W.V. Quine, In Conversation, London: Philosophy International, 1994.(Video Tapes)
- The Fara Interview
Participants: W.V. Quine, Rudolf Fara
- The Dennett Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, Daniel Dennett, Martin Davies. Paul Horwich, Rudolf Fara (chair)
- The Goldfarb Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, Warren Goldfarb, Martin Davies, Paul Horwich, Rudolf Fara (chair)
- The Fogelin Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, Robert Fogelin, Martin Davies, Paul Horwich, Rudolf Fara (chair)
- The Boolos Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, George Boolos,Martin Davies, Paul Horwich, Rudolf Fara (chair)
- The Dreben Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, Burton Dreben, George Boolos, Martin Davies, Rudolf Fara (chair)
- The Block Panel
Participants: W.V. Quine, Ned Block, Martin Davies, Paul Horwich, Rudolf Fara (chair)
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