漢字 | 詞類 | 意義 |
何 | adj. | which; what |
哪 | adj. | which; what |
哪 | pron. | which; what |
奚 | pron. | what; which; why; how |
孰 | pron. | who; which; what |
嶮 | n. | locations which are strategically located and difficult of access |
幛 | n. | a scroll of cloth or silk which contains congratulations or condolences |
床 | n. | couch, bed; board or framework on which things rest |
所 | particle | that which; who; what |
旟 | n. | a banner emblazoned with falcons, which is displayed by high officials in feudal times; naturally wavy hair |
梪 | var. | an old variant of 豆 which refers to a bowl for keeping food |
棪 | n. | a kind of tree which bears edible red fruits; a kind of tree with natural rubber texture |
椋 | n. | large-leaved dogwood; the type of bird which is good at imitating other birds' twitter or chirp |
榤 | n. | wood pile on which chickens perch |
槿 | n. | Hibiscus; the rose of Sharon; a tree, the blossoms of which fade in a day |
氤 | n. | hanging fog; mist; the generative forces of heaven and earth, by means of which all things are reproduced constantly |
汜 | n. | winding catchment, a stream which leaves the main branch and afterwards flows into it; the ditch of stagnant water; Si River; the water bank |
滫 | n. | the water of washing rice; urine; water in which rice has been boiled |
焉 | pron. | it; where; what; which |
猊 | n. | the lion; a wild beast or a wild horse which can do 500 li (250 kilometers) a day |
獯 | n. | a tribe of Scythians which invaded China during the Hsia dynasty |
珪 | n. | a jade tablet or baton, which varied in shape according to different ranks, conferred upon the feudal princes by the emperor as a symbol of dignity and authority |
繻 | n. | color silk fabrics; fine thin silk; a silk pass; the fine gauze; the frayed edges of silk; silk torn into pieces, one of which was given as a credential and the other retained |
者 | pron. | that which; he who, she who; those who |
耳 | n. | ear; that which is at the side; handle; fungus; projection |
芨 | n. | Name of a plant- Chinese elder, it has mucilaginous roots which are used for various purposes; mixing vermilion ink for seals |
荑 | n. | tender bud; a kind of grass which is like barnyard grass; used figuratively for the tender hands of women |
蘧 | n. | lotus-like plant, a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain |
虡 | n. | poles of a rack on which musical instruments were hung, support structure for bell; bell pendant stand |
蝥 | n. | a Chinese blister beetle; a fly which is used similarly to cantharides |
蟊 | n. | a kind of insect that destructs the roots of rice seedlings; a pest; a fly which is used similarly to cantharides |
衩 | n. | a vent in the sides of a garment; a slit in the middle of a skirt; the open seam of a garment which allows free movements |
誰 | pron. | who; which; whose; anyone |
逤 | trans. | used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty. |
邴 | n. | Bin town in ancient State of Sung, which is now in Shantung |
鎲 | n. | an ancient weapon which similar to a fork |
韙 | adj. | right; that which is right; good, fine |
騂 | n. | bay horse (horse with a reddish brown coat); a livestock animal which is red in colour |
騴 | n. | horse, the tailhead of which is white in color |
鴞 | n. | an owl; a fabulous bird which is said to eat the whole of its mother without the head |
鶒 | n. | a variety of waterbird which is similar and bigger than Mandarin duck |
鷽 | n. | oriental bullfinch, weaver bird; a mythical bird which supposedly can tell the fortune |
鷿 | n. | a variety of waterbird which is similar to but smaller than a wild duck |
鸂 | n. | a variety of waterbird which is similar and bigger than Mandarin duck |