漢字 | 詞類 | 意義 |
𤏻 | v. | to burn and roast in a big fire (arch.) to liaise and harmonize (arch.) |
𦵯 | n. | a herbal plant in Hunan province, very close to thyme |
㞢 | var. | archaic variant of 之, and in bronze script variant of 有 |
㠯 | idiom | in order to; by means of |
㠱 | n. | proper name in antiquity |
㯉 | n. | a tree; a kind of birch found in Manchuria |
䇲 | n. | simplified form of 筴; pincers; a kind of grass used for divination in ancient times, (same as 策) |
䜌 | n. | confusion, chaos (arch.); change (arch.); aboriginals in Southern China (arch.) |
丈 | n. | gentleman, man, husband, elder; unit of length in old China equal 3.3 meters |
上 | v. | ascend, go up; go on; send to; pay in; go ahead |
丏 | n. | short wall to hide from arrows in defence (parapet) |
丞 | n. | assistant officer (in ancient China); deputy |
中 | prep. | among; within; in; between |
丱 | n. | child's hairstyle bound in two tufts |
主 | v. | manage; be in charge of; indicate; signify; hold a definite view about something |
么 | adj. | last in a series; tender, small |
乎 | prep. | at; in; from; than |
乒 | onomatopoeia | for 乒as in pingpong |
乓 | onomatopoeia | pong as in pingpong or table tennis |
也 | int. | exclamatory particle suggesting pause in speech |
也 | particle | (in Classical Chinese) final particle implying strong affirmation |
乾 | adj. | having an position merely in name |
井 | n. | well; pit; shaft of a mine; The Well, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
亢 | n. | surname; The Neck, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
亳 | n. | Bo, capital of Shang Dynasty; a city in Anhui Province |
以 | idiom | in order to; by means of |
仨 | idiom | (coll.) three in count (cannot be followed by a measure word like 個) |
任 | v. | trust to, rely on, confide in; appoint, employ; bear, be responsible for, assume office, take up a job; allow, tolerate, let |
伏 | v. | prostrate; yield; suffer; lie in ambush; hide; conceal; suppress; sit on eggs |
伽 | trans. | Character used often in the transliteration of proper names of foreign languages; transcription of first syllable of Gamma Ray; transcription of Sanskrit 'gha' in Buddhist texts; transcription of first syllable of the Carmelite order |
佗 | adj. | easy, graceful in movement; hunchbacked |
佩 | n. | ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient China |
俱 | adv. | all, completely; together, in company |
俱 | v. | in the company of, along with |
俶 | v. | build; put in order |
倌 | n. | officer in charge of royal chariots; assistant; herdsman |
倘 | conj. | if in case; perhaps |
倩 | n. | man; son-in-law |
值 | n. | price, value; a turn in course |
偃 | v. | fall in ones back, lay down; cease, stop; lodgy |
偕 | v. | be together with, be in the company of |
傍 | v. | depend on; assist a ruler in governing a country; accompany; follow |
傕 | n. | a word used in one's name |
備 | v. | prepare; provide; put in order; complete; be equipped with, have |
傣 | n. | the Dai nationality in South China |
僭 | adj. | sham, hypocritical; undue; fault, crime, in disorder; modest |
儂 | n. | Nung, an ethnic nationality in Yunnan Province |
儵 | adj. | black; fast; dark green silken fabrics becoming white in color |
儵 | n. | name of the god of South Sea in ancient Chinese myth; flash; name of fish |
儺 | n. | temperance; abstinence; a group of fearless warriors in ancient Yueh; an ancient festival to exorcise the demons causing any plague; to drive away pestilence |
儻 | conj. | if; supposing; in case; in the event of; in case of accidents; if anything untoward happens |
充 | v. | fill up; satify; act in place of; become; pretend to be, pose as; charge; serve as |
兜 | v. | confuse; wrap in; wrap up, bind up, move around; canvass,canvas; take sth.with ladle,dipper, etc. |
入 | v. | enter; come in, come to; join, be admitted into; put in |
典 | v. | be in charge of; control; mortgage; give in pledge |
凌 | adj. | cold; in disorder |
刀 | n. | knife; sword; razor; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Qi State |
列 | v. | arrange in order; enumerate; classify; line up; list |
判 | v. | cut in two; divide; judge; decide; distinguish, discriminate; sentence; condemn |
前 | adj. | former; preceding; in front of; before |
剚 | v. | prick with knife; stick in the ground; stab |
剭 | v. | to kill or execute a person in secrecy |
劓 | v. | cut off the nose (a punishment in ancient China); cut off |
加 | v. | add to, add; plus; augment; put in; append; increase; grant; raise to; appoint |
勒 | n. | horizontal stroke in writing |
勒 | v. | bridle; restrain; extort; force; coerce; engrave; rein in |
務 | v. | be engaged in; devote one's efforts to |
勞 | n. | work, labour; meritorious deed, service, toil; shrikes (a species of bird as in 伯勞) |
勷 | adj. | hectic; urgent; in haste, hurriedly |
升 | v. | ascend, arise, rise, go up, hoist; advance in office, promote |
協 | adj. | united in; joint; common |
協 | v. | aid, help; harmonize, be in accord |
卪 | n. | seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system |
危 | n. | danger; peril; The Rooftop, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
厚 | adj. | thick; deep; profound; substantial; generous; sincere; virtuous; genuine; secure; rich or strong in flavour |
厝 | v. | to place a coffin in a temporary shelter pending burial |
去 | v. | go away; remove; get rid of; do away with; kill; depart; go up; go in |
參 | n. | The Three Stars, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky; corresponding to the three stars in the centre of the constellation Orion (arch.) |
參 | v. | counsel; consult together, refer; join, enter, take part in; intervene; consider; collate; compare; impeach; report; mix, blend; visit a superior; reach to, penetrate |
又 | idiom | in addition |
及 | idiom | in time for |
另 | adv. | besides; in addition; separately; again |
台 | v. | to like, to take pleasure in, to regard with favour (arch.) |
叼 | v. | hold or contain in mouth |
同 | adj. | same; together; alike; identical; similar; in common |
同 | v. | share in |
含 | v. | hold in the mouth; contain; cherish, nurse, harbour; embody; restrain |
吸 | v. | draw in the breath, inhale; suck up; absorb; attract |
呫 | v. | talk in distinctly; whisper; lick, taste; petty |
和 | v. | be on good term with; be in accord with; harmonize; rehearse ensemble music; draw |
哖 | n. | name of place in Taiwan |
哼 | v. | groan, snort; hum, croon, chant in a low voice |
唄 | v. | to chant (as in Buddhist singing) |
唅 | v. | to put in the mouth |
啣 | v. | hold in the mouth; harbor, cherish; contain; accept |
喀 | n. | noice made in coughing or vomiting |
喃 | v. | chatter; mumble in repetition |
嗛 | v. | hold in the mouth |
嗟 | v. | sigh, heave a sigh; gasp in admiration, highly praise |
嗲 | adj. | affectedly sweet, talk and act like a spoiled child; rever in, be proud of; excellent, outstanding |
噙 | v. | keep in the mouth or eyes, contain; hold in the mouth |
噥 | adj. | long-winded, wordy; strong; murmur, in a whisper |
嚃 | v. | gobble; to swallow hurriedly in large mouthfuls |
囁 | v. | to move the mouth as in speaking; to chatter |
囆 | n. | rare personal name used in antiquity |
囈 | v. | somniloquy; speak in one’s sleep; shiver |
囉 | n. | a note in singing |
圄 | v. | put in jail; defend |
在 | prep. | at; in; on |
在 | v. | consist in; be present, exist; be alive; rest with; depend on |
圳 | n. | furrow in field, small drainage |
坨 | n. | lump; bar in sea; word used for place's name |
坫 | n. | earthen terrace; an earthen stand for putting goblets in ancient ceremonies; circles |
坳 | n. | hollow; col; a flabland in a mountain range |
埒 | n. | toe wall; raised path between crop fields; margin; water flow on the mountains; ancient name of a place in Shanxi province |
堊 | n. | chalk; The Cretaceous Period (geological period 140-65m years ago) as in the term 白堊紀 |
堍 | n. | flat ground in either end of a bridge |
堙 | v. | block up; bury in oblivion; waste |
塌 | v. | collapse, cave in; lose, fall; keep close to; settle down; sink, droop |
塑 | v. | model in clay; mould |
塞 | v. | stop up; block; cork; fill in; squeeze in; stuff |
壁 | n. | partition-wall; wall of a house; screen-wall; cliff; The Wall, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
壓 | v. | press; oppress; crush; repress; keep in order; urge |
壘 | n. | rampart; base in baseball |
壚 | n. | black and solid earth; adobe table in ancient wineshop; wineshop |
夊 | n. | foot (coming downward or closing in) |
夔 | n. | a legendary one-legged creature; Name of musical official in Chinese antiquity; Kui prefecture |
外 | idiom | in addition |
夙 | adj. | long-standing; early; former; in normal times, usually |
大 | adj. | great, big, large; tall; vast; extensive; noble; high in rank; major; much |
大 | adv. | greatly; fully; in a great way; in a large scale; very |
夼 | n. | pit, depression; used in name of places |
奎 | n. | hip, the stride of man; name of constellation; The Legs, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky |
奕 | adj. | bright; great; generation, age; in sequence of generations |
奘 | n. | name of a prominent Buddhist monk in the Tang dynasty |
女 | n. | woman; daughter; girl; The Girl, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
妒 | adj. | a woman being jealous of her husband (arch.); being jealous in general |
妘 | n. | a surname; a word used in woman's name |
妣 | n. | mother in general (arch.); a deceased mother; woman ancestors |
妯 | n. | sisters-in-law; wives of brothers |
妱 | n. | female name in antiquity |
妲 | n. | a word used in woman's name; a concubine of Chou (紂) or Hsin (帝辛) who was the last ruler of the Shang dynasty |
姅 | n. | gynecological events in women, such as menstruation, labour, miscarriage, etc. |
姎 | pron. | A pronoun used in antiquity by a woman referring to herself |
委 | v. | depute; send; appoint, entrust, put in charge of; commision; give up; abandon, throw away, cast aside; bow under a burden |
姜 | n. | Jiang River; an ethnic group in Western China; a surname |
威 | n. | awe; pomp; mother-in-law (arch.) |
娌 | n. | couple; brother's wife; sister in law |
娣 | n. | younger sister; sister-in-law; the younger ones among the many concubines married to the same husband |
婁 | n. | Aries; sow that seek for life mate; surname; The Bond, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky |
婆 | n. | old woman, mother-in-law |
婧 | n. | beauty; a word used in women’s name |
婭 | n. | mutual term of address used by sons-in-law; a brother-in-law |
婿 | n. | husband; son-in-law |
婿 | v. | become son-in-law |
媊 | n. | ancient name for a star, probably Venus; planet Venus in the morning |
媳 | n. | daughter-in-law, wife |
嫀 | n. | female proper name in antiquity |
嫕 | adj. | compliant, yielding; easy-going; gentle in temperament |
嫚 | n. | girl (in a intimate or mocking tone); affront |
嫷 | adj. | beautiful; fine looking; elegant (in ancient Southern dialects) |
嬏 | n. | proper name for women in antiquity |
嬗 | v. | evolve; transmute; hand over; replace; abdicate; change in succession |
嬙 | n. | lady-in-waiting; ancient term for female court officials |
嬸 | n. | aunt; wife of father's younger brother; younger brother's wife; sister-in-law |
孖 | adj. | in pairs |
孳 | v. | propagate, multiply, breed in large numbers |
安 | v. | pacify; soothe; settle; place; fix on; arrange; set; rest in |
客 | v. | settle in a strange place, live in a strange place; be a stranger |
室 | n. | house; mansion; home; apartment; room; wife; The encampment, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
宭 | v. | to live in groups |
宰 | n. | government official in ancient China; prime minister |
家 | n. | house; family; home; relatives; household; residence; specialist in a certain field; noun suffix for a school of thought (eg. Confucian or Taoist) or for a specialist of some kind (eg. physicist or musician) |
宿 | adv. | usually; in advance |
宿 | v. | stay overnight; be in; be stationed; imply |
寀 | n. | officials in charge of the allotment to the feudal nobles |
寡 | v. | live in solitude (arch.) |
寢 | n. | bedroom; imperial bedroom; coffin chamber in a imperial mausoleum |
寱 | v. | to murmur in one's dream; dream talk |
射 | n. | archery, being one of the 6 basic items of classical education in Chinese antiquity |
尚 | idiom | and besides; in addition to |
尚 | v. | add; append to; honour; esteem; surpass; ascend; go to; proceed; be in charge of |
尾 | n. | tail; rear, behind; the end; extremity; stern; promontory; remaining part; remnant; The Tail, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
居 | v. | to squat (arch.); dwell, reside, live; remain; be in; occupy; put into practice; sit; claim; assert |
屆 | n. | in time, in place; the set time |
屌 | int. | (Cant. vulg.) obscene exclamation equivalent to "fuck" in English |
岈 | n. | the name of a mountain in Henan province of China |
岢 | n. | a county in Shanxi province |
岣 | n. | a hill in Hunan |
岷 | n. | mountain in Northwest Szechwan |
峒 | n. | a territorial division during the Ming dynasty; mountain in the province of Gansu |
峚 | n. | name of mountain in Shanxi province |
崀 | n. | place name in Hunan province |
崁 | n. | a place in Taiwan Tainan |
崙 | n. | high mountain in Tibet |
崤 | n. | Xiao mountain; the name of a mountain in Henan |
崩 | v. | landslide, landslip; collapse, crash to the ground, burst apart; fall in ruin; break, down burst |
崮 | n. | flat-topped mountain with steep slopes; used in names of places |
崶 | n. | name of a legendary hill in Shanxi |
嵅 | n. | proper name for a mountain in China |
嵋 | n. | the name of a mountain in Szechwan |
嵒 | n. | cliff; cave; a place in State of Sung during the Spring and Autumn Period |
嵫 | n. | the name of a mountain in Gansu province; the place of sunset |
嶓 | n. | mountain in Shaanxi |
嶢 | n. | name of a pass in Shanxi province |
嶧 | n. | Name of hills in Shandong |
嶷 | n. | range of mountains in Hunan |
巂 | n. | a nationality in South-Western China; one revolution or one round of circular motion; cuckoo the bird |
州 | n. | islet in river (arch.); a region; a state; departmental division, political division; a county; empire division in ancient China |
工 | n. | worker; labour; labourer; job; time occupied in doing a piece of work; work; project; man-day |
巿 | n. | sacrificial clothing in imperial Chinese courts |
布 | n. | calico; cotton cloth; shirting; linen; cloth; a kind of metal currency circulated in Chinese antiquity in the Jin States |
帗 | n. | object held by dancer; a multicolored prop used in dancing |
帥 | n. | commander-in-chief; local leader; governor |
師 | n. | teacher, instructor, master; model, example; multitude; troops, army; capital city; a division in the Chinese army |
幽 | v. | put in jail; hide |
庈 | n. | used in person's names |
度 | n. | rule; law; limit; measure, a unit of measure; an interval in music; degree; manner; extent; tolerance; magnanimity; consideration |
廬 | n. | hut, cottage; hostel; name of a mountain in Jiangxi province |
張 | v. | stretch, string, extend, expand; draw a bow; set forth; snare; open out; make a display, publish, proclaim; The Extended Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
弶 | v. | to catch in a trap |
彋 | onomatopoeia | sound of curtain blown in wind |
彖 | n. | divinatory commentary in The Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine |
徇 | v. | perambulate; publicly expose; comply with, give in to; sacrifice; display |
徒 | idiom | in vain; to no avail |
得 | v. | obtain; acquire; gain; effect; attain; result in (of a calculation); need |
循 | adj. | in order |
心 | n. | heart; mind; affection; intention; centre; middle; The Heart, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
忙 | adj. | hurried; in haste; anxious; busy; flustered |
怀 | n. | bosom, breast; carry in bosom |
怔 | adj. | terrified, be panis-stricken, be seized with terror; stunned; in a daze |
怙 | v. | to rely on; to persist in; to presume to |
性 | n. | nature; disposition; spirit; temper; property; quality; character; sex; gender; character used to make up abstract nouns in the translation of loanwords |
恁 | adv. | thus; so; in this way |
恂 | v. | to trust; be in confidence |
悶 | adj. | stuffy, stifling; depressed, boring, bored, dejected, in low spirits; muffled; dull; gloomy, melancholic |
惑 | v. | be perplexed, be puzzled, be bewildered; puzzle, delude, confuse, mislead; indulge in; lose |
愛 | v. | love; be fond of; like; be keen on; covet; cherish, treasure; hold dear; take good care of; be apt to; be in the habit of |
慣 | adj. | accustomed to; experienced in; addicted to |
慣 | v. | be used to; be in the habit of |
懋 | v. | encourage, exhort, urge; do one' best, do all in one's power |
懷 | v. | carry in the bosom; cherish; dwell on; long for; comfort; conceive |
戎 | n. | weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname |
戢 | v. | store up; stop; converge; live in seclusion; restrain |
截 | v. | cut in two; intercept; obstruct; sever; stop; check; stem |
房 | n. | house; building; room; wife, concubine; branch of a family; The Room, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
扜 | n. | name of a state in Western region of ancient China |
扱 | v. | collect, draw in, gather; receive |
扳 | v. | pull, draw; turn round; debate; climb; seek connections in high places |
投 | v. | throw at, throw into, fling, hurl; jump into; cast (as a vote); present; hand over to; go in the direction of; project |
拼 | v. | bind, tie; put together, join together; be ready to risk one's life, go all out in work |
挨 | adv. | in sequence, by turns |
捋 | v. | to pluck; to gather in the fingers; to rub; to scrape off; strock |
捌 | n. | a form of scraper for levelling a seed-plot; a form of Eight used in accounts to prevent fraud |
捧 | v. | carry or hold in both hands; cup one's hands; praise, support |
捺 | n. | right-falling stroke in Chinese characters |
掂 | v. | hold in palm; behold, estimate, judge, weigh |
掌 | v. | manage; control; superintend; hold in one's hand; be in charge of |
排 | v. | place in order, arrange; dispose; push; clear out; open out; settle; rehearse; exclude, eject, discharge |
掖 | v. | support sb. by the arm; assist; tuck in; hide; thrust in one's belt |
掤 | n. | arrow-quiver; a move in Taichi (太極), being the first part of a sequence of four moves constituting the trick Lanquewei 攬雀尾 |
掬 | v. | hold in both hands; scoop; grasp; curl |
提 | v. | lift in the hand; raise, put forward, bring up; pull up; pick up; mention; refer to; bring forward; suggest; carry; promote |
揣 | v. | hide or carry in one’s clothes; put in pocket of; be pregnant; impose (one's views,etc.) on others; measure; estimate |
搋 | v. | to knead; to rub; to hide or carry in one's clothes; to thump |
搞 | v. | do; carry on; be engaged in; make; produce; work out; set up; start; organize; get, get hold of; secure |
搠 | v. | to jab; to stab; to prick; to stick in; to push hard; to exchange; to seek; to hold; to dip in; to soak; to feign ignorance; to daub; to thrust |
摽 | v. | dismiss with a hand gesture; get rid of, abandon; strike; fall; lock in arms; fasten tightly to sth. |
撇 | n. | left-falling stroke (in Chinese characters); things liking left-falling stroke |
撿 | v. | contrain; pick up, collect; put in order; examine |
擁 | v. | squeeze; press; crowd; conceal; hold in one's arms; embrace; hug; gather around; have, possess |
擎 | v. | lift up; prop up, bear, support; hold; cup one hand in the other before the chest |
擦 | v. | scour; clean; rub in; wipe; spread on; put on |
擷 | v. | pick, pluck; hold in the lap |
擺 | v. | put, place; spread; arrange; set in order; wave to and fro; shake; move |
擻 | v. | pass through; jab the poker into a stove to stir the fire in order to remove the ashes |
攀 | v. | climb; seek connections in high places; depend on; implicate |
攛 | v. | fling, throw; do sth. in a hurry; instigate |
攤 | v. | spread out, unfold; take a share in, contribute |
攻 | v. | attack; assault; apply oneself to; work at; accuse, charge; study, specialize in |
放 | v. | put, place in, place on; release, free, liberate, loosen, let go; drive away, banish; indulge; issue; accord with; reach to; imitate |
整 | v. | set in order; put right; repair, mend; adjust; marshal |
敷 | v. | grant, carry out; apply; narrate in detail; propagate; be sufficient for |
斗 | n. | dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
斫 | v. | to hack with a knife or an axe (or in expression of anger); to attack; to strike; to cut with a sword; to chop |
斮 | v. | to chop off; to beat; to strike; to cut in twain |
於 | prep. | in; on; at; by; from |
旋 | v. | revolve; circle; spin; move in an orbit; come back |
旞 | n. | banner made of feathers in five colors used to decorate a leading vehicle |
旟 | n. | a banner emblazoned with falcons, which is displayed by high officials in feudal times; naturally wavy hair |
旰 | n. | in the evening; late in the day; sunset; dusk |
旲 | v. | to stand in the sun |
昀 | n. | sunlight; daylight; used mostly in personal names |
昐 | n. | daylight; a surname in Chinese legends |
昔 | adv. | formerly; ancient; in beginning |
星 | n. | star; point of light; planet; spark; heavenly body; The Star, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
晉 | n. | Name of feudal state Jin in the Eastern Zhou dynasty; also name of the imperial dynasty (265-420 CE) that succeeded the Wei Dynasty; Short for Shanxi (Shan1Xi) province; one of 64 hexagrams |
晒 | v. | shine upon; dry in the sun |
晞 | v. | dry up; to dry in the sun; expose to the sun |
晾 | v. | dry in the sun; suspend, treat coldly |
暴 | v. | dry in the sun; exhibit; stick out; stand out; bulge |
曬 | v. | expose to the sun, dry in the sun, bask; print by light; shine upon |
更 | v. | change, alter; attend to; be experienced in; replace |
曶 | v. | (arch.) putting a bit in the mouth of horse; to hold |
替 | idiom | in place of |
朐 | n. | the strips of meat cut from the flank and dried in the wind; Qu county |
朐 | v. | to bend; to offer dried meat in sacrifice |
朓 | n. | moon appearing in the west sky towards the end of the lunar month |
朔 | v. | visit in the beginning of each moon (arch.); bear (arch.) |
束 | v. | bind, tie; control; restrain; keep in order |
枉 | adv. | futile, in vain |
染 | v. | dye; infect; catch a disease; apply colour in painting |
柙 | v. | to lock up in a cage |
柳 | n. | willow; The Willow, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
柷 | n. | an instrument made of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra |
栓 | n. | a wooden peg, a pin; a bottle stopper, a switch, blockage as in thrombosis |
栟 | n. | hemp plam; a place in Jiangsu province |
栴 | rel. | always used in conjunction with 檀 as 栴檀 |
栻 | n. | astrolabe used to perform augury in ancient China; a kind of tree |
梳 | v. | comb one's hair; put in order |
棈 | n. | a kind of tree mentioned in antiquity |
椐 | n. | small tree with branches that can be used in making walking sticks; fence |
椼 | n. | a kind of tree known in antiquity |
楚 | n. | bushes and shrubs (arch.); name of feudal state Chu in the Eastern Zhou dynasty |
楨 | n. | hardwood; terminal posts used in building a wall in ancient times; mainstay, pillar; evergreen shrub |
業 | v. | engage in |
榎 | var. | variant of 檟 in antiquity |
榦 | v. | to assist; to support in the state |
榧 | n. | Chinese torreya, a species of yew found in North China |
槊 | n. | spear, long lance; a board game in antiquity |
槿 | n. | Hibiscus; the rose of Sharon; a tree, the blossoms of which fade in a day |
樁 | n. | stake, pile; the first player in a game; a piece of (case) |
樁 | v. | stick in |
橐 | v. | to rely on; to carry things in a sack |
檄 | n. | a call to arms in ancient times; letter |
檍 | n. | a kind of tree recorded in antiquity, with very hard wood, ilex |
檻 | v. | escort in prisoner's van; imprison |
欄 | n. | railing; balustrade; pen for animals; column in a newspaper |
款 | n. | item; an amount; article in a treaty; desire, wish; inscription |
歅 | n. | rare character once used as name of a personality in the era of Spring and Autumn |
歙 | n. | She county in Anhui |
止 | v. | stop; desist; rest in; detain |
殄 | v. | use up, exhaust; exterminate; be in a coma |
殢 | adj. | be in great difficulty; be perplex |
殤 | n. | a die-young person; the dead in a battle |
殤 | v. | to die young; to die in childhood; to die |
殮 | v. | lay in coffin |
殯 | v. | funeral and burial; keep a coffin in a temporary shelter before burial |
氍 | n. | a fine woollen blanket or cloth; a mat used by the emperor in worshipping |
氐 | n. | base; root; Di nationality in ancient China; one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
氘 | n. | deuterium 2H (an isotope of hydrogen); heavy hydrogen, with 1 neutron in the nucleus, so atomic weight=2 |
氚 | n. | tritium (another isotope of hydrogen); radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3 |
氶 | n. | name of a river and a villiage in Shandong province |
汏 | v. | wash; wash in a pan or basket |
汧 | n. | Qian county in Shaanxi Province |
汨 | n. | Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself |
汴 | n. | Bian River in Henan Province; Bian prefecture, Eastern capital of North Song Dynasty (=Kaifeng nowadays) |
汾 | n. | Fen River in Shanxi province |
沔 | v. | indulge in |
沘 | n. | name of 2 rivers, one in Anhui province and one in Henan province |
沚 | n. | small island in a stream; islet |
沬 | n. | name of a river; name of a town in the State of Wei; dimness |
沱 | n. | tributary; arm, small bay in a river; Tuo River |
況 | idiom | in addition |
泖 | n. | Mao lake; still waters; River in Kiangsu |
泚 | v. | to sweat; to dip in ink |
泜 | n. | the name of a river in Hebei |
洇 | v. | spread and sink in |
洑 | n. | a whirlpool; the Fu River; an eddy; a race; used in place-names to indicate the spot as a stopping-place for boats |
洙 | n. | Zhu River; a small stream in Shantung |
洛 | n. | river in shaanxi |
洱 | n. | Affluent of the Yellow River in Henan |
洽 | n. | proper noun for a river in Shenxi |
洽 | v. | penetrate, blend in with |
浢 | n. | name of a river in Shanxi province, originating in the Zhongtiao Mountains and merging from north to south into the Yellow River |
浿 | n. | ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county |
涀 | n. | name of river in ancient China |
涑 | n. | Su River in Shansi |
淘 | v. | wash in a pan or basket; spend; search for |
淥 | n. | Lu River; the tributary of the River Hsiang in Hunan |
淫 | v. | have illicit sexual relations; allow to run wild; be greedy for; indulge in; exceed |
淬 | v. | quench; grind; temper by dipping in water, oil, etc. |
渭 | n. | name of a river in Shanxi; Wei River; Wei prefecture (arch.); the roaring of rapids |
渲 | v. | wash with water colour in Chinese painting; play up; exaggerate |
湎 | adj. | flowing; in disorder; drunk |
湎 | v. | be given to heavy drinking; indulge in; back on, turn back |
湨 | n. | Ju River in Henan province |
溠 | n. | river in Hubei province |
溡 | n. | name of river in ancient Shandong |
溧 | n. | Li River, river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces |
溮 | n. | name of a river in Henan province |
溱 | n. | Zhen River, one of the sources of the River Hwai in Henan |
溲 | v. | to mix the powder with water; to wash; to excrete stool and urine; to urinate; to spit; to excrete semen; to soak in water as meals |
溳 | n. | a river in Hu Bei province of China |
溺 | v. | drown; indulge, give over to; be stick in; pass urine |
滍 | n. | name of a river in Henan province |
滎 | n. | rising and dashing of waves; county in Henan |
滘 | n. | tributary; a branching river (used in place names) |
滫 | n. | the water of washing rice; urine; water in which rice has been boiled |
滻 | n. | The name of a river in Shanxi province |
漊 | n. | a river in Hu Bei province |
漓 | n. | dripping water; rain pattern, river in Guangxi province |
潝 | v. | to agree; to chime in with others |
潲 | v. | slant in; sprinkle; slip back |
潶 | n. | name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China |
澠 | n. | Sheng River; the name of a river in Henan and Shandong |
澦 | n. | name of a tributary of the Yangtze River in Sichuan |
澨 | n. | a river in Hubei; a bank; a foreshore; waterfront |
澫 | n. | a river in Guang Xi Zhuang autonomous region |
澮 | n. | Huihe River; water ditches in field |
澺 | n. | name of a river in today's Henan |
濆 | n. | river bank; a river in He Nan province; gush |
濞 | n. | small lake; a tributary in Yunnan province; a place in Yunnan province |
濮 | n. | Pu River; Pu prefecture; county in Henan Province; surname |
瀔 | n. | a river in Hunan province; a place in Xiangxiang city of Hunan province |
瀤 | n. | name of a river in antiquity |
瀧 | n. | rapids; Long River in ancient times |
瀪 | n. | (proper name) a spring in Henan province |
瀼 | n. | Rang River (in Henan province); flowing of water |
灉 | n. | a river in Shandong province; a sluice |
灞 | n. | Ba River in Shensi; Ba city |
灨 | n. | the River Gan in Jiangxi |
炸 | v. | fry in fat or oil; scald; explode; burst; blow up; blast; bomb |
烙 | v. | brand; bake in a pan; cauterize; burn |
烝 | v. | to evaporate; to steam; to advance; to involve in an adulterous act with a female member of an older generation |
焗 | v. | heat with vapor in airtight vessel |
煎 | v. | decoct; torture; fry in shallow oil |
煢 | adj. | circling in the air; solitary; lonely, alone; desolate; sad; orphaned |
煨 | v. | to stew; simmer, heat; burn; roast in ashes; roast in fresh cinders |
熤 | n. | used in personal names |
燎 | v. | burn; roast, scald; singe; illuminate; hunt in night |
燖 | v. | to poach in hot water to remove feather or hair; to learn or memorize by heart |
燙 | v. | heat up in hot water; scald, burn; iron; perm;wave |
燜 | v. | braise, cook in a covered pot over a slow fire, stew |
燭 | n. | Torch;candle; power in terms of watts |
燱 | n. | used only as personal name in antiquity |
爊 | v. | to roast in hot cinders; to stew |
爰 | prep. | in, from |
牘 | n. | wooden tablets or slips for writing in ancient times; archives, documents; correspondance; books |
牛 | n. | ox; cow; bull; The Ox, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
牧 | v. | to tend as a shepherd, to rear cattle or livestock in general; to herd |
犰 | n. | name of the legendary beast in Chinese myth; Armadillo; Cingulata |
犵 | n. | Gelao, a non-Han ethnic group in Guangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou |
犽 | n. | a badger like animal in ancient China; an ethnic minority in China |
狘 | v. | (of animal) flee in a frightened manner |
狩 | v. | hunt in winter; visit |
狫 | n. | a river in Hu bei; a bank; a foreshore |
狼 | adj. | fierce and malicious; hurry; in random |
猀 | n. | a minority in southern China |
猇 | adj. | vulgar in speech |
猢 | n. | a kind of monkey found in West China |
猰 | n. | a wild animal in ancient legend |
猺 | n. | a kind of beasts; a jackal; the name of a tribe in Kwangsi and Hunan |
獀 | n. | a dog breed in Southern part of the Zhao state |
獑 | n. | an ape-like animal black in color but a white waist |
獠 | n. | Lao nationality; a word that the northerners would call the southerners in a scold during the ancient times |
獠 | v. | to hunt in night; to hunt with the torches |
獡 | n. | a breed of hunting dog in antiquity |
獦 | n. | a species of wolf; name of an aboriginal tribe in South China, mostly hunters |
獲 | v. | take in hunting; seize; capture, catch; obtain; win; reap |
獽 | n. | a kind of ape; a minority in ancient China (in today's Sizhuan) |
玁 | n. | a dog with a long snout or muzzle; a derogatory name of the northen nomads (later known as Hsiungnu or Huns) given by the Chinese in the Zhou Dynasty |
玊 | n. | jade with defect; jade carver; surname; a state in the Western region |
玟 | n. | Gem, streaks in jade; (arch.) an ancient form of putting the name of the first Emperor of the Zhou dynasty |
玤 | n. | a kind of gem inferior to jade; a place in Mian Chi of Henan province |
玷 | n. | a flaw in a piece of jade; defect; stain |
珙 | n. | big jade; precious stone; name of a county in Sichuan |
珜 | n. | place name in antiquity |
珪 | n. | a jade tablet or baton, which varied in shape according to different ranks, conferred upon the feudal princes by the emperor as a symbol of dignity and authority |
琀 | n. | the jade piece put in the mouth of the dead before the burial |
理 | v. | manage; run; put in order; tidy up; pay attention to; acknowledge; regulate; arrange; regard |
琊 | n. | a place in south-eastern Shantong, namely 琅琊 |
璇 | n. | beautiful jade; stone inferior to jade; the second star in the bowl of the constellation Big Dipper (Urs Major β) |
甗 | n. | earthenware vessel in two parts |
甪 | n. | nowadays used mainly in geographical names |
畢 | n. | hand-net (arch.); name of a constellation that resembles a hand-net; The Net, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky |
略 | v. | put in order; define; capture, seize; plunder; omit, delete, leave out |
畦 | n. | rectangular pieces of land in a field separated by ridges, fifty acre; field; form |
畦 | v. | plant in a field |
畬 | classifier | numerary adjunct for patches of crops in agriculture |
畬 | n. | field with burned grass as fertilizer; She nationality; fields in the third year of cultivation |
畬 | v. | burn grass and wood in the field and use the ash as fertilizer |
當 | prep. | in; at |
疊 | adv. | on end, in succession |
疚 | v. | hate; be in mourning |
疰 | n. | a seasonal disease that appears in summer; dialect |
痞 | n. | lump in the abdomen; ruffian; dyspepsia; spleen infection; constipation |
痲 | n. | leprosy (as in 痲瘋); numbness (as in 痲痺); measles (as in 痲疹) |
瘐 | v. | to worry; being ill in prison; to die in prison from cold and hunger; to treat with cruelty |
瘲 | n. | spasms or convulsions in young children caused by indigestion |
瘳 | v. | to recover, to be healed, to convalesce, to improve in health |
白 | n. | spoken part in a play |
的 | n. | Bulleye in archery, shooting target (arch.) |
盄 | n. | a cooking utensil in antiquity |
監 | v. | inspecting one's own countenance by gazing at one's reflection in a bowl of water (arch.); inspect, supervise, oversee; revise; look into |
盦 | n. | an utensil used for containing food in ancient times; lid of a caldron |
盪 | v. | move; disturb; swing, sway, wave; loose in morals |
盱 | v. | to gaze in astonishment |
眇 | adj. | blind in one eye; having one small eye smaller than the other; faraway; very small; exquisite, ingenious |
眈 | v. | glare; be keen on, indulge in |
眊 | adj. | be blurred in eyesight; dull and mixed-up; dim-sighted; bewildered |
看 | v. | see, look at, observe, watch; read; examine; look in the direction of; consider, think; look after, take care of, guard; look upon; regard; treat; call on, visit |
眯 | v. | narrow; take a nap; unable to open one's eye while getting something in it; be blinded |
睥 | v. | to look askance at, to take a glance at somebody in disdain; to glare at |
瞎 | adj. | blind; stupid; fake; groundlessly; aimlessly; at random; in vain |
瞑 | v. | close the eyes in death; sleep, doze off |
瞬 | n. | blink; twinkling, in a wink, a flash |
矍 | v. | to look right and left in alarm; to look about in fright |
矮 | adj. | short; low; be low in grade |
砭 | n. | stone probe, stone needle used in acupuncture; hillside |
硤 | n. | ancient town near the present Ichang in Hupeh |
硰 | n. | place name in Shanxi province |
碚 | n. | a word used in place name; suburb |
磔 | n. | punishment by dismembering the head and extremities from the body; right falling stroke in Chinese calligraphy |
磧 | n. | pile of sand and gravel in water, moraine; desert |
礁 | n. | rock; reef; ore riched in silver |
礵 | n. | arsenic, name of some places in Fujian Province |
祊 | n. | side altar inside ancestral temple; river in Shandong |
祑 | n. | order in sacrificial ceremony |
祔 | v. | to bury in the same tomb; to worship ancestors |
祟 | adj. | in secret, evil |
禊 | n. | a ceremony of purification held on the edge of a river in spring and autumn for averting evils |
禰 | n. | a term applied to a deceased father after his tablet has been placed in the ancestral temple |
秀 | n. | ear of grain; grain in the ear (Bible expression) (arch.) |
秩 | n. | order, precedence, rank; official salary; decade=10 years (used in representing age of elderly people) |
秩 | v. | gather; arrange in order; offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors |
稻 | n. | rice growing in the field; paddy |
穢 | adj. | in disorder; dirty; evil, ugly, abominable; corrupt, foul |
穴 | v. | live in caves |
究 | idiom | after all, in the end |
窆 | v. | to burry; to put a coffin in a grave |
窋 | v. | being in a cave |
窌 | n. | cellar; pit, vault; store in pit |
窟 | v. | live in caves |
窠 | n. | bird’s nest in cave; nest; house; division; vacancy; pit, hole |
窨 | v. | fumigate; keep in dark place, store away in cellar; conjecture; close |
窬 | n. | a tablet-shaped hold; a wooden pail; a small door or window; a hole in the wall |
竊 | adv. | in private, secretly |
竟 | idiom | after all; in the end |
第 | n. | series; grade; degree; class; order; sequence; graduates in ancient times |
第 | prefix | used in front of a number to build up an ordinal number |
筮 | v. | to divine by stalks of plants; divining rod; diviation as prescribed in Iching or the Book of Changes |
箕 | n. | sieve; dust pan; garbage bag; The Winnowing Basket, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
管 | v. | govern; care for; control; manage; run; be in charge of; provide; guarantee |
箹 | n. | a wood wind instrument in ancient China |
簪 | v. | wear in one’s hair; stitch meet |
糖 | adj. | sugared; in syrup |
糟 | adj. | in a wretched state; in a mess; bad luck; pickled with grains or in wine |
糧 | n. | provision; grain; food; ration; tax in kind |
終 | idiom | after all; in the end |
綈 | n. | heavy silk; thick silk fabrics; a cotton fabric; a coarse, thick, greenish-black pongee; a kind of artificial silk material in modern times |
綏 | n. | carriage harness or rope; one of the five areas in ancient times; Sui river |
經 | v. | pass through; pass by; undergo; experience; manage; regulate; transact; plan; arrange; deal in; engage in; stand; bear; endure |
緀 | adj. | colorful; luxuriant (in ornaments and colors) |
編 | v. | plait; weave; fabricate, invent, make up, cook up; arrange in order, organise, group; edit, compile; enroll; register; write, compose |
緬 | adj. | faraway, remote; in detail |
縏 | n. | purse; small bag; sack; place in ancient China in today's Gansu province |
縪 | n. | part of a garment in antiquity; knee cover |
縮 | v. | draw in; draw back, withdraw, recoil; coil up; contract, shrink; shorten; bind fast |
縷 | adv. | in detail |
縹 | v. | fly in the air |
纂 | n. | fabrics; a red silk ribbon; a woman’s hair dressed in a bun |
纔 | idiom | in that case |
纛 | n. | big square banner or feather banner used in ancient Chinese army or in ceremony; a streamer |
罅 | n. | a crack in earthenware; a split; loopholes; a grudge; fissure; cleavage |
罡 | n. | the handle of the Big Dipper; a hill; the name of certain stars and the gods supposed to live in them |
羋 | n. | clan name of Chu State in the Spring and Autumn period |
羌 | n. | the Qiang nationality living in Sichuan |
翁 | n. | father-in-law; old man; man; father |
翇 | n. | feathers held by dancers during ceremonies in antiquity |
翔 | v. | circle in the air, soar |
翣 | n. | feathers used to decorate coffin; large wooden fan carried in funeral procession |
翲 | v. | soaring in the heights |
翼 | n. | wings; shelter; The Wings, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
考 | n. | deceased father; flaws in jade |
耄 | adj. | aged; in one's nineties; senile |
耋 | adj. | aged; in one's eighties |
耨 | n. | the weeding hoe; the indulgence in sensual pleasures |
耴 | n. | lobule of the ear (or its hanging piece of soft tissue); mostly used as proper name in antiquity |
耽 | v. | indulge in; be keen on; delay, hang fire; take on |
胃 | n. | stomach; The Stomach, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky |
脩 | n. | dried meat in lieu of salary for a teacher (arch.); fine food |
腠 | n. | natural fibre veins of skin; line of thought in writing |
腩 | v. | (meat) dip in condiments |
臦 | idiom | in discord with |
致 | v. | to send, to deliver; to convey to (arch.); cause, incur, bring about, occasion, result in; retire, resign; extend to; apply to; transmit; devote |
臺 | n. | one of three stars in Ursa Major, one of the three highest dignitaries of State; platform; stage, terrace; stand, support; Taiwan Province; desk, table |
與 | v. | give, offer, grant, allow; get along with, be on good terms with; take part in, participate in; concede to; share in; be present at; be concerned about |
舜 | n. | a kind of grass; Shun, the name of a legendary monarch in ancient China; surname |
舺 | n. | s small boat; a place in Taipei city, Taiwan |
艐 | var. | variant of 屆, used in the State of Song (宋) |
艤 | v. | pull in to shore |
艽 | n. | wild; the mat grass in the lairs of beasts and birds |
芤 | n. | hollow pulse, one type of pulse identified in Chinese medicine; scallion stalk; onion, leek |
芸 | adj. | numerous; deep and rich in colour |
苞 | adj. | growing in profusion |
苴 | n. | the pad in a shoe; the seed or the female plant of the nettle hemp; a gunny; a sackcloth; a rush |
苵 | n. | a herb mentioned in ancient text |
茌 | n. | Name of a county in Shandong province |
茍 | adv. | to be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour and speech |
茜 | trans. | used in female names |
莊 | adj. | sedate, serious, grave, correct in conduct |
莊 | n. | village; farm; place of business; banker in gambling game; manor |
菏 | n. | river in Shandong province |
萇 | n. | A kind of fruit called Averrhoa Carambola, possibly yangtao or star fruit in Canton; used in personal names |
葂 | n. | personal name in antiquity |
葞 | n. | grass in spring time |
蒐 | v. | hunt in spring or autumn; review troops; gather |
蒗 | n. | name of county in Yunnan province |
蒬 | n. | a medicinal herb; milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine |
蓀 | n. | an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient Chinese literature; iris; flower |
蓍 | n. | yarrow, milfoil, reed; plant stalks used in divination |
蓾 | n. | a kind of grass mentioned in ancient texts, used as inlay of shoes |
蕃 | trans. | the second syllable of the name for Tibet in ancient China (Tobo) |
蕩 | adj. | vast; large; magnificent; easy and plain; level; broad and long; peaceful; unsettled; vagrant; dissipated; licentious; reckless, loose in moral; agitated; disturbed |
藝 | n. | skill; ability in handicraft; craft; art; trade; accomplishment |
藺 | n. | Chinese iris; surname; bulrush used in making mats |
處 | v. | dwell; abide in, stay on; be at rest in; occupy; decide; judge; punish; settle, end; manage; adjust; attend to; place |
虛 | n. | big mound (arch.); void; emptiness; empyrean; The Emptiness, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky |
虜 | n. | captive; slave; non-Han nationalities living in the North and West in ancient times |
蚎 | n. | a kind of very small crab known in antiquity |
蚑 | v. | to move slowly (in the manner of a worm); to tip-toe |
蚨 | n. | water-beetle; a form of money in antiquity |
蜂 | adj. | in swarms |
蜑 | n. | egg; the Dan ethnic group in South-Western China |
蝆 | n. | a weevil found in rice etc; mantis |
蝹 | v. | to move in a zigzag or meandering fashion |
蠆 | n. | a kind of scorpion; a sting in the tail |
蠛 | n. | minute flies, small insects produced in damp places |
蠻 | n. | slave; savage, barbarians (in the south) |
行 | v. | walk; do, act; travel; circulate; carry out; perform; engage in; put into effect |
衙 | n. | local authorities, government office in old China; court |
衩 | n. | a vent in the sides of a garment; a slit in the middle of a skirt; the open seam of a garment which allows free movements |
衽 | v. | lie; put one’s clothes in order |
袖 | v. | put a thing in the sleeve |
袚 | n. | buskins; knee-pads; costumes of aboriginals in the South |
袢 | n. | white underwear in summer; Uighur or Tajik robe buttoning down the front; a loop for fastening a button |
袬 | v. | to give birth to , to propagate; to multiply in number |
袲 | n, | name of place in the ancient Song state |
裊 | v. | tie horse with silk ribbon; curl upward, twine, wind; wave in the wind; sway |
裎 | v. | to take off the clothes and expose the body; to carry in the girdle |
裶 | adj. | long dress billowing in the wind; flag flapping |
褢 | v. | to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; wrap, conceal |
褱 | v. | to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal; to conceive (a child) |
襞 | n. | folds or pleats in a garment; folds of the stomach, intestines, etc. |
襟 | n. | lapel; front of a garment; brothers-in-law; mind |
要 | conj. | if, suppose, in case |
覘 | v. | to spy on; to observe in secret; tp peek; to peep |
覜 | v. | court officials in ancient feudal states paying each other visits every three years (arch.); to scan or to scope over a wide range of distant objects |
親 | idiom | in person |
覭 | v. | to spy on; to observe in secrecy |
角 | n. | horn; angle; corner; point; a tenth of a dollar; The Horn, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Eastern sky |
角 | v. | butt, vie in contest |
觜 | n. | horn-like hair on the owl-head (arch.); beak; The Turtle Beak, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Western sky |
解 | n. | name of county (Xie) in Shanxi province, birth place of the famous general Guan Yu; surname |
訒 | adj. | to be hesitant in speech; to be cautious in speech |
記 | v. | record, write down; keep in mind, remember |
詁 | v. | explain archaic or dialectal words in current language |
詔 | v. | give imperial edict; recruit; call in |
詠 | v. | chant, sing, intone; narrate in poetic form; sing the praise of |
諂 | v. | to adulate, to flatter; to cajole; to toady; to act in an obsequious way |
諮 | v. | to consult, to confer; to communicate in |
謜 | v. | to speak with a friendly voice in a relaxed pace |
謫 | n. | a high official demoted to a minor post in an outlying district; fault, mistake |
謽 | adj. | being stubborn in speech; obstinate; not easily subdued |
譔 | v. | to teach wholeheartedly; to edit, to compile; to write; to have; to exhort with precepts; to discourse in the praise of something or someone; to compose |
譥 | v. | cry in pain; shout |
豁 | adj. | clear, open, open-minded; in a twinkle, in a flash |
豎 | n. | vertical stroke in Chinese character; young servant; fellow |
豟 | n. | pig big in size |
豢 | v. | feed pig with grains in sty; feed, raise; domesticate |
豻 | n. | a kind of wild dog in the steppe; prison |
貊 | n. | a northern minority nationality in ancient Han dynasty |
賅 | v. | to include; to summarize; to have, to possess; to give; be prepared for ; be included in; be embraced in |
賕 | v. | to seek in an underhanded way; to bribe |
賧 | n. | fine payable for one's crime among the southern tribes (comparable to indulgence in the West) |
賨 | n. | tribute paid by tribes in Han dynasty |
賹 | n. | a kind of rounded coin minted in the Qi State during the Warring States Period; a ship with the figure of a bird carved in the front |
贄 | v. | see sb. for the first time with gift; hold in one's hand |
贅 | n. | a son-in-law who marries into wife’s family taking her family name |
贉 | n. | an amount of money paid in advance to show earnestness |
越 | n. | Kingdom Yue in the late Spring and Autumn period; general term for Southern Chinese; Vietnam |
趯 | n. | upward cut in Chinese calligraphy |
趯 | v. | to jump; moving about in a hurry; to stand out markedly; to show forth |
趿 | v. | walk in slippers; tread on |
跼 | adj. | crouching; be confined in; careful; cramped |
踣 | adj. | stiff in death |
蹌 | adj. | walk in rhythm; in movement |
蹌 | v. | walk; go in a hurry |
蹐 | v. | to walk in small pace; to feel or show constraint |
蹙 | adj. | urgent; embarrassed; distressed; worried, be in straitened circumstances |
躬 | adv. | personally, in person |
車 | v. | carry in cart |
軏 | n. | a crossbar in carriage for guiding direction |
軫 | n. | cross board at rear of carriage (arch.); carriage; rash; peg for tuning stringed-instrument; The Chariot, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
軾 | n. | horizontal bar in the front of a sedan chair |
輋 | n. | land on hill slope; used often as nme of places in Southern China and Hong Kong |
輒 | v. | act personally in all affairs, decide and act alone |
輷 | onomatopoeia | noise of vehicle in motion; noises of traffic; loud music playing |
輸 | v. | pay; bring in what is due; transport; introduce; lose; be beaten; exhaust; be wanting; submit; convey; contribute; donate |
輾 | v. | toss about in bed; roll; turn |
轡 | n. | bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty |
迎 | v. | to meet; to welcome; to receive; go in person to meet; to greet |
迭 | v. | alternate, take turns, do sth.in turn; stop |
迸 | v. | run away, flee in disorder; gush, spout; burst, break |
逄 | n. | a proper name in antiquity, notably as in the case of 關龍逄 |
逋 | v. | abscond, flee; be behind in payment; slack, delay |
逐 | idiom | in order, in succession, one by one |
逤 | trans. | used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty. |
逶 | v. | swagger; sway in walking |
逸 | v. | escape; gallop; excel; retire from society and live in solitude |
適 | v. | go to; reach; follow; pursue; marry; suit; succeed; be blessed with; happen; fall in with; (a woman being) married to |
邃 | v. | be proficient in, master |
邐 | v. | to walk in crowds |
邗 | n. | an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river |
邠 | n. | the name of a small principality in what is now called Shensi, the home to the founder of the Chou dynasty |
邡 | n. | a place in Sichuan province of China |
邢 | n. | a surname; proper name for a state in what is today Hebei |
邯 | n. | Han village in today's Hebei province; personal name |
邰 | n. | surname; state in modern Shanxi |
邳 | n. | Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname |
邴 | n. | Bin town in ancient State of Sung, which is now in Shantung |
邶 | n. | Bei state in Henan |
邽 | n. | an ancient name for districts in Kansu and Shensi |
郈 | n. | Hou town in the State of Lu |
郕 | n. | ancient state in Shandong province; surname |
郘 | n. | an ancient feudal state, in today's Shanxi province |
郜 | n. | Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname |
郤 | n. | Xi- the name of a fief in the state of Chin; a crack; a rift; an illness |
郲 | n. | name of a country in Spring and Autumn period in modern Shandong |
郿 | n. | Mei county or Mei town, both in Shensi |
鄁 | n. | an ancient state in Henan |
鄄 | n. | name of a district in ancient Shandong |
鄈 | n. | place name (near Linfen in today's Shanxi Province) |
鄎 | n. | a place in Henan province; an ancient state in Henan |
鄖 | n. | Yun state; Yun city; county in Hubei province |
鄗 | n. | county in Hebei province |
鄘 | n. | Yong feudal state in the Zhou Dynasty, in today's Henan |
鄢 | n. | Yan city or Yan state in Henan |
鄧 | n. | surname Deng; an ancient state in today's Hubei |
鄩 | n. | county in Shandong province |
鄯 | n. | (proper name) name of a district in Gansu, close to present Xining |
鄲 | n. | county in Hebei province |
鄶 | n. | feudal state in today's Henan province |
鄹 | n. | Zou village in Shantung (the birthplace of Confucius) |
酁 | n. | name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname |
酃 | n. | name of county in Hunan province |
酄 | n. | name of city in Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period |
酟 | v. | to blend in ingredients during wine making; to mix; to flavour |
酢 | v. | to turn acid; to pledge a host in wine; to recompense |
酤 | v. | to deal in liquors or spirits |
醂 | v. | to remove astringency; remove puckery taste; to bleach in water |
醊 | v. | to pour wine in a libation; offering wine to a deity |
醬 | v. | pickle in soya sauce |
醮 | v. | sacrifice with wine in ceremonies marking a man's coming of age or in weddings; marry (usually used in re-marrying) |
醰 | n. | bitter taste in wine; long after taste of wine or liquor |
金 | n. | bronze, metals in general (arch.); gold; money; Mercury (the solar planet); aurum (Au); No.79 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element |
釜 | n. | pot; kettle; cauldron used in ancient China |
鈹 | n. | long needle used in acupuncture; long lance; Beryllium (Be); No.4 of the Periodic table; a chemical element |
鉦 | n. | bell-shaped gong used in march; front of a bell body |
銍 | n. | sickle; grain crops harvested; ancient place name located in today's Anhui province |
銜 | v. | hold in the mouth; accept; harbor, cherish; contain |
銦 | n. | indium (In); No.49 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element |
鍉 | n. | spoon, key; a technique in acupuncture |
鎦 | n. | surname; a kind of cauldron used in ancient China; ring |
鏇 | n. | a pewter heater for keeping spirits warm; a lathe; a thread in a screw |
鏇 | v. | to turn in a lathe |
鏖 | v. | to engage in fierce battle; to fight to the end |
鐫 | v. | engrave; chisel; keep deeply in mind; cut down, reduce; demote, reduce to a lower rank |
鐲 | n. | a small bell used in the army (arch.); bracelet |
鑕 | n. | anvil; axe or mat used for cutting sb. in two at the waist (a punishment in ancient China); name of a star |
鑰 | v. | lock up; come in |
間 | n. | interval, space, space in between; place; opening |
間 | prep. | among; in; on |
閞 | n. | Dougong, a unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets used in traditional Chinese architecture |
閥 | n. | powerful individual, family or group; left-hand entrance in a triple gate; classification according to rank |
閭 | n. | gate of an alley; lane; door, house; community of 25 families in ancient China; native village; surname |
閼 | n. | sluice board for controlling water in the lock gate |
闃 | v. | to live alone, live in solitude |
闆 | n. | boss, person in charge |
闈 | n. | the side door of the palace; the residence of the imperial concubines; the bedroom of one's parents; women's quarters; the examination hall or room for imperial examinations in ancient times |
闒 | n. | the door or window in an upper storey |
關 | v. | to shut, to close; to lock up, shut in; to close down; to connect; implicate; to involve; be concerned with |
阨 | adv. | in distress; adverse |
陓 | n. | name of lake in antiquity |
陣 | v. | place in battle array |
陭 | n. | place in Shanxi province; ladder |
陰 | n. | negative or female principle in nature; genitals (both male and female); north of a hill (e.g. 華陰); south of a river (e.g. 淮陰) |
陷 | v. | sink, cave in; involve; beguile; betray; get stuck, get bogged down |
陽 | adj. | clear; bright; superior; upper; front; positive; south of a hill (as in 衡陽) or north of a river (as in 洛陽) where more sunlight can be expected |
陽 | n. | sun; heat; the male or positive element in nature; principle of light and life |
隈 | n. | a bend in the river; mountain recess; bay; bend; corner |
隉 | adj. | in a disorder |
隓 | n. | city walls in ruin |
隤 | v. | collapse; fall; corrupt; fall in ruins |
隬 | n. | name of a place in antiquity |
隸 | n. | slave, servant (arch.); a way of writing prevalent in the Chin and especially the Han dynasties |
霄 | n. | graupel; thin and floating clouds in high altitude; sky |
霝 | v. | to fall in drops |
靚 | v. | call in a subordinate, invite; make up |
面 | adv. | personally, in person |
靬 | n. | dried leather; used in the Han Dynasty as part of the phonetic transcription of the name for (possibly) the Roman Empire |
靰 | n. | leather-made shoes filled with Ula grass in order to keep warmth |
鞞 | n. | sheath; drum used in army in ancient China |
鞠 | n. | ball used in ancient China; a surname |
韃 | n. | nomads in the north; tartars |
韓 | n. | surname; one of seven main warring states in ancient China; Korea |
頀 | n. | music in Shang Dynasty |
順 | idiom | in accordance with; in sequence |
順 | v. | obey; agree; go with; persist in; allow; indulge |
預 | idiom | in advance |
頓 | n. | a time; a turn; rest in music; a meal |
頓 | v. | bow the head; stamp the foot; put in order, arrange, settle; prepare; pause; cease; injure; lose; discard |
顛 | adj. | in a difficult position |
颭 | v. | to sway in the wind |
颯 | v. | dance in the air, flutter; fade and fall |
颻 | v. | floating in the air |
飂 | n. | wind in high places |
飛 | v. | fly; go quickly; hover in the air; flutter in the air; dart |
飧 | v. | to sup, to dine; to soak the cooked rice in the water |
飩 | n. | Wonton, a type of dumpling in Chinese cuisines |
餛 | n. | Wonton, a type of dumpling in Chinese cuisines |
饁 | v. | carry food to laborers in the field |
饗 | v. | to feast; to provide dinner for; to entertain; to sacrifice; to offer food and drink; to enjoy; to receive entertainment; to grant; to offer in sacrifice or at a feast; to enjoy a sacrifice as the gods |
駉 | adj. | in good condition, in good shape (referring to a horse) |
駽 | n. | a horse in blue-black colour (blue roan) |
騂 | n. | bay horse (horse with a reddish brown coat); a livestock animal which is red in colour |
騏 | n. | dark-blue horse; steed, fine horse; kylin, mythical unicorn in Chinese legends |
騴 | n. | horse, the tailhead of which is white in color |
驤 | n. | horse with the right hind foot in white; horse |
驫 | adv. | horses galloping in herd |
高 | adj. | tall; high; exalted; lofty; noble; eminent; good in quality; high in price; loud in voice; elevated |
髳 | n. | hair style; mane; Mao nationality in South-Western part of China |
髺 | idiom | hair rolled up in a bun; hair dishevelled, as in mourning |
髻 | n. | wispy bun, hair worn in a bun or coil |
鬟 | v. | dress hair in coiled knot; maid |
鬯 | n. | the tulip wine used in the offering sacrifice; a bowl case; sacrificial spirits made by fermenting millet and fragrant herbs |
鬳 | n. | earthenware vessel in two parts |
鬼 | n. | ghost; spirit; The Ghost, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Southern sky |
魁 | n. | the four stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper; chieftain, leader; chief |
魌 | n. | mask worn in exorcistic rite |
鮭 | n. | salmon; name of a fish in ancient; macular hemibarbus; cooked fish |
鰥 | n. | a big fish; the huge fish found in the Yellow River that is said to be unable to close its eyes; a widower; a unmarried man |
鴇 | n. | bustard; old whore, procuress; madam (used in a pejorative sense) |
鴉 | adj. | black; dark (in color) |
鵩 | n. | owl-like bird; Otus scops; buzzard; in antiquity supposedly a bird that signals bad luck |
鶅 | n. | a pheasant-like bird in antiquity |
鶈 | n. | a kind of bird in the Eastern part of China |
鶶 | n. | water bird pale white in color, related to some species of wild duck |
鷖 | n. | seagull; phoenix; silk fabric in blue-black colour |
鸏 | n. | name of waterbirds; general name of a family in biology |
鹵 | v. | stew in soy sauce |
麒 | n. | mythical unicorn in Chinese legends, legendary auspicious animal |
麓 | n. | trees in the foot of a hill; foot of a hill or mountain |
黟 | n. | black wood; Yi county in Anhui Province |
鼙 | n. | a drum used in the army in ancient China; drumlet |
齎 | n. | take in both hands and offer to; to present in both hands |
齝 | v. | to chew the cud (in cattle or other ruminants) |
龏 | v. | hold in veneration; behold with respect |