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particlean ancient form of the possessive particle 之 (arch.)
var.archaic variant form of
v.original form of 斥; to accuse; to blame, to expel; to drive off; to reject
var.old form of
n.simplified form of 筴; pincers; a kind of grass used for divination in ancient times, (same as 策)
pron.(archaic form of 其) his, her, its, their; that
var.the original form of
n.a minister or a high official; your; an emperors form of address for a minister; a term of endearment formerly used between husband and wife or among close friends
var.(arch.) archetypic variant ofand 佇; nowadays used exclusively as the simplified form of 寧.
n.looks, appearance; countenance; figure, form; manner; bearing; capacity
var.archaic variant of 爾; nowadays often regarded as simplified form of
n.style; system; formula; rule; form; fashion; pattern; model; type
n.form, shape; appearance; figure; body; entity
n.a form of scraper for levelling a seed-plot; a form of Eight used in accounts to prevent fraud
var.developed form of
v.plot, implicate; complete; construct, form, compose; fabricate, make up
n.shape; form; pattern; style; appearance; sample, model; pattern; kind; type; manner; sort; example
v.smear the blood of a sacrifice on the mouthan ancient form of swearing an oath; to drink; to smear the blood
v.form sediment, settle, precipitate
n.form; appearance; shape; state, condition; certificate; accusation
n.Gem, streaks in jade; (arch.) an ancient form of putting the name of the first Emperor of the Zhou dynasty
n.rectangular pieces of land in a field separated by ridges, fifty acre; field; form
n.form; symbol; minister; bearing, posture; photograph; looks, appearance
pron.He, Him (honourific form of third person pronoun usually used for a deity such as Christian God.)
v.agree with; form alliance; bind; restrain; restrict
v.contract; give a bond for; knot, knit, weave; connect, unite, join; congeal; form; forge; cement; bear fruit; form; finish; pay, settle, conclude
n.the chinese water-chest-nut- Scirpus tuberosus; the shortened form of a common, chinese harbaceous peony
n.form of inhumation
n.water-beetle; a form of money in antiquity
n.index; chart; watch; meter, gauge; table; form; list
n.expression; words; term; phrase; part of speech; tales, story; form of poetry; legal plaint; speech, statement
v.chant, sing, intone; narrate in poetic form; sing the praise of
trans.used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty.
n.the ancient form of the preceding
n.body; whole person; trunk; limbs; a class od body of persons; the essentials of; the substance of; style; form