This Latin dictionary made its first appearance back in 1995 when Greek Dictionaries from the Liddel & Scott series were already online but a reasonably good Latin dictionary was still wanting for the internet community. Now then other Latin lexical tools have become available, we hope this page can still be of value for those who find it useful. The present dictionary is an improvisation based on a word-list originally from Lynn H. Nelson of the University of Kansas.
You might want to take a look at Lynn's preamble to the word-list, and his written consent to our using it. Besides the Latin word-list, Lynn has also compiled a reference guide to Latin grammar.
Since summer 1997, Lynn has expanded his wordlist to cover about 8,000 headwords in comparison with the some 5,000 words in the earlier version. To reflect this change, this dictionary has been accordingly expanded and reindexed.
This page has been deemed an outstanding Web site by the WebCrawler Select Editorial Team.
This indexing/search system is prepared with Glimpse 3.0 by Tze-wan Kwan and Chong-fuk Lau of the Philosophy Department, CUHK. Comments and opinions are welcome!
Page set up on: October 21, 1995. Last updated on February 14, 1998
No. of visits since January 13, 1997:
** Many thanks to those who have written us words of encouragement. We appreciate comments, suggestions and bug reports, but kindly no translation request!
Research Centre for Humanities Computing
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