漢字 | 詞類 | 意義 |
㞢 | particle | an ancient form of the possessive particle 之 (arch.) |
㞢 | v. | an archaic script meaning 'to have' (arch.) |
㯱 | n. | a bag opening at both ends, an enlarged bag, a parcel, a bundle, a package |
一 | n. | one, unity; the first; a, an, the; the same, uniform |
丁 | n. | an individual; person; male adult; imitation of tinkling sounds; member of a family; population; cube; fourth of ten celestial stems. |
乾 | adj. | having an position merely in name |
亼 | n. | an inverted mouth (arch.) |
仂 | n. | a surplus, an excess; a tithe |
仕 | v. | be an official, fill an office; study |
仞 | n. | ren,an ancient measure of varying length; Ren village |
仵 | n. | five; funeral director; an opponent; a match; an equal |
件 | n. | an article; letter; corespondence; paper; document |
侉 | adj. | big and clumsy; speak with an accent |
傘 | n. | umbrella; sth. like an umbrella |
傻 | n. | an imbecile |
儂 | n. | Nung, an ethnic nationality in Yunnan Province |
儺 | n. | temperance; abstinence; a group of fearless warriors in ancient Yueh; an ancient festival to exorcise the demons causing any plague; to drive away pestilence |
凱 | n. | victory; triumphant return of an army |
刃 | n. | knife-edge, blade; sword, knife; an ancient measure of varying length |
分 | n. | one tenth of an inch; part; function, duty; a unit of length; a unit of area; a unit of weight; minute; a unit of interest |
刻 | n. | quarter of an hour; moment |
劭 | v. | to stimulate an effort, to encourage; to exhort |
卪 | n. | seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system |
卿 | n. | a minister or a high official; your; an emperor’s form of address for a minister; a term of endearment formerly used between husband and wife or among close friends |
叟 | n. | an old man; Sou nationality |
吽 | onomatopoeia | roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage; sound of a Buddhist incantation |
告 | v. | tell, inform, notify; declare, announce to; accuse, lay an accusation, indict |
咼 | n. | a wry mouth; a surname; name of an ancient country |
哉 | int. | an expletive; an expression of surprise, of admiration, or of grief |
啈 | v. | to humbug, to hoodwink; to tell with an irritating voice |
喜 | v. | be fond of; like; have an inclination of |
喻 | v. | inform; know; report; raw an analogy |
嗊 | n. | name of an ancient song |
嗐 | int. | oh, an interjection expressing regret or sorrow |
嗜 | v. | have a liking for; have an insatiable desire for |
嘸 | int. | an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane; an exclamatory oath |
噪 | v. | make an uproar, clamour |
嚳 | n. | Ku,a name of legendary emperor; inform quickly; an urgent communication |
回 | n. | a time, an occasion; a chapter |
囟 | n. | top of the head or of the skull, fontanel; gap between the bones of an infant's skull |
坫 | n. | earthen terrace; an earthen stand for putting goblets in ancient ceremonies; circles |
垓 | n. | an octapole land; a domain; a limit; a hundred million; a battlefield; a front; flight of steps leading up to a house; a boundary; wilds beyond the frontier |
塤 | n. | ocarina; wind instrument consisting of an egg-shaped chamber with holes |
姁 | n. | an old woman; a woman |
姁 | v. | to chatter like an old woman |
姏 | n. | an old, eloquent woman |
姜 | n. | Jiang River; an ethnic group in Western China; a surname |
媟 | v. | to commit an outrage on a woman; to lust after |
媼 | n. | a woman; an old woman; mother |
嫨 | n. | the appearance of an old woman; hag |
嬪 | n. | woman; a concubine of an emperor; a woman attendant at court |
子 | n. | son; child; posterity; bride; wife; the young of animal; bullet; shot; an officer; gentleman; a philosopher; person; offspring; fruit, seed of; first of twelve Terrestrial Branches |
宄 | v. | to create an internal disorder; to usurp |
宜 | v. | to display sacrificial meat on an altar (arch.); order rightly; be fit |
審 | v. | judge; hold an official inquiry; investigate; examine, go over; interrogate; try |
尬 | n. | a staggering gait; an embarrassing situation |
屰 | n. | an inverted person; rebel |
差 | n. | error; disprecancy; job; servant of an official |
度 | n. | rule; law; limit; measure, a unit of measure; an interval in music; degree; manner; extent; tolerance; magnanimity; consideration |
弦 | n. | bowstring, chord of an arc; string; crescent; (Pythagorus Theorem) hypotenuse |
憝 | n. | an evil person |
戈 | n. | dagger-axe(an ancient weapon); weapons; war |
戊 | n. | an axe-like weapon (arch.); the fifth of the ten celestial stems |
戎 | n. | weapons; army; chariot; warfare; an ancient name for the people in the west; soldier; surname |
戕 | n. | an ancient axe |
批 | v. | criticize; comment; endorse a petition; reply officially to an inferior; make an order of court; officially authorize; lease; arrange for the purchase of; sell wholesale; slap, smack |
折 | v. | take off; diminish, reduce, deduct; snap; break off; bend, twist; humble; bow down; decide a cause; give an equivalent for; set off against; fold; see, barter; calculate a proportion |
抵 | v. | resist; oppose; withstand; knock; butt; substitute, give as an equivalent; make good; arrive at, reach; support; sustain; prop; compensate for |
收 | v. | gather together; collect, receive, accept; harvest; put away; close; bind; restrain, control; bring to an end, stop |
敕 | n. | an imperial order or decree |
斫 | n. | the edge of an axe; a big hoe |
斫 | v. | to hack with a knife or an axe (or in expression of anger); to attack; to strike; to cut with a sword; to chop |
旄 | n. | the ancient flag or banner made of a yak's tail; the yak's tail; a yak; a yak-like hill; the name of a kind of star; an outstanding person; the hair; the feather; the wool; the down |
旅 | n. | guest; stranger; traveller; brigade (a 500-man troop or an enlarged regiment); order; sequence; journey |
旋 | v. | revolve; circle; spin; move in an orbit; come back |
松 | n. | pine-tree; fir-tree; an emblem of longevity |
枻 | n. | the side of a ship or boat; an oar; a rowing-sweep; a stand for bending a bow |
柷 | n. | an instrument made of wood used in ancient times to start the orchestra |
柺 | n. | an old man's staff |
栝 | n. | the pointed end of an arrow; Mongolian snakegourd; a builder's frame for measuring |
梃 | n. | a wooden stick; a frame; an iron stick; a club; a cudgel; a stalk |
梪 | n. | an ancient dish or bowl for food |
梪 | var. | an old variant of 豆 which refers to a bowl for keeping food |
槨 | n. | an outer coffin; a brick vault |
款 | n. | item; an amount; article in a treaty; desire, wish; inscription |
歃 | v. | smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouth — an ancient form of swearing an oath; to drink; to smear the blood |
歍 | n. | nausea; an urge to vomit |
毫 | n. | ten-thousandth part of an ounce; atom; the down on plants; fine long hair; writing brush |
氘 | n. | deuterium 2H (an isotope of hydrogen); heavy hydrogen, with 1 neutron in the nucleus, so atomic weight=2 |
法 | v. | act as an example; follow; model after |
注 | v. | comment on; make an entry, record, register; fix the mind on, concentrate; stake; pour; annotate |
洑 | n. | a whirlpool; the Fu River; an eddy; a race; used in place-names to indicate the spot as a stopping-place for boats |
浯 | n. | Wu River; Wu mountain; Wu,an ancient place |
灥 | var. | an old variant of 泉 |
灺 | n. | the remnants of an expiring candle; candle stub |
灾 | var. | variant of 災, an archaic way of writing the script 災 |
炷 | n. | the wick of an oil lamp; a candle wick; a torch; a lamp; a lantern; an ignitable columnar thing; stick of incense |
烝 | v. | to evaporate; to steam; to advance; to involve in an adulterous act with a female member of an older generation |
熄 | v. | to extinguish or put out a fire, light, etc; to wither away, to die out, to come to an end |
燼 | n. | cinder; ashes; remnants; subjects left over from an overturned dynasty or defeated state |
犨 | n. | the grunting of an ox; Chou River |
犽 | n. | a badger like animal in ancient China; an ethnic minority in China |
狋 | adv. | showing an angry look (of dogs) |
猭 | n. | (extinct.) an animal that resembles a hare |
猵 | n. | a kind of otter; mythical beast similar to an ape with dog's head |
獑 | n. | an ape-like animal black in color but a white waist |
獦 | n. | a species of wolf; name of an aboriginal tribe in South China, mostly hunters |
玕 | n. | a stone like pearl; an inferior kind of gem |
玟 | n. | Gem, streaks in jade; (arch.) an ancient form of putting the name of the first Emperor of the Zhou dynasty |
玷 | v. | smear, stain; be an incompetent person |
珂 | n. | a jade-like stone; an ornament on a bridle |
珈 | n. | an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin |
琮 | n. | an octagonal jade badge denoting rank |
琯 | n. | an ancient musical instrument |
璈 | n. | an ancient chinese musical instrument |
璗 | n. | fine gold; a kind of jade; an alternative name for gold |
瓴 | n. | an earthenware used for filling with water; concave channels of tiling; a long-necked jar |
甑 | n. | an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rice; an utensil for distilling water |
甾 | n. | calamity, disaster; an ancient pottery (arch.); Zi River; evil; ground that has been under cultivation for one year |
當 | v. | undertake; act as; fill an office; occupy a position; be equal to; treat as; regard as; represent; bear; accept; undertake; work as; serve as; deserve |
瘥 | n. | an epidemic; epidemic disease |
瘺 | n. | a purulent tumor; a running sore; an ucler; anal fistula |
癘 | n. | leprosy; pestilence; a sore; an ulcer; swelling and sores caused by varnish-poisoning |
皰 | n. | an acne; a blister; bleb; a pustule; a pimple; herpes |
盉 | n. | an ancient utensil |
盎 | n. | an earthen vessel with a big belly and a small mouth |
盦 | n. | an utensil used for containing food in ancient times; lid of a caldron |
盷 | n. | a look with big eyes; name of an ancient state |
矞 | v. | to pierce or bore through with an awl |
矰 | n. | an arrow for shooting birds; a short arrow; a bolt for a crossbow; an arrow or a dart with a silk thread fastened to it |
砣 | v. | cut or polish jade with an emery wheel |
碇 | n. | large stone for an anchor |
碪 | n. | stone slab; an anvil |
祧 | v. | to move; to surpass; to be or become an heir; to inherit |
章 | v. | complete an essay; display |
第 | prefix | used in front of a number to build up an ordinal number |
篎 | n. | an ancient wind instrument, piccolo |
籟 | n. | an ancient musical pipe; sound |
紈 | n. | pure white and fine silk; an fan made from fine silks |
綬 | n. | ribbon attached to an official seal or medal; cord |
縩 | n. | an ancient silk |
纑 | n. | the flaxen thread; a kind of plant like the ramie; black and solid earth; an arch; a squat; a wide-mouthed jar for containing wine |
缶 | n. | an earthen jar with a big belly and a small mouth; an earthware for sucking water; fou, a clay musical instrument; a pottery; an earthenware |
罈 | n. | an earthenware jar; a jug |
罌 | n. | an earthenware small-mouthed jar, a pot, a pitcher |
羿 | n. | wing; name of an archery's master |
耖 | v. | level land with such an implement |
耬 | n. | an animal-drawn seed plough |
耰 | n. | the name of an ancient farm tool; a rake for drawing earth over newly-sown grain, a harrow; the handle of a hoe |
肒 | v. | scratching one's skin forming an ulcer |
胠 | n. | axilla; the right wing of an ancient military camp |
脢 | n. | the tenderloin; the meat at the back of an animal |
膘 | n. | fat of an animal |
艟 | n. | a long swift boat; an ancient warship |
菪 | n. | henbane; a kind of poisonous herb that might lead to hallucination, licorice being an antidote |
葒 | n. | an annual herbaceous plant |
葶 | n. | an annuals herbage |
蒎 | n. | an organic compound |
蓀 | n. | an aromatic plant mentioned in ancient Chinese literature; iris; flower |
蓂 | n. | an auspicious fabulous plant |
蓴 | n. | an edible water-plant |
薷 | n. | an aromatic, medical herb |
虒 | n. | an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with horn(s?) |
蜮 | n. | a fabulous, injurious creature like a turtle; an evil spirit; a treacherous person |
螃 | n. | crab; an edible toad-like animal |
螒 | n. | an insect; aulacophora femoralis |
衡 | n. | yoke of an ox; railing; beam of a steelyard; authority; weighing apparatus |
袹 | n. | scarf worn by a man for mourning purpose; an apron |
襁 | n. | swaddling clothes; a rope; an ancient apparatus for catching tiger; a cloth used for carrying children on the back |
要 | v. | want; wish; need; require; make an agreement; seek for; ask for; meet; force; demand; will be, be going to; need, take |
觚 | n. | a beaker; a goblet; a wooden writing-tablet; an angular object; a regular beam; the corner; a law; a rule; the sword handle; an angle |
觳 | n. | an ancient measuring tool; a goblet |
訇 | n. | an Islamic priest |
訖 | v. | to stop, to finish; to settle as an account |
訾 | n. | an ancient place name Zi; illness; defect |
諂 | v. | to adulate, to flatter; to cajole; to toady; to act in an obsequious way |
謫 | n. | a high official demoted to a minor post in an outlying district; fault, mistake |
譟 | v. | make an uproar, clamour |
譫 | n. | an incoherent talk |
讎 | n. | hatred; an enemy; a rival |
豝 | n. | sow (an adult female pig); cf. German: Sau |
豸 | n. | a legendary beast; an insect (creature) without feet or legs |
賕 | v. | to seek in an underhanded way; to bribe |
賚 | v. | to award; to give as a present; to present as a gift; to confer; to bestow on an inferior; to reward |
賠 | v. | compensate, pay for; stand a loss; make an apology |
贉 | n. | an amount of money paid in advance to show earnestness |
跂 | n. | foot with an extra toe |
蹕 | n. | the horse-drawn carriage of an emperor; the imperial halting-place |
躨 | n. | movement of an animal (refering mostly to a dragon) |
軔 | n. | a piece of wood serving as a brake to halt a carriage; an ancient measure of varying lengths; wheel |
轡 | n. | bridle of horse, reins; name of an ancient nomadic tribe in the north-western borderland of the Shang Dynasty |
邗 | n. | an ancient place in the state of Wu; name of an ancient river |
邽 | n. | an ancient name for districts in Kansu and Shensi |
郘 | n. | an ancient feudal state, in today's Shanxi province |
郜 | n. | Gao State- an ancient fief in Shantung bestowed on the eldest son of Wen Wang; rare surname |
郤 | n. | Xi- the name of a fief in the state of Chin; a crack; a rift; an illness |
鄁 | n. | an ancient state in Henan |
鄆 | n. | proper noun, name of an ancient town |
鄎 | n. | a place in Henan province; an ancient state in Henan |
鄒 | n. | proper noun for an ancient state; surname |
鄧 | n. | surname Deng; an ancient state in today's Hubei |
鄳 | n. | proper name of an ancient county |
醢 | n. | minced pickled meat; an excruciation by mincing up a victim into meat |
釧 | n. | an armlet; a bracelet |
釽 | n. | break; an ancient farm tool; the rich and bright colors of the sword |
鈇 | n. | an axe |
鈞 | n. | an ancient unit of weight; potter’s wheel; tuning standard |
鉣 | n. | an accessory for horse-riding made of iron |
銎 | n. | the hole on an axe for installing a handle |
銖 | n. | an ancient weight measure; baht, bat; surname |
鋃 | n. | an ornament |
錄 | v. | record; make an entry; copy; choose; employ, hire |
錙 | n. | zi, an ancient measure of weight |
錛 | n. | an adze |
錞 | n. | an ancient musical instrument; metal sheath of spear handle |
鎰 | n. | an ancient unit of weight |
鎲 | n. | an ancient weapon which similar to a fork |
鎴 | n. | an old name of the chemical element now called strontium [鍶] |
鏑 | n. | the arrowhead; an arrow; the head of a javelin; dysprosium (Dy); No.66 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element |
鐇 | n. | outdated translation for vanadium; an axe with a long blade |
鐌 | n. | an ornament |
鑣 | n. | bit of a horse; a horse; a dart-like weapon; an iron-pointed spear |
閞 | var. | an old variant of 關 |
閭 | n. | gate of an alley; lane; door, house; community of 25 families in ancient China; native village; surname |
閽 | n. | a gatekeeper; a door-keeper; the gate of a palace; an eunuch; an entrance |
闒 | n. | the door or window in an upper storey |
阢 | n. | an earth-capped rock mountain; an unstable look |
阮 | n. | an ancient musical instrument; surname; nephew (arch.) |
陣 | n. | file of soldiers; army; battle; a time, an occasion |
隧 | n. | aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an ancient tomb; tunnel |
雉 | n. | pheasant; an ancient measure unit |
霎 | particle | an instant; all of a sudden |
韞 | n. | an orange color |
顏 | v. | dye; write an inscription for a tablet |
鴞 | n. | an owl; a fabulous bird which is said to eat the whole of its mother without the head |
鸑 | n. | an aquatic bird; a young legendary phoenix |
麇 | n. | the river deery, the general name for the hornless deer, a small deer- the muntjac; the name of an ancient country |
麋 | n. | an elk; the tailed deer; a brow; a young beast; the bank of waters |
黃 | n. | an illness, prob. jaundice (arch.); a popular surname |
黻 | n. | a black and blue figure; a ceremonial robe; a knee hide; the silk band; an ornamental textile of black and blue stripes used for the sacrificial robes of the emperor |
鼒 | n. | an ancient small cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs; a tripod with a small opening on the top |
龍 | n. | dragon; an emblem of the imperial house |