漢字 | 詞類 | 意義 |
厥 | n. | stone |
宕 | n. | cave; pit; stone quarry |
嶱 | n. | stone tablet |
徛 | n. | the stone used for crossing river |
核 | n. | kernel; walnut; hard lump; stone; pit |
牮 | v. | to prop up obliquely; to keep off water with mud and stone |
玉 | n. | gem; precious stone; jade |
玕 | n. | a stone like pearl; an inferior kind of gem |
玖 | n. | jade-like dark-hued stone; nine |
玗 | n. | semiprecious stone; a kind of jade |
珂 | n. | a jade-like stone; an ornament on a bridle |
珆 | n. | jade-like stone |
珙 | n. | big jade; precious stone; name of a county in Sichuan |
琅 | n. | jade-like stone; jade from North-Western part of China |
琇 | n. | a jade-like stone or a coarse jade or jasper |
琉 | n. | a precious stone |
琦 | n. | fine jade; gem; precious stone |
琭 | n. | jade like stone |
瑀 | n. | jade-like stone |
瑊 | n. | a jewel-like stone |
瑛 | n. | jade luster; jade-like stone |
瑩 | n. | gem lustre; jade-like stone |
瑯 | n. | type of white cornelian; a stone resembling pearl |
瑰 | n. | fine jade, fine stone |
璁 | n. | a jade-like stone |
璅 | n. | a stone like jade; lock |
璇 | n. | beautiful jade; stone inferior to jade; the second star in the bowl of the constellation Big Dipper (Urs Major β) |
璕 | n. | stone second only to jade |
璡 | n. | stone that looks like jade |
瓔 | n. | jade-like gem stone; necklace made of precious stones |
石 | n. | stone, rock, mineral |
矼 | n. | stone bridge; stepping-stones |
砣 | n. | the sliding weight of a steelyard; stone roller; brick; piece |
砨 | n. | a kind of precious stone |
砭 | n. | stone probe, stone needle used in acupuncture; hillside |
砮 | n. | a cluster of stone-arrow |
硌 | adj. | big stone on mountain; hard |
硯 | n. | glossy stone; inkstone |
碇 | n. | large stone for an anchor |
碉 | n. | stone chamber; pillbox, blockhouse |
碑 | n. | upright stone; stone tablet; inscription |
碔 | n. | jade-like stone |
碣 | n. | high rock; stone tablet with a round top; Jieshi mountain |
碪 | n. | stone slab; an anvil |
碫 | n. | anvil; stone |
碭 | n. | a brilliantly coloured stone with veins running through it; Dang Mountain |
磊 | n. | heap of stone; sincerity;grievance, indignation |
磬 | n. | musical instrument; musical stone |
磴 | n. | stone steps on a hill path; step |
磷 | n. | thin stone; water flowing over stones; noise of a rapid, or of carts; phosphorous; phosphorus (P); No.15 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element |
礅 | n. | a block of stone |
礐 | n. | precious stone (arch.); boulder; rocky hills |
礱 | n. | wet stone; rice huller; grave |
罄 | n. | chime stone, musical stone |
翡 | n. | bird with red feathers (arch.); kingfisher; jade, emerald, precious stone |
闕 | n. | fault, slip, error; gap; surname; watchtower; stone statue; palace |