[horizontal], 找到 9 個
漢字 | 詞類 | 意義 |
勒 | n. | horizontal stroke in writing |
匾 | n. | a horizontal inscribed board; a big round shallow basket |
楯 | n. | the shield; a balustrade; banister; a rail; the horizontal bar of a railing; a parapet |
榜 | n. | horizontal inscribed board; published list of successful canditates; notice |
橫 | adj. | crosswise; horizontal; transverse; perverse; evil; unreasonable; overbearing; unexpected |
牚 | n. | slanting pillar; cross bar, horizontal timber across the legs of a chair or table |
衡 | adj. | transverse; horizontal; perplexed |
軾 | n. | horizontal bar in the front of a sedan chair |
輅 | n. | a horizontal beam; a chariot; a state carriage |