。

  26. 『梅露龐蒂對漢字研究的啟示』,勞思光晚期哲學工作坊,華梵大學主辦,中央研究院文哲所協辦,2018年1月26日。

  27. "Bodily Dasein and Chinese Script Components", Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, 2 (2017), Berlin, de Gruyter, pp. 198-207.

  28. 關子尹著,劉保禧、婁振業、楊德立中譯,『海德格爾的「生命圖式程序」學說及其康德遺風』王慶節、張任之編,《海德格爾-翻譯、解釋與理解》,(北京:三聯,2017.6),pp. 69-115。(Chinese)

  29. “Philosophia in sensu cosmico: Kant’s Notion of Philosophy with Resonance from Chinese Antiquity”, presneted at the international conference " “Practical Philosophy-East and West”, Aarhus University, Dänemark, 2-4 November 2017.

  30. 『略論哲學語言及其「操作空間」』(Some Thoughts on Philosophical Language and its 'Operative Space'),文化理性之批判與哲學理性之辯護-勞思光教授九十冥壽學術會議,主題演講之一,香港中文大學哲學系主辦,東吳大學哲學系及華梵大學哲學系協辦,2017年5月24-26日。(Chinese)

  31. "Die vierfache Wurzel des Gedankens von 'sein' in der chinesischen Sprache und Schrift", presented as invited lecture at the colloquium "Sprachen des Denkens - Denken in Sprachen", organised by Tilman Borsche, now printed in Geschichte - Gesellschaft - Geltung, XXIII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie e. V., held 28 September - 2 October, at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Kolloquiumsbeiträge, (ed.) Michael Quante, unter Mitarbeit von Nadine Mooren und Tanja Uekötter (Hamburg: Felix Meiner-Verlag, 2016), pp. 297-314. (German)

  32. "Philosophia in sensu cosmico: Kant’s notion of philosophy with resonance from Chinese antiquity", one of three keynote speeches of the Second Kant-in-Asia Congress, held from 17-20 December, 2016, at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. Pending Publication. (English)

  33. 『哲學的公共性』,《思想》(Reflexion), 第32期, 2016, 頁1-20。 (Chinese)

  34. 『哲學的公共性』(Philosophy and Its Publicness),香港中文大學博群計劃「思托邦」沙龍系列第一講, 30 September 2016. (Chinese)

  35. "Bodily Dasein and Chinese Script Components", paper presented at the Workshop: "Understanding, Knowledge & Truth“, jointly organized by Center for Chinese Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy, Renmin University of China and University of Bonn, Germany, 16-17 July 2016, in Beijing, China. (English)

  36. 『十年磨一劍』(A Sword that Takes a Decade to Forge) 「關子尹教授榮休學術會議及演講」(Conference and Lecture in Commemoration of the Retirement of Professor Tze-wan Kwan) ,香港中文大學哲學系主辦 organized by the Department of Philosophy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 10-11 June 2016, 香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓 Esther Lee Building, LT1, Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  37. "Die vierfache Wurzel des Gedankens von 'sein' in der chinesischen Sprache und Schrift", presented as invited lecture at the colloquium of Philosophisches Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, on 13 May 2016, in Berlin, Germany. (German)

  38. "Bodily Dasein and the Chinese Script", paper presented at the International Congress: "Embodiment. Phenomenology East/West", organized by the Free University of Berlin with the support of Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 4-7 May 2016, in Berlin, Germany (pending publication). (English)

  39. 『哲學教室中圖像的運用』(The Use of Graphic Media in the Philosophy Classroom), A private talk to a group of alumni of Queen's College, Hong Kong, on 22 January 2016. (Chinese)

  40. "Lexical Field Theory and the Translation of Philosophical Works into Chinese", invited lecture presented at the workshop "Concepts in Transition", organized by the research focus group "Asien und Europa: Begriffe und Taxonomien" of the University of Zurich, in September 2015, in Zurich, Switzerland. (English)

  41. 『漢字六書學說的現象學詮釋』,《漢學研究》33卷2期 (2015),頁49-102。

  42. "On the Fourfold Root of the Notion 'Being' in Chinese Language and Script", paper presented at the conference "Modes of Reasoning - East and West", organized by the University of Bonn under the auspices of the Germany-Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, 10-12 July 2015, in Bonn, Germany, being reviewed for publication in an international journal. (English)

  43. "Meaning Surpluses as a Significant Criterion for Differentiation between various 'Ways' of Chinese Script Formation", invited lecture presented at the project workshop "Signs of Writing: The Cultural, Social, and Linguistic Contexts of the World's First Writing Systems", co-organized by the Oriental Institute and East Asian Languages and Civilizations of the University of Chicago, and co-sponsored by Fudan University, 25-27 June 2015 at the University of Chicago Center at Peking University, Beijing, and 29-30 June 2015 at Fudan University, China. (English)

  44. "Husserl's Concept of 'Categorial Intuition' and its Relevance in Chinese Script Formation (フッサールの<範疇の直観>の概念と漢字の成り立ちをめぐるその意義)", Invited lecture presented in the colloquium "The Encounter of Western culture and Kanji(Chineses letters)-culture (西洋. 東アジアと漢字文化の出会い)”, co-organized by the Research Centre of Intercultural Phenomenology (間文化現象学センター) and the Shirakawa Shizuka Institute of East Asian Characters and Culture (白川靜記念東洋文字文化研究所), on 9 March 2015, at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. (English, simultaneaus interpretation in Japanese)

  45. "Die vierfache Wurzel des Gedankens von 'sein' in der chinesischen Sprache und Schrift", presented as invited lecture at the colloquium "Sprachen des Denkens - Denken in Sprachen", XXIII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 28 September - 2 October, 2014 in Münster, Germany. (German)

  46. 『語文作育、大學教研與文化持續發展』,《中國語言資源動態》,總第32期 (2014,第3期)"2014海內外中國語言學者聯誼會"專輯-語言教育與社會進步,(北京:商務印書館,2014),頁5-7。

  47. 『語文作育、大學教研與文化持續發展』(Language Care, University Teaching/Research, and Cultural Sustainability),「語言教育與社會進步」:2014海內外中國語言學者聯誼會-第五屆學術論壇主題發言之一。中國社會科學院語言所、北京語言大學、中國語言學書院、商務印書館聯合主辦。2014年7月27日,北京商務印書館禮堂。 (Chinese)

  48. 『漢語多功能字庫:古文字繫形、形義通解、英漢索引、粵語審音配詞』香港優質教育基金資助計劃開放發佈會。[Multi-function Chinese Character Database: With Archaic Script Forms, Etymologies, English-Chinese Lookup, & Word-formations Phonologically Disambiguated According to the Cantonese Dialect] Official public release of a project supported by the Quality Education Fund of the Hong Kong Government, 5 July 2014. at CUHK. (Chinese)

  49. 『洪堡特思想為「漢宋之爭」所帶來的啟示』[What we can learn from Wilhelm von Humboldt—Some Reflections on the Controversy between the Han and Song Schools of Learning].鄭宗義、林月惠編:《全球與本土之間的哲學探索-劉述先先生八秩壽慶論文集》,(台北:學生書局,2014.6), pp. 767-777. (Chinese)

  50. "The Fourfold Root of the Notion of 'being' in Chinese Language and Script", presented at "Kairos and Topos: Phenomenology & the Celebration of Thinking", being 6th International Conference of P.E.A.CE (Phenomenology for East Asian CirclE), 20-24 May 2014, at CUHK. (English)

  51. "Nietzsche and the Tragic Age: Theodicy? Cosmodicy? Or Anthropodicy?" Third lecture as Uehiro Foundation Distinguished Speaker, Philosophy Department, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 7 March 2014. (English)

  52. "The Multifunction Chinese Character Database developed at the Chinese University of Hong Kong", Second lecture as Uehiro Foundation Distinguished Speaker, Philosophy Department, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 5 March 2014. (English)

  53. "Husserl's Concept of 'Categorial Intuition' and its Relevance in Chinese Script Formation", First lecture as Uehiro Foundation Distinguished Speaker, Philosophy Department, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 3 March 2014. (English)

  54. 關子尹著,劉保禧、謝昭銳、李康廷中譯:『黑格爾與海德格-兩種不同形態的同一性思維』[Hegelian and Heideggerian Tautologies]. 《同濟大學學報(社會科學版)》, Vol. 25, No. 1 (62), (上海:同濟大學出版社,2014.2), pp. 1-14. (Chinese)

  55. "Tvorba abstraktnih pojmov v arhaičnih kitajskih pisavah: nekaj Humboldtovskih perspektiv", Robert Simonič (trans.), Phainomena. Revija za Fenomenologijo in Hermenevtiko (Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics), Issue: Prizma, XXII/86-87, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November, 2013, pp. 5-60. (Slovene)

  56. "Husserls Begriff der 'kategorialen Anschauung' und dessen Relevanz für chinesische Schriftbildung", presented as an evening lecture for the conference "Phänomenologie und Metaphysikkritik", jointly organized by Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Universität Wien, and Universität Oldenburg, held 22-23 November 2013, at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. (English or German)

  57. "Husserl's Concept of 'Categorial Intuition' and its Relevance in Chinese Script Formation", paper presented on 19 November 2013 at Husserl Archief, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. (English)

  58. "Nietzsche and Theodicy? Some Repercussions from a Chinese Perspective", presented at the International Conference "Nietzsche und die Aufklärung – in Deutschland und China", held at the Freie Universiτät Berlin, 11-13 October 2013. (English)

  59. 『死亡的意義-論生死之間與幽明之際』,《思想》,第24期,台北,聯經出版社,2013年11月,pp. 1-24。 (Chinese)

  60. "Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Script Formation", presented at the "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit, 24-25 September 2010 at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Now in: Visualizing Knowledge in Signs: Encoding Meanings in Logographic and Logophonetic Writing Systems, Vol. 23, Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient (BBVO), (Berlin: Pe-We-Verlag, 2014), pp. 157-202. (English)

  61. 『洪堡特高等教育模式的當代反思』(Contemporary Reflections on the Humboldtian Model of Higher Education),《明報月刊》2013年10月號 (Ming-Pao Monthly, October 2013) pp. 36-42。 (Chinese)

  62. "Heidegger’s Schematism of Life and its Kantian Inheritance: A Critical Appraisal", for Otto Pöggeler on his eightieth birthday, The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. 12 (Issue 2012), published 29 August 2013, Acumen Publishing, pp. 38-68. (English)

  63. 『反啟蒙與哲學的胎記』,劉哲、吳天岳譯,收錄於《理性的命運-啟蒙的當代理解》,韓水法編,(北京:北京大學出版社,2013), pp. 301-318。 (Chinese)

  64. "Counter-Enlightenment and the Birthmark of Philosophy", in Hans Feger (ed.) The Fate of Reason: Contemporary Understanding of Enlightenment (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013), pp. 51-66. (English)

  65. 『黑格爾與海德格-兩種不同形態的同一性思維』[Hegelian and Heideggerian Tautologies]. 海德格爾論壇,上海同濟大學歐洲文化研究院及德國 DAAD 基金會同濟中心合辦。Paper presented at the Heidegger-Forum, organized by the Institute of German Philosophy & Culture, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, incollaboration with the Tongji Center of DAAD Germany, held 20-23 March 2013, in Shanghai. (Chinese)

  66. 『大學教育的理念與現實』(The Ideal and Reality of University Education),李歐梵、關子尹主講,香港中文大學五十週年校慶博文公開講座,2013年3月9日,香港中央圖書館 , CUHK 50th Anniversary Fair Public Lecture cohosted by Professors Leo Oufan Lee and Tze-wan Kwan in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, held on 9 March 2013, in the Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  67. 『海德格的「生命圖式程序」學說及其康德遺風』,「海德格哲學主要著作研究與翻譯工作坊〔王慶節教授GRF研究計劃〕」,香港中文大學哲學系、現象學與當代哲學資料中心合辦,新亞書院錢穆圖書館麗典室,2012年12月18-19日。 (Chinese)

  68. 『死亡的意義』,博群論壇,"The Meaning of Death", University Lecture on Civility series, 關子尹、梁文道主講,周保松主持。 2012年11月30日,黃昏,香港中文大學‧新亞書院圓形廣場。「我在中國」(Co-China) 網絡視頻直播、音頻直播、新浪微博文字直播。 (Chinese)
    1. Youtube footage 紀錄影片
      關子尹 X 梁文道:死亡的意義(一)
      關子尹 X 梁文道:死亡的意義(二)
    2. Newspaper feature 專文報導

  69. 『人生如戲,不知牽線是誰-希臘悲劇與人生命限』[Greek Tragedy and the Human Condition]. 台灣東海大學哲學系邀請演講,台中,東海大學文學院大樓茂榜廳,2012年11月20日。Invited lecture delivered at the Department of Philosophy, Tunghai University, 20 November 2012, Taichaung, Taiwan, ROC. (Chinese)

  70. 『洪堡特思想為「漢宋之爭」帶來的啟示』[What we can learn from Wilhelm von Humboldt—Some Reflections on the Controversy between the Han and Song Schools of Learning]. 台灣中文學會2012年度會員大會暨「洪堡與漢字思維」工作坊成果報告會‧嘉賓短講, Guest talk at the 2012 General Assembly cum Workshop on "Humboldt and Chinese Thinking" of the Taiwan Association for Chinese Studies, held 19 December, 2012, at Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (Chinese)

  71. 『漢字六書學說的現象學詮釋』(Phenomenological Interpretation of the 'Six Ways' of Chinese Character Formation),國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院邀請演講,2012年11月16日。Invited lecture of the , organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, 16 November 2012, in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. (Chinese)

  72. 『甚麼是哲學問題?』 [Questions versus Problems in Philosophy], an invited lecture presented on 21 May 2012 at the Institute for Philosophy, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan. 國立中央大學哲學研究所邀請演講,2012年05月21日。(Chinese)

  73. 『毋自欺也-論心念忠誠』(On Intellectual Honesty),第15屆儒佛會通暨文化哲學 「勞思光思想與當代哲學文化」國際學術研討會,台北,華梵大學,2012年05月19-20日。(Chinese)

  74. 『漢字六書學說的現象學詮釋』(Phenomenological Interpretation of the 'Six Ways' of Chinese Character Formation),哲學家講壇-中國人民大學哲學院邀請演講,2011年12月20日,北京中國人民大學周濂教授主持、北京首都師範大學陳嘉映教授講評。Invited lecture of the "Philosopher's Forum", organized by the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, 20 December 2011 at the Renmin University of China, Beijing. (Chinese)

  75. 『洪堡特高等教育模式的再反思與再出發』(The Humboldtian Model of Higher Education: Reflections and Reiterations),第七屆兩岸三地四校南北哲學論壇學術研討會-「教化及其限度」, 由北京大學、復旦大學、國立政治大學、香港中文大學四校哲學院/系聯合舉辦,2011年12月17-18日假北京大學舉行。Presented at the "Seventh North-South Philosophy Forum" on the theme "Education and Its Limits", 17-18 December 2011 at the Peking University, co-organized by the philosophy faculties/departments of Peking University, Fudan University, National Cheng Chi University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  76. 『浮生若寄誰非夢-希臘悲劇與人生命限』[Greek Tragedy and the Human Condition]. 香港中文大學哲學系、香港公立圖書館、香港哲學會2011年哲學講座系列,2011年12月2日,香港中央圖書館。Last of a series of public lectures delivered by the Department of Philosophy, CUHK, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Public Libraries, and the HK Philosophy Society, held on 2 December 2011, at the Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  77. "Bildung abstrakter Begriffe in archaischen chinesischen Schriften: Humboldt'sche Perspektiven", invited lecture presented at Institut für Philosophie, Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, on 19 October 2011, in Hildesheim, Germany. (German)

  78. "Die Übermächtigung durch das Englische als globale Herausforderung und die zeitgenössische Bedeutung von Leibniz' Begriff der Sprachpflege", invited lecture presented at the Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, on 18 October 2011, in Berlin, Germany. (German)

  79. "Abstract Concept Formation in Archaic Chinese Script Forms: Some Humboldtian Perspectives", Philosophy East & West, Vol. 61, no. 3 (July 2011), pp. 409-452. (English)
    Note: This paper has been presented on various occasions including a) invited lecture by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, CUHK, on 15 May 2008; b) International Symposium on "Creating Meaning for Letters and Sounds: Making sense of the World through Language", organized by Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University, Korea, on 23 May 2008. c) International Conference on "Han and Pre-Han Traditional Chinese Texts" (古道照顏色──先秦兩漢古籍國際學術研討會), organized by Department of Chinese Language & Literature, CUHK, on 17 January 2009; and d) presented in German with the title "Kognitive Analyse altchinesischer Schriftkomponenten", in the guest lecture series organized by "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit", Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, on 12 November 2009, in Berlin, Germany.

  80. 『母語教學-關子尹答劉保禧』[Native Language Education: A Reply to Questions Raised], 甘文鋒編:《思人對話-教育篇》(香港:圓桌精英,2011)/ Kam Man-fung (ed.), Education [Cross-generation Discourses] (Hong Kong: Roundtable Synergy Books, 2011), pp. 114-129. (Chinese)

  81. "Archaic Chinese Script Components: From Concrete to Abstract", opening lecture of the Philosophy Club Annual Conference co-organized by the Seattle University Philosophy Club and the Department of Philosophy, 19 May 2011, Bannan Auditorium, Seattle University, USA (English).

  82. "Language Care: A Glocal Response to the Overdominance of English in Global Education", Invited lecture, Pigott McCone chair of Humanities and the Seattle University Office of Multicultural Studies, Seattle, 18 May 2011 (English).

  83. 『徘徊於天人之際-海德格思想的根本議題』,第六屆兩岸三地四校南北哲學論壇學術研討會-「自然與人性」, 由北京大學、復旦大學、國立政治大學、香港中文大學四校哲學院/系聯合舉辦,2010年12月20-21日假香港中文大學舉行。Presented at the "Sixth North-South Philosophy Forum" on the theme "Nature and Humanity", held 20-21 December 2010 at the CUHK, co-organized by the philosophy departments of Peking University, Fudan University, National Cheng Chi University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  84. "Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Script Formation", presented at the Fourth International Conference of Phenomenology for East Asian CirclE (PEACE-4), 9-13 December, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (English)

  85. "Universalität und Partikularität in einer kulturübergreifenden Hermeneutik", paper presented at the Workshop zur Transkulturalität der Philosophie in Ostasien, 8 December 2010, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (German)

  86. "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns", Identity and Alterity. Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, Series: Orbis Phaenomenologicus 14, (eds.) K.Y. Lau, C.F. Cheung, and T.W. Kwan (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010), pp. 259-280. (English)

  87. 『漢語古文字中的人體形態』(The Human Body in Archaic Chinese Scripts),香港中文大學崇基學院「語文講座」邀請演講 (An invited lecture of the Chung Chi College Language Forum, CUHK), presented on 2010.11.10 in the Chung Chi College Staff Club. (Chinese)

  88. "Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Script Formation", presented at the International Workshop “Visualizing Knowledge in Signs: Encoding meanings in Logographic and Logophonetic Writing Systems” organized by the "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit (Notational Iconicity)", 24-25 September 2010 at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. (English)

  89. "Phenomenological Distinctions and the Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths", presented at the Deutsch-Chinesische Konferenz über Philosophie und Religion, organized by Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, 19-22 July 2010, Berlin, Germany. (English/German)

  90. 『虛己以遊世──早期希臘哲學的非自然哲學解讀』 [Man’s Place in Nature: A Non-Physicalistic Reading of Early Greek Philosophy], 《中山大學學報》社會科學版,廣州,2010-4期(總第226期),pp. 124-150。 Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University, Social Science Edition, Guangzhou, 2010, issue 4, pp. 124-150. (Chinese)

  91. 『西方哲學傳統中的個體化原則』[Principle of Individuation in the Western Philosophical Tradition]. Invited lecture on 26 May 2010 at Institute of Philosophy, National Chengchi University (國立政治大學哲學研究所), Taipei, Taiwan. (Chinese)

  92. 『六書學說的現象學詮釋』[Phenomenological Interpretation of the ‘Six Ways’ of Chinese Character Formation]. Invited keynote lecture of the "Workshop on the Philosophical Reflections on Chinese Language and Script" (漢語哲學工作坊-從文字與圖像的觀點來論述). Held 22 May 2010 at the National Chengchi University (國立政治大學), Taipei, Taiwan. (Chinese)

  93. 『虛己以遊世──早期希臘哲學的非自然哲學解讀』 [Man’s Place in Nature: A Non-Physicalistic Reading of Early Greek Philosophy], invited lecture presented on 9 April 2010 in Sun Yat-Sen University (中山大學), Zhuhai campus, China; the same lecture repeated on 24 May 2010 at Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat-Sen University (國立中山大學), Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Chinese)

  94. 『意向性理論與六書學說』[Intentionality and the 'Six Ways' of Chinese Character Formation]. Paper presented at the conference「從邏輯到歷史──胡塞爾誕生一百五十週年學術會議」, jointly organized by the Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology and the Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, CUHK, held 17-19 December 2009 in Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  95. "Kognitive Analyse altchinesischer Schriftkomponenten", invited lecture presented at the guest lecture series organized by "DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1458 - Schriftbildlichkeit", Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, on 12 November 2009, in Berlin, Germany. (German)

  96. "Heideggers Schematismus des Lebens und dessen Kantisches Erbe: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme", invited lecture presented at the Colloquium Phaenomenologicum, Husserl-Archiv, Institut für Philosophie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, on 28 October 2009, in Freiburg i.Br., Germany. (German)

  97. "Subjekt und Person: Zwei Selbst-Bilder des modernen Menschen in kulturübergreifender Perspektive", invited lecture presented at the Institut für Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, on 27 October 2009, in Munich, Germany. (German)

  98. 『論哲學的「洗鍊」問題』, 輯錄於《哲學覺解》,張丰乾編,(廣州:中山大學出版社,2009.10),頁151-154。 (Chinese)

  99. 『西方哲學東漸下有關語言的議題』 [Language related Issues amidst the Influx of Western Philosophy into China], selected and abridged for inclusion in the Chinese Social Science Digest 《中國社會科學文摘》,Vol. 9, issue 9 (總 69 期), 2009.09.01, pp. 53-55, abridged by Han Hueiying (韓慧英) and published by the Social Sciences in China Press (中國社會科學雜誌社) under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (中國社會科學院). This paper was previously published in 《中山大學學報》社會科學版 (Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University, Social Science Edition),廣州(2009.5.15)第3期,頁118-127。 (Chinese)

  100. 『虛己以遊世──早期希臘哲學的非自然哲學解讀』[Man's Place in Nature: A Non-Physicalistic Reading of Early Greek Philosophy], 「哲學──東西之際:華人青年學者會議」主題演講。Opening inaugural lecture presented at "Philosophy Betwixt East & West: International Conference for Young Scholars in Greater China", held 25-27 May 2009, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  101. "Unamuno as 'Pathological' Phenomenologist: Tragic Sense and Beyond", paper presented at the Fourth World Phenomenology Congress, held 17-20 August 2008, at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Published in Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century, Series: Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 103 (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2009.8), pp. 229-250. (English)

  102. 『德爾佩 (Alfred Delp SJ) 的《悲劇性存活》及其對海德格的批判──德氏百歲冥誕紀念』[Alfred Delp SJ's Tragic Existence & His Heidegger Critique--In Commemoration of Delp's 100th Birthday]. 《啟示與理性》,第四輯《哲學與政治的共契》,海南大學社會科學中心倫理思想研究所編,(上海:上海人民出版社,2009.7), pp. 240-255. (Chinese)

  103. 『從康德《學院的爭議》談哲學教育』 [Kant's Conflict of the Faculties and Philosophy Education]. 《修遠之路:香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集.同寅卷》, Ponder over Yonder: Essays in Commemoration of the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Department of Philosophy at the CUHK, Faculties' Contributions (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2009.5), pp. 33-46. (Chinese)

  104. 『西方哲學東漸下有關語言的一些重要議題』 [Language related Issues amidst the Influx of Western Philosophy into China],《中山大學學報》社會科學版,廣州(2009年5月)第3期,頁118-127。 Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University, Social Science Edition, Guangzhou, (2009.5.15) pp. 118-127. (Chinese)

  105. 『甚麼是哲學問題?』 [Questions versus Problems in Philosophy]. 香港中文大學哲學系創系六十週年誌慶公開講座系列首講,2009年3月15日,香港中央圖書館。First of a series of public lectures delivered by the Department of Philosophy, CUHK, in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the foundation of the Department, organized by the Department of philosophy, CUHK, and the Hong Kong Public Libraries, held on 15 March 2009, at the Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  106. "Abstract Concept Formation in Archaic Chinese Script Forms: Some Humboldtian Perspectives", presented at the International Conference on "Han and Pre-Han Traditional Chinese Texts" (古道照顏色──先秦兩漢古籍國際學術研討會), organized by Department of Chinese Language & Literature, CUHK, on 17 January 2009. (Chinese/English)

  107. 『從語詞場域理論看哲學經典的漢語翻譯問題』 [Lexical Field Theory and the Chinese Translation of Philosophical Classics]. Paper presented at the "Workshop on Problems in Chinese Translation in Phenomenology (現象學漢語翻譯問題工作坊)", organized by Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Professional Committee for Phenomenology in China, held 13-15 December 2006, in Hong Kong. Published in: 《現象學與當代哲學》第二期 (Journal of Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy), Vol. 2, Taipei, 2008.12, pp. 131-168.(Chinese)

  108. "Heidegger’s Schematism of Life and its Kantian Inheritance: A Critical Appraisal", presented as third keynote speech at the "OPO-III World Conference on Phenomenology: Nature, Culture & Existence", jointly organized by Department of Philosophy, CUHK, Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology, CUHK, The Organization of Phenomenological Organizations (OPO), The Centre for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, USA, and Hong Kong Society of Phenomenology, held 15-20 December 2008 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. (English)

  109. "Counter-Enlightenment and the Birthmark of Philosophy" (反啟蒙與哲學的胎記), paper presented at the International Conference: The Fate of Reason: Contemporary Understanding of Enlightenment, co-organized by Department of Philosophy, Peking University, and Institute of Foreign Philosophy, Peking University, and sponsored by Goethe-Institut Beijing and Centre for German Studies, Beijing, held 9-11 October 2008 in Wo Fo Villa, Beijing, China. (English)

  110. "Heidegger’s Schematism of Life and its Kantian Inheritance", paper presented on 27 September 2008 at the Bilateral Symposium: Temporality and Human Existence, jointly organized by the Archive for Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, and Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, in conjunction with the RGC funded "Germany-HK Joint Research Scheme" (RGC: G_HK008/06). (English)

  111. "Kant's Possible Contribution to Natural Law Debates", in Responsibility and Commitment: Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker, (ed.) Tze-wan Kwan (Waldkirch: Edition-Gorz, 2008.7), pp. 197-224. (English)

  112. 『語文作育與語文保育──《語文求真》序』,《語文求真》,康寶文、萬波、張詠梅主編(香港:三聯書店,2008.5),pp. vii-x. (Chinese)

  113. "The Implicit Role of Pronouns in Philosophy", BK21 (Brain Korea) Distinguished Lecture Series, invited lecture by the BK21 Group for Philosophical Education and Research, Seoul National University, Korea, on 22 May 2008. (English)

  114. "Wilhelm von Humboldt als deutscher Idealist: Ein philosophiegeschichtliches Plädoyer", Die Realität der Idealisten, (ed.) Hans Feger and Hans Richard Brittnacher (Köln, Weimar, Wien: Bohlau-Verlag, 2008), pp. 95-112. (German)
    Review: by Temilo van Zantwijk, H-Soz-u-Kult, April 2008.

  115. 『漢語古文字中的動物』(Animals in Archaic Chinese Scripts),香港中文大學崇基學院「語文講座」邀請演講,2008.03.12. (Chinese)

  116. "The Overdominance of English in Global Education - Is an Alternative Scenario Thinkable", in Educations & Their Purposes: A Conversation Among Cultures, edited by Roger T. Ames and Peter D. Hershock (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press and East-West Philosophers Conference, 2008), pp. 54-71. (English)

  117. 『《易經》自主性思想──從《周易》看變化』,《中國文明與自主之道》,楊國榮、溫帶維編. 第2版 (香港:匯智出版有限公司, 2008.03.01),頁55-82。(Chinese)

  118. 『德爾佩 (Alfred Delp SJ) 的《悲劇性存活》及其對海德格的批判-德氏百歲冥誕紀念』[Alfred Delp SJ's Tragic Existence & His Heidegger Critique--In Commemoration of Delp's 100th Birthday]. Paper presented at the conference on "Phenomenology & Political Philosophy", Annual Phenomenology Conference in China, held 8-12 November 2007 in Hangzhou/Tiantaishan, China. (Chinese)

  119. 『從大克鼎和史牆盤中的「哲」字看哲學』[The Notion of Philosophy as revealed in the Character zhe in Archaic Bronze Inscriptions]. Paper presented at the conference 「哲學詮釋、文化批判與詩藝探索──勞思光教授八十大壽學術會議」[Philosophical Hermeneutics, Cultural Criticism and the Art of Poetry: Conference Dedicated to the Eightieth Birthday of Professor Lao Sze-Kwang], held 25-27 October 2007. (Chinese) .

  120. "Abstract Concept Formation: Idealistic Thoughts in Archaic Chinese Script Forms", paper presented on 15 September 2007 at the Bilateral Symposium: Idealism East and West, jointly organized by the Archive for Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, CUHK, and Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, in conjunction with the RGC funded "Germany-HK Joint Research Scheme" (RGC: G_HK008/06). (English)

  121. "An Interview with Professor Tze-wan Kwan" (by Darian Meacham, in December 2005, Leuven, Belgium) The Leuven Philosophy Newsletter, Vol. 15, 2006-2007 (Milwaukee, Marquette University Press, 2007), pp. 35-41. (English)

  122. 『現象學區分與佛家二諦學說』[Phenomenological Distinctions and the Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths],《現象學與人文科學》 (Phenomenology & the Human Sciences), Taipei, Vol. 3, 2007.07, pp. 187-221. (Chinese)

  123. "Subjekt und Person: Zwei Selbst-Bilder des modernen Menschen in kulturübergreifender Perspektive", lecture presented on 26 June 2007 at the Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, during a visit to FU Berlin in conjunction with the RGC funded "Germany-HK Joint Research Scheme" on the topic "A Cross-Cultural Study of the Concepts of Subject and Person", RGC: G_HK008/06. (German)

  124. "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns", paper presented at University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland on 17 October 2005, and repeated at Husserl Archief, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, on 26 October 2005. Now published in International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2, London: Routledge, June 2007, pp. 247-268. (English)

  125. 『存在類比與海德格《存在與時間》著作計劃的廢止──兼論《存在與時間》的理論佈局』[Analogy of Being and Heidegger's Abandonment of the Writing Plan of Being & Time: With Glimpses into the Theoretical Layout of the Book], presented at the 詮釋現象學及其蛻變:海德格《存在與時間》出版八十週年學術會議,Held 25-26 May 2007. Published in: 《現象學與當代哲學》創刊號 (Journal of Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy), Taipei, Vol. 1, 2007.12, pp. 21-76. (Chinese)

  126. "Intentionality and Religiosity. Religion from a Phenomenological Standpoint", in Husserl's Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives, (eds.) Kwok-ying Lau & John J. Drummond. Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 55 (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2007), pp. 83-103. (English) [Note: An Italian translation of this paper appeared already in 2002]

  127. 『寓抽象於具體──漢語古文字中的哲學工夫』 [From the Concrete to the Abstract: Philosophical Thoughts in Archaic Chinese Script Forms], an invited lecture presented on 20 April 2007 at the Institute for Philosophy, National Central University (國立中央大學哲學研究所), Chungli, Taiwan. Repeated on 11 May 2007 at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences, Nanjing University (南京大學人文社會科學高級研究院), Nanjing, China. (Chinese)

  128. "The Over-dominance of English in Global Education: The Contemporary Relevance of Leibniz's Notion of 'Language Care'", Phenomenology 2005 (Vol. 1): Selected Essays from Asia, (eds.) C.F. Cheung and C.C. Yu (Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2008), pp. 371-407. This article is a slightly enlarged version of the paper presented in Honolulu, but was included at the request of Professor Lester Embree, with the consent of Professor Roger Ames, convenor of the Ninth East-West Philosophers Conference. (English)

  129. "The Overdominance of English in Global Education - A Glocal Response", chapter in Wm. Theodore de Bary, Confucian Tradition and Global Education: Essays in Honor of Tang Junyi, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), pp. 75-99. This article is a slightly abridged version of the paper presented in Honolulu. The inclusion of this paper is the idea of Professor de Bary, with the consent of Professor Roger Ames, convenor of the Ninth East-West Philosophers' Conference. (English)

  130. 『從語詞場域理論看哲學經典的漢語翻譯問題』 [Lexical Field Theory and the Chinese Translation of Philosophical Classics]. Paper presented at the "Workshop on Problems in Chinese Translation in Phenomenology (現象學漢語翻譯問題工作坊)", organized by Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy Department, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Professional Committee for Phenomenology in China, held 13-15 December 2006, in Hong Kong. (Chinese)

  131. 『西方哲學東漸下有關語言的一些重要議題』 [Language related Issues amidst the Introduction of Western Philosophy into China], paper presented at the conference on "Introduction of Western Philosophy and Modernization of Chinese Society (西方哲學東漸會議)", organized by Chinese Society for Contemporary Foreign Philosophy, Chinese National Society for History of Foreign Philosophy, Archive for Introduction of Western Knowledge (西學東漸資料館) at Sun Yat-Sen University, Center for the New Studies of Chinese Culture, Shantou University, in commemoration of the founding of the archive at Sun Yat-Sen University, held from 1-2 December 2006 in Guangzhou (Canton) and from 3-5 December 2006 in Shantou (Swatow). (Chinese)

  132. "Phenomenological Distinctions and the Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths (satyadvaya)", paper presented at the Second International Conference of the "Phenomenology of East Asian CirclE (PEACE)" on the theme "What is Experience? -Perception, Science, and Life-World", held 22-25 September 2006, at the University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus, Tokyo, Japan. (English)

  133. "Perennial Tensions Inherent Within the Very Notion of Philosophy: A Historical-Phenomenological Reappraisal", paper presented at the international conference "Philia & Sophia: Ten Years of Phenomenology in Hong Kong", held May 22-23, 25-26, 2006, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Pending publication. (English)

  134. "The Role of the Historian of Philosophy: Some Phenomenological Reflections", paper presented at the international conference "Phenomenology & History of Philosophy", Inaugural Conference of the Archive for Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy, held January 23-24, 2006, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Pending publication. (English)

  135. "Hegelian and Heideggerian Tautologies". Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 88 (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), pp. 317-336. This paper was presented 1) first at the Third World Phenomenology Congress, organized by the World Phenomenology Institute. Held August 16-21, 2004, at Wadham College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. The same paper, with subsequent amendments was presented again 2) at the Conference on "Phenomenology & Ethos", held 15-18 October 2004, at Zhong Shan University, Canton, China; and 3) at National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland on 21 October 2005. (English)

  136. 『海德格的「同一性」思維與道家哲學』[Heidegger's 'Tautological Thinking' and Taoist Philosophy], 《現象學與人文科學》 (Phenomenology & the Human Sciences), Taipei, Vol. 2, 2005.12, pp. 211-259. (Chinese)

  137. "Wilhelm von Humboldt als deutscher Idealist: Ein philosophiegeschichtliches Plädoyer", paper presented at the International Schiller-Humboldt-Symposium on the theme: Die Realität der Idealisten: Wilhelm von Humboldt - Alexander von Humboldt - Friedrich Schiller, held 5-8 October, 2005, with the subsidy of the Thyssen-Stiftung at the Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (German)

  138. "The Over-dominance of English in Global Education - Is an Alternative Scenario Thinkable", paper presented at the "Ninth East-West Philosophers' Conference. Educations & Their Purposes: A Philosophical Dialogue Among Cultures", held May 29 - June 10, 2005, at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA. Pending inclusion in the proceedings of the conference to appear in University of Hawaii Press. (English)

  139. 『西方哲學史撰作的分期與標名問題』[Periodization and Nomenclature in the Historiography of Western Philosophy]. Paper presented at the Philosophy Department, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, December 18, 2003. Printed in 《現代哲學》(Xiandai Zhexue), No. 81, (No. 2, 2005) Guangzhou, Zhongshan University, 2005.04, pp. 69-90. (Chinese) This paper is now available in the following websites 本文現已於如下網址中被轉載:
    [*按:本文經增訂及重校,現收於《語默無常──尋找定向中的哲學反思》書中(香港:牛津大學出版社,2008), pp. 272-320.]

  140. 『卡西爾與人文科學的邏輯』(Cassirer and his Late Work Zur Logik der Kulturwissenschaften), 《文景》(Cultural Review),總第 9 期 (No. 9),上海,上海世紀出版集團,2005.04, pp. 58-62. (Chinese)

  141. "The Human Sciences and Historicality: Heidegger and the Self-Positioning of the Western Humanistic Tradition", Time, Space and Culture, edited by David Carr and C.F. Cheung, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004), pp. 31-55. (English)

  142. "Husserl's Concept of Horizon: An Attempt at Reappraisal", in Dermot Moran and Lester Embree (ed.) Phenomenology: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, Vol. 1, Phenomenology: Central Tendencies and Concepts. (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 304-338. (English, reprint)

  143. 『人文科學與歷史性--海德格與西方人文傳統的自我定位』(The Human Sciences and Historicality: Heidegger and the Self-Positioning of the Western Humanistic Tradition). Presented at the Seminar on Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Hong Kong, October 10, 1998. Now published in 《現象學與人文科學》 (Phenomenology & the Human Sciences), Taipei, Vol. 1, 2004.12, pp. 11-50. (Chinese)

  144. 『萊布尼茲與現代德語之滄桑 ── 兼論「語文作育」與民族語言命運問題』[Leibniz and the Development of Modern German: On Sprachpflege and the Fate of National Languages]. Paper presented at the Conference on "German Philosophy & Contemporary China", organized by the Department of Philosophy & Sociology, in collaboration with the Institute of German Philosophy & Culture, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Held June 10-13, 2004, in Shanghai. 《同濟大學學報》社會科學版,Vol. 16, No. 1 (53), (上海:同濟大學出版社﹐2005.2), pp. 1-11. (Chinese) 本文被收錄於同濟大學以下網址中: //另參見「知網空間」及「中國思想論壇」等。

  145. "Towards a Phenomenology of Pronouns". Paper presented at the International conference "Identity & Alterity: Phenomenology & Cultural Traditions", co-organized by Philosophy Department, CUHK and Research Centre for Phenomenology & the Human Sciences, RIH, CUHK; co-sponsored by Chung Chi College, CUHK, and Center for Advanced Research in Phenomonology, USA. Held May 24-25, 27-28, 2004, in Hong Kong. Proceedings volume pending publication in the series Orbis Phaenomenologicus, München, Karl Alber Verlag. (English)

  146. "Kant's Possible Contribution to Natural Law Debates". Paper presented at the Beijing International Symposium on Kant's Moral Philosophy in Contemporary Perspectives, organized by Institute of Foreign Philosophy and Department of Philosophy, Peking University, and Goethe-Institut Peking. Held May 17-19, 2004, in Beijing. Pending publication. (English)

  147. 『現象學區分與佛家二諦學說』[Phenomenological Distinctions and the Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths]. Paper presented at the Conference on Phenomenology & Buddhist Philosophy, organized by the Research Centre for Phenomenology & the Human Sciences, RIH, CUHK, in collaboration with Chilin Nunnery, Hong Kong. Held February 13-14, 2004, in Hong Kong. Pending publication. (Chinese)

  148. 『意向性與宗教感──從現象學的觀點看宗教問題』。 見《現象學在中國-胡塞爾《邏輯研究》發表一百周年國際會議》,《中國現象學與哲學評論 特輯》。(上海:上海譯文出版社,2003.9), pp. 29-60。另外刊於《在求真的道路上-賀沈宣仁教授七秩之慶》, 黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編。(香港:中華書局,2003), pp. 189-218。
  149. (Chinese)

  150. 『海德格的「同一性」思維與道家哲學』[Heidegger's 'Tautological Thinking' and Taoist Philosophy]. Paper presented at the Conference on Phenomenology & Taoism, organized by the Research Centre for Phenomenology & the Human Sciences, RIH, CUHK, co-sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, CUHK. Held March 14-15, 2003, in Hong Kong. Pending publication. (Chinese)

  151. 『希望概念的哲學反省』[Some Philosophical Reflections on the Concept of Hope]. Paper presented at the 勞思光思想與中國哲學的世界化問題學術研討會, Taipei, Huafan University/National Taiwan University, November 23-24, 2002. A more elaborated version of the paper was presented at the Philosophy Department, Peking University, 20th December, 2002. 《「勞思光思想與中國哲學世界化」學術研討會論文集》,台北:行政院文建會,2002,pp. 219-232.
    Reprint: 《當代傑出學人文史科技公開演講文集》(Hong Kong: HK Public Library Systems, 2004), pp. 133-152. (Chinese)

  152. "Subject and Person as two Self-images of Western Man: Some Cross-Cultural Perspectives", paper presented at the international conference "Issues Confronting the Post-European World", a conference dedicated to Jan Patocka (1907-1977) on the occasion of the foundation of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations (OPO). Held November 6-10, 2002, at the Center for Phenomenological Research Prague at the Charles University and the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Prague. Pending publication. Currently available at (English)

  153. "Unamuno as Phenomenologist: Tragic Sense and Beyond", paper first presented at the International Conference "Phenonemology and the Human Pathos", a conference on the occasion of the founding of the Research Centre for Phenomenology & the Human Sciences, RIH, CUHK. Held September 26-27, 2002, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (English)

  154. "Intentionalità e religiosità. Un punto di vista non confessionale sulla religione", translated from English into Italian by Elisabetta Barone. In: Filosofia e Teologia., Rivista Quadrimestrale, Anno XVI, Nr.2 - (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Agosto 2002), pp. 330-352. (Italian)

  155. "Religion and Intentionality", paper presented at the Conference "International Conference on Phenomenology: Phenomenology and Chinese Culture and The Centenary of Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations, October 13-16, 2001. Co-organized by Institute of Foreign Philosophy, Peking University and the Department of Philosophy, CUHK. (English)

  156. "Justice and Consensus", paper presented at the "International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Ethics and Global Ethic", October 11-13, 2001. Organized by Renmin (People's) University of China and sponsored by the World-Ethos Foundation (Germany). (English)

  157. 『康德與現象學傳統──有關主體性哲學的一點思考』 [Kant and Phenomenology: Some Reflections on the Philosophy of Subjectivity], presented in the Sixth Conference of the Society of Chinese Phenomenology, Beijing, October 16-19, 1999. Published in the series 《中國現象學與哲學評論》,第四輯, (上海:上海譯文出版社, 2001), pp. 141-184. (Chinese)

  158. 香港、大陸、台灣 - 跨地區、跨年代:現代漢語常用字頻率統計。 (Hong Kong, Mainland China & Taiwan: Chinese Character Frequency - A Trans-Regional, Diachronic Survey, 〔與何秀煌合作, in collaboration with Ho Hsiu-hwang〕. Published over the world wide web. URL:

  159. "Wilhelm von Humboldt on the Chinese Language - Interpretation and Reconstruction", in Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Vol 29, number 2, Berkeley, June 2001, pp. 169-242. (English)
    Reprint: Now also available in digitized form in Google Book Search: URL:

  160. 『宗教與意向性』[Religion and Intentionality]. Paper presented at the Conference "Religion, Philosophy & the Ideal of University Education: Conference in honour of Professor Philip Shen's Seventieth Birthday". June 13-14, 2001. (Chinese)

  161. "The Human Sciences and Historicality: Heidegger and the Self-Positioning of the Western Humanistic Tradition", presented November 21, 2000 in Hong Kong at the international Conference on Phenomenology: "Time, Space and Culture", (21-24 November, 2000). Organized by the Philosophy Department of CUHK and co-organized by Center for Advanced Research on Phenomenology, U.S.A. Pending publication. (English)

  162. "Wilhelm von Humboldts Verständnis der chinesischen Sprache", presented June 23, 1999 in Zurich as the last lecture of the Ringvorlesungen series jointly organized by the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and the University of Zurich. Manuscript revised and published in the Journal of Chinese Linguistics of UC Berkeley.

  163. 『風雨人生──散論生命的意義』 [Glimpses on the Meaning of Life]. In: System Perspectives on Universe and Life, op. cit., pp.477-485. (Chinese)

  164. 『從周易看變化』 [The I-Ching and the Principle of Change]. In: System Perspectives on Universe and Life, op. cit., pp.260-286. (Chinese)

  165. 『大腦左右功能的異同與離合』 [Cerebral Functions: Assymmetry or Integration?]. In: System Perspectives on Universe and Life, op. cit., pp.173-192. (Chinese)

  166. 『語言系統的結構、功能與成長』 [The Structure, Functions and Growth of Language]. In: System Perspective on Universe and Life, op. cit., pp.95-120. (Chinese)

  167. 『宇宙、世界和世界觀』 [Kosmos, World, and Weltanschauung]. In: System Perspectives on Universe and Life, op. cit., pp.46-52. (Chinese)

  168. 『“系統”問題的宏觀省察』 [Some General Remarks on System Thinking]. In: System Perspectives on Universe and Life, edited by Chen Tien Chi, Hsu Cho-yun and Kwan Tze-wan, (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 1999), pp.3-19. (Chinese)

  169. 『從語詞場域理論看海德格思想的翻譯問題』 [Semantic Field Theory and the Translation of Heideggerian Thinking]. Paper presented at the Conference on Phenomenology and Translation, Hangzhou (University of Zhejiang, China), May 14-16, 1998. Pending publication.

  170. 『說悲劇情懷 ── 從情感先驗性看哲學的悲劇性』 [On Tragic Sense: Emotional A Priori and the Tragic Nature of Philosophy]. Paper presented at the Conference in Commemoration of the Seventieth Birthday of Professor Lao Sze-kwang, Taipei, December 13-15, 1997. Now published in《無涯理境-勞思光先生的學問和思想》 (Infinite Horizons: Professor Lao Sze-kwang as Scholar and Thinker) (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2003), pp. 177-217. (Chinese)

  171. "The Doctrine of Categories and the Topology of Concern: Prolegomena to an Ontology of Culture", originally a guest lecture in the 1989 Mini-course lecture series, delivered at the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Thoroughly revised and published in Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 46, Logic of the Living Presence, An oriental-occidental confrontation in phenomenology. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ., 1995), pp. 243-302. This paper is one of the four articles that sum up to form the entire volume bearing the overall thematic title. [The other three contributions being by Yasuhiko Tomida (Japan), Tran Duc Thao (Vietnam), and Hwa Yol Jung (Korea)] (English)

  172. 『從洪堡特語言哲學看漢語和漢字的意義建構』 [Meaning Constitution in the Chinese Language: A Humboldtian Perspective]. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Comparative Philosophy, June 9-12, 1993, Taipei, Taiwan. Proceedings published by the University of Chinese Culture, Taipei. A revised version of this paper has been absorbed in the book From a Philosophical Point of View (see below). (Chinese)

  173. 『洪堡特《人類語言結構》中的意義理論──語音與意義建構』 [Humboldt's Theory of Meaning: Sound and Meaning Constitution]. In: Collected Essays in Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy of Language (分析哲學與語言哲學論文集)Hong Kong: New Asia College, CUHK, 1993. Pp. 45-81 。 (Chinese)

  174. 『從比較觀點看“範疇論”問題』 ["The problem of categories from a comparative standpoint"], paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Philosophy, August 15-19, 1989, Taipei, Taiwan. In: Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Philosophy (東西哲學比較論文集)Taipei, 1992, Pp.577-640。 (Chinese)

  175. 『海德格論“別人的獨裁”與“存活的獨我”──從現象學觀點看世界』 ["From 'dictatorship of the they' to `existential solus ipse': a Heideggerian problematic of life-world"], in: Legein Bulletin(鵝湖學誌)Vol.6, Taipei, 1991, Pp.113-164。(Chinese)

  176. "Husserl's Concept of Horizon: An Attempt at Reappraisal", paper presented at the First World Phenomenology Congress, Sept.28-Oct.4, 1988, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Published in: Analecta Husserliana, Vol. 31, ed. by A.-T. Tymieniecka, (Dordrecht: Reidel/Kluwer, 1990), pp.361-398. (English)

  177. "Language, Categories and the Human Condition", being the first of 4 lectures presented for the 1989 doctoral Mini-Course organized by the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, November 2-6, 1989, Pittsburgh, USA. (English)

  178. "Émil Beveniste's Reading of Aristotle's System of Categories", being the second of 4 lectures presented for the 1989 doctoral Mini-Course organized by the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, November 2-6, 1989, Pittsburgh, USA. (English)

  179. "Vasubandhu and the Recasting of his Doctrine of Abhidharma", being the third of 4 lectures presented for the 1989 doctoral Mini-Course organized by the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, November 2-6, 1989, Pittsburgh, USA. (English)

  180. "Roman Jakobson on Language and Brain", being the fourth of 4 lectures presented for the 1989 doctoral Mini-Course organized by the Psychology Department, Duquesne University, November 2-6, 1989, Pittsburgh, USA. (English)

  181. 『從雅各布遜對大腦左右半球不對稱性之討論談起』 ["Reflections on Jakobson's thesis of cerebral asymmetry and the problem of lateralization of speech"], in: Collected Essays in Analytic Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science (分析哲學與科學哲學論文集), New Asia College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989, pp. 131-153. (Chinese)

  182. 『胡塞爾的“世界界域”理論-從現象學觀點看世界』 ["Husserl's concept of Welthorizont"], in: Humanities Studies (人文研究集刊), Vol.1, published by the Research Society of Oriental Humanities, Hong Kong, 1989, pp.150-168. (Chinese)

  183. "The Idea of God in Kant's Moral Theology", in: Dialogue & Alliance, Vol. 1, New York, 1987, pp.41-57. (English)

  184. 『論歷史心魂』 ["On Historical Consciousness"], a preface to the 6 volume work of Prof. Lao Sze-kwang. Taipei, Shih-Pao Press, Vol.1, 1986, pp. 13-34. (Chinese)

  185. 『本體現象權實辯解』 ["On Kant's real/problematic distinction between Phaenomena and Noumena"], in: Tunghai Journal, (東海學報)Vol.26, 1985, pp.173-209. (Chinese, with an elaborated abstract in English)

  186. "On Kant's Problem of Willkür", in: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Role of Christian Higher Education in Asia. Published by the Association of Christian Universities in Asia and the Tunghai University Press, Taichung, 1984. (English)

  187. "Heidegger's Quest for the Essence of Man", in: Analecta Husserliana. Vol. 17, A.-T. Tymieniecka (ed.), (Dordrecht/Holland: Reidel, 1984), pp.47-64. (English)

  188. 『康德論哲學之本質』 ["On Kant's conception of philosophy in sensu scholastico and of philosophy in sensu cosmico"], in: Chinese Culture Monthly 中國文化月刊), No.51, Taichung, 1983, pp.61-82. (Chinese)

  189. "Kant's 'Humanistic' Conception of Religion", in: Tunghai Journal, (東海學報) Tunghai University Press, Vol. 24, 1983, pp. 95-120. (English)

  190. "Zur Systematik und Teleologie der Phänomenologie Husserls", [System and Teleology in Husserl's Phenomenology], recognized by the Institut für Philosophie of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum as equivalent to a German Master's Thesis, 86 Pages. (Manuscript in German)

  191. 『判斷力批判與康德超驗哲學的完成』 ["Critique of Judgment and the completion of the transcendental philosophy of Kant"], in: Legein Monthly (鵝湖月刊), Vol. 1, Nos. 7, 8, 9, Taipei 1976. (Chinese)

  192. 『康德知識論的根源問題與“超驗推述”的哲學意義』 ["Kant's Theory of knowledge and the philosophical significance of the 'Transcendental Deduction'"], in: Universitas (哲學與文化月刊), Taipei, 1975, pp. 651-661. (Chinese)

C. Translations

  1. 克隆納著,關子尹譯:《論康德與黑格爾》。(台北:聯經出版社,1985)[A translation of Richard Kroner: (i) "Einleitung" to Von Kant bis Hegel, (ii) Kants Weltanschauung, and (iii) "Hegel's Philosophical Development"]. (Taipei: Linking Press, 1985), 253 pages.
    Reprint: 克朗納著,關子尹譯:《論康德與黑格爾》。收於《同濟‧德意志文化叢書》第二輯。(Shanghai:Tongji University Press, 2004.12), 225 pages. [Translated with elaborated annotations from German /English into Chinese.]
    Reprint: 克朗納著,關子尹譯:《論康德與黑格爾》。收於《同濟歐洲文化叢書》。(西安:陝西人民教育出版社,2016.07), 211 pages。

  2. 卡西勒著,關子尹譯:《人文科學的邏輯》。(台北:聯經出版社,1986)[譯自德文原版] [A translation of Ernst Cassirer: Zur Logik der Kulturwissenschaften from the German original], (Taipei: Linking Press, 1986), 218 pages.
    Reprint: 卡西爾著,關子尹譯:《人文科學的邏輯》。 (上海:上海譯文出版社,2004.8)。新訂重校簡體字版。增訂譯者注解及譯者新序。(Shanghai: Yiwen Press, 2004.8), (Second Impression 第二版 2005.5) 23+205 pages
    Reprint: 卡西爾著,關子尹譯:《人文科學的邏輯》(大學譯叢)。 (上海:上海譯文出版社,2013.9)。再訂再校簡體字版。增訂譯者注解及譯者新序。(Shanghai: Yiwen Press, 2013.9), (Third Impression 第三版 2013.9) 23+181 pages
    [Translated from the German original into Chinese. Fully revised edition with additional annotations and a new introduction by the translator.]

  3. 《哲學史》第五卷。科普斯敦 (Frederick Copleston) 著,關子尹/陳潔明譯。[A translation of A History of Philosophy, Vol. 5.] (台北: 黎明出版社, 1993) (translated from English into Chinese)

  4. Kindertotenlieder (Songs on the Death of Children) and Other Related Poems『《亡兒悼歌》及其他詩作三首』, tranlated by Tze-wan Kwan from German into Chinese. Published on the web on May 7, 1997.
    (URL: (German/English/Chinese)

D. Edited Works

  1. 《陳康哲學論文集》。陳康著,江日新、關子尹編。(台北:聯經出版社,1985) [Philosophical Papers of Chen Kang (Chung-Hwan Chen)], co-edited with Jiang Ryh-Shin, (Taipei: Linking Press, 1985).

  2. 《思光少作集》七卷。孫善豪、張燦輝、關子尹編。(台北:時報出版公司, 1986-88)。 [The Earlier Writings of S.K.Lao, 7 Volumes], co-edited with Sun San-hao and Cheung Chan-fai, (Taipei: Shih-Pao Press, 1986-1988).

  3. With Tran Van Doan, Vincent Shen, Nam Key-young, Lee Lang-soo, Leovino Ma. Garcia, Manuel Dy Jr., Sakabe Megumi, The Asian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 1-4. Taipei/Manila, 1987ff.

  4. 《儒學詞典》,勞思光著,張燦輝、關子尹、吳有能編。[Lexicon of Confucianism, by Lao Sze-kwang], compiled by Cheung Chan-fai, Kwan Tze-wan and Ng You-nang. Published on the web since June 1997.
    URL: Http:// (Recommended by the Internet Guide for China Studies, University of Heidelberg)

  5. 《勞思光學術論著新編》。共十三卷。關子尹、張燦輝、劉國英主編(香港:香港中文大學出版社, 1998 起分三批出版)。 [Collected Works of Lao Sze-kwang, New Series], co-edited by Kwan Tze-wan, Cheung Chan-fai and Lau Kwok-ying. (Hong Kong, Chinese University Press, 1998ff).

  6. 《系統視野與宇宙人生》。陳天機、許倬雲、關子尹主編。[System Perspectives on Universe and Life, Co-edited by Chen Tien Chi, Hsu Cho-yun and Kwan Tze-wan]

  7. 《現象學與當代哲學》 (Journal of Phenomenology & Contemporary Philosophy)

  8. Responsibility and Commitment : Eighteen Essays in Honor of Gerhold K. Becker (Waldkirch/Germany: Edition-Gorz, 2008), xviii+296 pages.

  9. Identity and Alterity. Phenomenology and Cultural Traditions, Series: Orbis Phaenomenologicus Neue Folge, Band 14, (eds.) K.Y. Lau, C.F. Cheung, and T.W. Kwan (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010).

E. Minor Works

  1. With Tien-chi Chen and Paul C. Kwong, "A Bibliographical Review on Natural Languages and Literatures - East Asian Languages: Chinese". In: The Humanities Computing Yearbook 1989-90. A Comprehensive Guide to Software and Other Resources. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), Pp. 218-224. (English)

  2. "Text Encryption/Decryption Programming Using SNOBOL4". A program presented at the Workshop for SNOBOL4 Programming (Summer, 1992), Dakota State University, USA.

  3. "A DOS Command-Level User Interface for Flexible Information Retrieval. Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Computer and Philosophy, New Haven, August 10-12, 1991. Published in: Humanities Bulletin(人文學刊)Hong Kong: CUHK, Vol.3. 1993. (English)

  4. "Indexing and Concordancing in the Chinese context. Exemplified with Micro-OCP (Oxford Concordance Program)." Presented at the CETH Summer Seminar/Workshop: "Electronic Texts in the Humanities: Methods and Tools", June 19-July 1 1994, Princeton University.

  5. 『(當此良夜)譯後書懷』 [An Epilogue to the Translation of Friedrich Rückert's 'Um Mittenacht']。. Huxi Poetry (呼吸詩刊), Vol. 4, Hong Kong, December 1997, pp.87-90. (Chinese)

  6. 『論哲學的「洗鍊」問題』,《中文大學哲學系本科生論文集》[On the Refining of Philosophical Learnings].
    Foreword to the Collected Philosophical Papers, edited and published by the Philosophy Society of CUHK, Summer 2001, pp. 4-6. [Chinese]

  7. 『借德經驗勿捨漢取英』, 《星島日報》, 2005年2月1日 A19 港聞版, (title by the editor of Singtao Daily)
    Reprint: 「中國人民大學‧愛智論壇」 : (2005.2.7)
    Reprint: 「香港人文哲學會」 : (2005.2.8)

  8. 『語文作育,國之大事──現代德語的滄桑對漢語未來的啟示』,《中大學生報》2005年 2 月「拉扯在中英文之間-中大國際化特刊」,pp. 34-38.
    Reprint: 「中國學術論壇」 : (2005.3.4)
    Reprint: 「中國人民大學-哲學在線」: (2005.3.7)
    Reprint: 「中央廣播電視大學」 : (2006.2.11)
    Reprint: 「拙風文化網」 : (Date unknown)
    Reprint: 「新浪博客」 : (2008-03-05)
    Reprint: 「譯文論壇」 : 上海譯文出版社(Date unknown)
    Reprint: 中文大學校友關注大學發展小組編:《令大學頭痛的中文》。(香港:田園,2007.01),pp. 25-37.

  9. 『別在語言迷宮裡迷路──語文規劃與語文作育的再議』,《明報‧世紀版》(2006.11.13)
    Reprint: 「中文大學校友關注大學發展小組」 : (2006.11.16)
    Reprint: 「獨立媒體」: (2006.11.15)
    Reprint: 「中國現象學網」: (2006.11.25)
    Reprint: 「平和書院」: (2007.03.27)
    Reprint: 《中大學生報網上版》
    Reprint: 中文大學校友關注大學發展小組編:《令大學頭痛的中文》。(香港:田園,2007.01),pp. 92-98.

  10. 『千載傳慧業,哲學旦復旦』[Philosophy as Disentanglement and as Tradition].
    Foreword to the Orientation Bulletin, edited and published by the Philosophy Society of CUHK, Summer 2007, pp. 1-3. [Chinese]

  11. 『母語教育迷思下的「理」與「勢」』,《信報財經新聞‧中港評論》(Hong Kong Economic Journal] (2008.06.14),頁8。
    [Rational Deliberations and Practical Concerns in the Midst of Recent Debates over Native Language Education]
    Reprint: 「中文大學校友關注大學發展小組」 : (2008.06)
    Reprint: 「百度空間」 : (2008.06)

  12. 『豈只學者風範,更乃國士胸襟-痛悼勞思光教授』,《明報‧世紀版》(2012.11.03)
    Reprint:《國文天地》月刊 332 期,28卷6期。台北 2013年01月1日出刊,頁 17-19。

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