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𠂤n.heap of soil; ~buttocks
𠂤v.to store up, to pile up
𠓛n.triangular shape; lid; the cover of utensil (arch.)
𠓛v.to assemble, to gather together
𠕞adj.second-rate, inferior, lower; secondary
𠕞var.variant of
𠦒n.pan with stalk used for disposal of dung or manure; a surname
𠦝n.a script component depicting the scenario of a rising sun
𠧴n.wine pot
𠨍v.two persons squatting or sitting, facing each other (arch.)
𠩺v.to split, rive, crack; to demolish
𠬝v.subdue (arch.)
𠬞n.two hands
𠬞v.to use both hands
𠬞var.variant of 廾, 抙, and [手手]
𠱾n.meaning uncertain, probably 'poetry' or 'poem'
𡆠var.variant ofreportedly introduced by Empress Wu of the Tang Dynasty
𡈼adj.straight, stand upright
𡒄var.variant of
𡿧n.flood-related calamity, disaster, catastrophe
𢆶adj.minute; inconspicuous
𢇛n.shore; bank; beach; coast; waterfront
𢇛var.prototype of
𢦏v.to cut, to wound, to hurt
𢦔n.disaster; harm, calamity; catastrophe; cataclysm; personal misfortune
𣎆n.a legendary animal
𣪘n.a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles
𣪘var.variant of
𤎩n.flint; torch; beacon fire (arch.); warfare
𤎩var.variant of
𤏻v.to burn and roast in a big fire (arch.) to liaise and harmonize (arch.)
𦣞n.comb; emblem of clan (arch.)
𦣞var.variant of
𦥑v.to hold with two hands
𦩻n.morning, dawn
𦩻var.prototypical variant of
𦵯n.a herbal plant in Hunan province, very close to thyme
𨙻var.variant of
𨚵n.Name of a state during the Spring and Autumn era
𩛥v.to prepare a meal; to serve food
n.black hair
var.prototypic variant of
v.to obey; to comply with; to follow the wishes of another
var.archaic origin of
onomatopoeiato hum; to groan
n.shackles, handcuffs (arch.)
var.Variant of
particlean ancient form of the possessive particle 之 (arch.)
v.an archaic script meaning 'to have' (arch.)
var.archaic variant of 之, and in bronze script variant of
idiomin order to; by means of
v.to carry, to use for something (arch.)
var.archaic variant form of
n.proper name in antiquity
v.to squat; to crouch
v.original form of 斥; to accuse; to blame, to expel; to drive off; to reject
v.resist; oppose; obstruct, defend; guard; ward off, thump; beat; strike; attack
n.flag (arch.)
v.to cease; to desist from
var.old form of
n.a tree; a kind of birch found in Manchuria
n.a bag opening at both ends, an enlarged bag, a parcel, a bundle, a package
v.to wrap up
v.to breath with mouth open; exhale
n.spittle, saliva
n.utensils, earthen pot; a deep cooking pot
n.sickle; reaping hook; sin, fault
var.prototype ofor of
n.simplified form of 筴; pincers; a kind of grass used for divination in ancient times, (same as 策)
v.to use pressure upon; to force
v.to feed, to eat and drink; to provide for; to prepare food, delicacies, dainties; to write, to compile
adj.pure, honest
n.black silk; a dark, drab colour, typical of Buddhist monks
n.confusion, chaos (arch.); change (arch.); aboriginals in Southern China (arch.)
v.link (arch.)
v.lead, guild, direct, pioneer
n.bough, branch of tree used as a walking stick (arch.); obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release
var.archaic prototype of
n. musicians (arch.); ten thousand
conj.and; with
prep.to; for
v.give, grant (arch.)
var.variant of
n.short wall to hide from arrows in defence (parapet)
v.cover, be unable to see
var.possibly a variant of
v.catch, hold
n.meaning uncertain; piece(s) of jade
adj.abundant, plentiful; fruitful
var.variant of
n. child's hairstyle bound in two tufts
onomatopoeiapong as in pingpong or table tennis
乿v.to cure; to heal
adj.greedy, parsimonious, stingy, scant
n.an inverted mouth (arch.)
n.servant (simp.)
v.fall forward; lie prostrate, prone
n.a surname
v.follow; comply with; obey;
var.variant of 仙; also variant of 厃(危)
n.obesity; big tummy
var.variant of
n.servant; middle-man; good
adj.be good at thinking, quick
adj.luxurious, extravagant; wasteful
n.envoy; servant
v.send, tell sb.to do sth.
pron.(Cant.) he, she, it
adj.still, silent, quiet
n.small child; keeper of horses
var.variant of
adj.narrow, cramped, confined
v.to look carefully; to scrutinize; to spy on
v. to pretend, appear as if; to be touched
n.sunrise; daybreak; redness at dawn; Morgenrot (German)
n.mainly used as personal name
v.to fuss
v. to oppose; to deviate and to desert
adj.of exquisite beauty and elegance
idiomindecent intention of a woman
v.compel, to exert pressure, force; bother
adv.as always
var.variant of
v. imitate, mimic
n.furniture; utensils; weapon
n.friend; pal
n.ancient place name; surname
adj.negligent; careless; remiss
adj.transcendent, immortal
n.Taoist super-being
var.variant of
adj.untidy; uneven
adj.sincere; serious; great
adj.strange, eerie
n.name of musical piece of Northern nomads
adj.hurried; vexed; worried
v.to worry
adj.unclear, indistinct, blurred;misty
v.seem;appear to be
adj.unkind; insincere; vulgar; small, minute
adj.indecisive; irresolute; hesitant
v.to stop
adj.frivolous; sly; clever
n.a slick sly person
v.to do to the utmost
adj.lazy; absent-minded
v.to sell
n.the end
v.to complete; to end
adj.obstinate; stupid; uneven; mixed; irregular
v.to interrupt during a conversation
n.son; child
rad.KangXi radical 10
v.to advance, to promote
rad.KangXi radical 13
adj.light and bright
n.plant of the jute family
n.copulation; confluence (arch.)
v.meet; encounter; coupulate (arch.)
n.hat or headgear worn during the Yin dynasty
v.to move on; to go out
adj.bitter cold, miserable, dreary
var.variant of
n.hole, pit (arch.); receptacle
rad.KangXi radical 17
v.to row or paddle boat; to scratch
v.establish, create; knife cut; carve
n.punishment by cutting off one or two ears
v.to cut; to trim
v.cut to make even
v.to kill or execute a person in secrecy
v.to slash, to cut; dictate, to rule or judge
v.to bore; to cut; to mince; to polish
v.to scold; to censure; to beat; to subdue; to embezzle
var.variant of 剋, 克
v.advise, excite; exhort; stimulate
v.join forces, unite; trying one's utmost
adj.hectic; urgent; in haste, hurriedly
v.to come to help
v.to beg for alms
var.variant of
onomatopoeianoise of waters
v.to respect
rad.KangXi radical 22
var.prototype of
n.a kind of headgear; scarf; kerchief
n.swastika, Buddhist mystic symbol
n.a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.)
rad.KangXi radical 26
n.seal; a person assuming a kneeling posture (arch.); one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system
adj.lofty; high; high-priced
pron.I, me (regional colloquial)
v.to raise
var.variant of
adj.eminent; excellent; admirable; lofty
v.to announce; to make public; to exhort
n.sympathy, anxiety
v.to sympathize, to pity; to comfort; to worry about
var.variant of
v.to approach, reach, be near; assume
var.the original form of
n.cliff, precipice, cave (arch.)
var.variant ofand
n.precipice, shore, bank
adj. bulky; huge; thick and large; confused
v.to experience (arch.)
n.brachium, forearm
n.animal footprints; spear
v.to trample with feet
n.spinning wheel; reel
v.to stitch; to connect
var.prototype of
v.to borrow
n.chirping of birds
v.to sip
onomatopoeiaroar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage; sound of a Buddhist incantation
var.variant of
n.bright star
v.to chew; chewing
v.talk in distinctly; whisper; lick, taste; petty
v.to gasp; to rest; to breathe
v.breath on; roar; yawn
adj.vast, spacious
n.voice of anger
var.variant of
particleso (Canton.)
v.laugh loudly
n.beak of bird
v.to peck
adj.glorious; majestic
v.sob; weep
n.name of place in Taiwan
v.to urge, to prompt to drink
v.to snore
v.to put in the mouth
int.curse word showing anger, aversion and disrespect
n.a smiling countenance
v.to smile at ...
n.mowed weed
v.talk endlessly; chatter; babble
v.to eat; to chew; to bite
classifier(Cantonese) a few; some quantity of; a little
adj.talkative; exaggerative
v.eat; drink; endure, bear
var.variant of
adj.coarse and vulgar
n.proverb; a saying of old
v.to condole with; to express condolence (唁)
var.variant ofand of
v.to vomit; to throw up
v.to breathe; to inhale
adj.satisfied, content; discontent
v.hold in the mouth
n.ancient musical instrument similar to ocarina
v.to shout aloud
onomatopoeiasound of swallowing or gurgling
n.(Cantonese) thing
particle(Cant.) all, entirely
v.(Cant.) to waste; to belittle
adj.unclear; perplexed
int.an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane; an exclamatory oath
v.to meet; to talk together
n.birdsong, chirping
v. to chew; to munch; to eat
n.movement of a fish's mouth at the surface of water
n.beak of a bird
v.to peck
var.variant of
v.(Cantonese) come
n.personal proper name
n.guide, escort
v.two persons facing each other (arch.); direct; incline to, favor; adore
adj.gluttonous; greedy
var.variant of
var.variant of
n.rare personal name used in antiquity
adj.long-winded; talkative
v.to praise; to satirize
adj.loquacious, talkative
n.(wish of) double happiness
var. variant of
n.enclosure; original script forand for
rad.KangXi radical 31
n.well-lit window; window frame with emitting light
v.to cheat
n.mist or cloud rising upward
adj.boundless, immeasurable
n.plaster knife
v.to plaster over with layer of mud; to whitewash
var.variant of
n.muck; dung; manure; hill slope
n.environment, wilderness; outermost suburbs
adj.bumpy (road)
n.clod of earth, lump of soil
var.ancient variant of
n.pier, port, dock; big city
n.wilderness; wild country; field
var.prototypic variant of
n.low fence used as bulwark
var.variant borrowed forand
n.skill; art
v.to plant (arch.)
n.a border; a limit; a dike; a frontier; a boundary
n.dike, dyke; embankment; target (archery).
v. to bury; to lower the coffin into the grave; beerdigen (Ger.)
n.land allotment; feudal noble; low wall
n.cemetery; tomb, burial mound
var.variant of
n.ocarina; wind instrument consisting of an egg-shaped chamber with holes
n.fish farm
n.place names; raised bank; mud wall
n.interment of the coffin
n.fine dust; haze
var.variant of
n.hole, pit
n.a display of musical instruments (particularly drums); primitive graph for drum
adj.related to a senior female member of the family
n.palace corridor or passageway
n.thigh (arch.)
v.buy or sell; do business
v.resist; meet resistance (arch.)
n.foot (coming downward or closing in)
rad.KangXi radical 35
v.walk slowly
v.to squat; to crouch
n.apes, monkeys (arch.)
adj.curly formed
v.to turn over when asleep
n.man with head inclined towards one side (arch.)
adj.skinny, tiny, thin (Cant.)
n.big mouth, scaramouch
v.big mouthing; to massively exaggerate
adj.arrogant; proud; loud, noisy
n.a legendary figure of the Xia Dynasty revered as the patron of fishermen
var.variant of
var.variant of
adj.deep and broad
n.vast expanse of water; abyss
v.to bind, to tie up
adj.to hang down; richly grown; dangling
adj.quarrelsome; stupid
v.to quarrel
n.known to be used as proper name for women only.
n.used as proper name for women
var. variant of 娩 (according to 康熙字典)
adj.beautiful, fair, handsome
n.female/women court official; imperial concubine
n.female name in antiquity
n.woman of poise axnd grace
n.gynecological events in women, such as menstruation, labour, miscarriage, etc.
pron.A pronoun used in antiquity by a woman referring to herself
n.an old, eloquent woman
n.a pretty woman; a beautiful girl; a fine lady
adj.A woman being ugly
n. number 44 of 64 hexagrams
v.to mate; to copulate; to be jealous
n.beautiful lady, good looking woman (arch.)
v.to help one another
adj.careful; prudent; cautious; good natured
var.variant of
adj.beautiful; good-looking (of women)
adj.fine and elegant looking (of women)
adj.variant of
n.ancient name for a star, probably Venus; planet Venus in the morning
adj.good-looking, beautiful
n.a disreputable woman
n.(used only as) proper name for women
adv.at ease; poised, well-composed
adj.a man being jealous of his wife (arch.); envious
v.be pregnant
var.variant of
v.to move
n.female proper name in antiquity
adj.slender, graceful, delicate
adj.compliant, yielding; easy-going; gentle in temperament
n.the appearance of an old woman; hag
adj.beautiful; fine looking; elegant (in ancient Southern dialects)
n.ancient name for woman
n.proper name for women in antiquity
adj.apt, clever; sycophant; obsequious; tricky
adj.delicate; graceful; slender
n.mother; nurse (one who breastfeeds)
adj.slow; dull
v.(arch.) play with; flirt with; (Cant.) angry
var.variant of
adj.slender, fine, delicate
var.variant of
n.proper name of ancient state
adj.good looking; docile; obedient
n.catamite; pedophile
v.(arch.) to love; to admire; to adore
n.larvae of mosquito; maggot
n.house, roof
rad.KangXi radical 40
v.(arch.) to store; to stand for long
var.(arch.) archetypic variant ofand 佇; nowadays used exclusively as the simplified form of 寧.
n.flesh; meat
var.prototype of
adj.spacious; grand, great; magnificent; wide
adj.quick, fast
adj.calm, peaceful (arch.)
conj.used as a term of comparison:-rather; it is better
adv.gradually; step by step
v.to immerse, to soak
var.old variant of
v.put aside, put down
v.to murmur in one's dream; dream talk
n. tree
v. to plant a tree; to erect something
adj.a little, a few; some; slightly; a bit (Cant.)
n.cicada; small branch of tree
var.archaic variant of 爾; nowadays often regarded as simplified form of
adj.huge, large
n.shaggy haired dog, dog with long hair; variegated
v.to swell; swelling (of the legs)
var.variant of
n.female genitalia (vulg.)
n.the youngest
n.gigantic strength; great stamina
rad.KangXi radical 45
n.an inverted person; rebel
v.to come somebody's way to receive
var.prototype of
n.celestial being
adj.lofty and steep
n.high mountain range
n.shore with high cliffs
n.mountain without vegetation (some give the opposite meaning);residence of one's mother
adj.high and steep
adj.high and steep; towering
n.name of mountain in Shanxi province
adj.meandering, winding
n.place name in Hunan province
adj.lofty, high; criss cross;outstanding
n.Shouyang Mountain
n.name of a legendary hill in Shanxi
adj.lofty, towering
v.upsurge; rise sharply
n.proper name for a mountain in China
n.Japanese Kanzi, probably meaning foothill
n.The Dang Mountain
adj.high, lofty
n.one of China's five mountain peaks
n.mountain range
adj.far and wide; lonesome
adj.high and steep
n.stone tablet
adj.high (mountain)
n. a nationality in South-Western China; one revolution or one round of circular motion; cuckoo the bird
adj.steep; precipitous (of mountain); lofty
adj.hazardous; mountainous
n.mountain-gorge; mountainous terrain; crack
n.river, stream
rad.KangXi radical 47
n.watery wasteland
n.warp of a fabric (arch.); vertical threads on weaving machine; streams running underground; flowing water
n.nuptial wine cup
adv.everywhere; all over
n.circuit, circle
v.to go round, to circumscribe; to make a revolution, to turn round
n.a skirt; long robe for women
n.object held by dancer; a multicolored prop used in dancing
n.a cloth for binding the hair
n.large scarf; turban
n.fringe; ornament of banner
var.variant of 縿
n.curtain, screen
广adj.wide, extensive, broad
广n.house (arch.)
广rad.KangXi radical 53
v.to protect (arch.); to administer; to prepare; to regulate; to hand up
var.variant of
var.variant of
var.variant of
n.used in person's names
n.a village
onomatopoeiasound of fire on wind
v.to dwell together
n.cupboard; pantry; store
v.to store; to archive
n.lodging for guests; guests' quarters; hall; stall
v.to come bid farewell
var.variant of
n.the wooden structure holding the metallic part of the plough
rel.related to
v.to hinder; to stop; to inhibit
n.rotten smell of old houses
庿n.temple (arch.)
n.legendary animal with one horn capable of distinguishing between right and wrong; mythical unicorn-like creature
var.archaic variant of
n.two hands
rad.Kangxi radical 55
v.to use both hands
adj.different, unusual, strange
v.condole, mourn, pity; hang
var.variant of
n.bow case; scabbard; sheathe
v.to hide; to cover up
var.variant of
n.middle part of a bow
n.nock at end of bow; stretch
n.a fully stretched crossbar or archer
onomatopoeiasound of curtain blown in wind
n.divinatory commentary in The Book of Changes; a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine
v.make judgment (arch.); to foretell
v.go, walk, advance; to; die, disappear
n.frontier, border
v.inspect, patrol; request, demand
v.like; (paradoxically also) annoy
怀n.bosom, breast; carry in bosom
v.to stare without any focus; to be loyal without reflection
v.to grieve
adj.arrogant; rude; impolite
adj.lasting, permanent; constant, common; constant, regular, persistent
var.variant of
n.thought (arch.)
v.think (arch.)
var.prototype of
adj.ruthless, tyrannical / melancholic
v.to violate; to go against
adj.vehement; deeply moved
v.to sigh with emotion
adj.oblivant, delighted
adj.urgent; narrow
v.to enjoin upon
adj.wise, sagacious
v.to venerate, to honour
var.variant of
adj.(of hearing) acute; astute; clever
n.faculty of hearing
var.prototype of
adj.worried; respectful
adj.sad, melancholic; worried
n.sadness, melancholy
adj.brave and determined
adj.bored and troubled
n.discord; disharmony
n.virtue; ethics
var.variant of
adj.silly stupid
var.archaic variant of
adj.alone, desolate; brotherless; troubled, worried, distressed
adj.profligate; recklessly extravagant or wasteful; licentious
v.to hessitate
adj.distressed; helpless; worried
v.be afraid
v.to reckon; to deliberate
adj.sad, forlorn, melancholic
adj.clear; intelligible; severe
V.guard, warn, outpost; be alert
n.discord; disharmony
adj.angry, enraged, resentful
adj.minute; small
v.dispise; belittle
var.variant of
n.mast (of ship)
v.(Cant.) to pile up, to upright
n.sword; potter's clay; wooden pole
v.to infringe, to fake
adj.of fine literary style; swift, rapid
var.variant of
n.(door) bolt; latch; horizontal bar across door
n.gap between two fingers; remainder of a divided sum during the process of divination
v.to bundle; to divine
var.variant of
n.name of a state in Western region of ancient China
v.to direct
v.collect, draw in, gather; receive
v.wipe, rub off (tears)
v.holding two things at once
n.short oar
v.drag, haul, put or join together
v.to grasp; to reach; to take; to catch
n.binding of both hands with shackles or handcuffs
v.to burst or to split
v.to hold with both hands
adj.sturdy; steadfast
v. to take; to hold; to give forcefully
v.to throw; to smash (Canton. colloq.)
n.arrow-quiver; a move in Taichi (太極), being the first part of a sequence of four moves constituting the trick Lanquewei 攬雀尾
v.to quiver; (Cant.) to pull on something;
v.to expel
v.cover up; take by force; shut
n.a kind of hairpin usable as a scratcher
v.get ride of
v.to carry things on one's back
var. variant of
v.(Cantonese) to delay (usually purposely), to waste time; to throw down, to beat; to hang down
v.to tear, to peel, twist with the fingers; to pinch (Cant.)
v.to fan; to strike on face; to stir up; to incite
var.variant of
n.mourning gown
v.to clutch at; to grip forcefully
var.variant of
v.to strangle; to mess up with; to inquire
v.to slap
v.to shake, to rattle
v.to pull; to lift up (Cant.)
var.variant of 愔; erroneous variant of 搖 [yáo]
n.a surname
n.a duster
v.to dust
var.variant of
v.(Cant.) to guard against, take precautions
v.to put on (clothes); literally to put one's arms through sleeves of clothes
v.to beat (one's breast); to pound; to break off
adj.ticklish, funny
v.to tickle; to hit
v.to detain; to restrain; to take into custody
v.take; grasp; choose
v.to hinder; to obstruct, to impede; to stop; to resist
var.variant of
adj.cumulus-like; cirrocumulus
adj.long, slender
rad.KangXi radical 66
v.to tap, to knock lightly
v.examine, test; investigate
v.to defend; to protect
var.variant of
adj.barbarous; robust; vigorous
var.variant of
v.to work on; to study; to hit
adj.long, faraway; pre-eminent
v.play, jest
v.to be weary of; to dislike; to terminate
n.ancient place name
var.variant of
adj.variegated; striped; marbled; colorful
n.dipper; Chinese peck for measuring grain or liquid; measuring unit containing 10 sheng, or roughly 1.63 gallons; name of constellation (Ursa Major); The Dipper, one of the 28 mansions or constellations, located in the Northern sky
v.hack, chop, cut
n.boat or ship with two hulls; catamaran
n.flag ornament; flags, banners; pennant; streamer
n.flag or banner waving
n.a pennant, a banner; a streamer
n.banner made of feathers in five colors used to decorate a leading vehicle
v.choke on something eaten; finished with eating
adj.big; far and wide
v.to stand in the sun
var.possibly a variant of
adj.clear; obvious
n.morning sun, sunrise
adj.declined; slanting; inclined; oblique
n.daylight; a surname in Chinese legends
adj.bright, glorious
n.(arch.) sunshine
v.to open out
var.prototype of 暘, 陽
n.sunlight; long day
v.to confuse
adj.expansive and limitless
n.vast expanse of the sky
var.variant of
n.Pleiades nebula, The Hairy Head, one of the 28 mansions or constellations
n.name of star
n.elder brother; descendant
var.Variant of
v.the sun going behind clouds
adj. strong, robust, tough; barbarous, savage
var.variant of
adj.overcast weather
n.unclear sky
n.evening, dusk
n.moon appearing in the west sky towards the end of the lunar month
v. look at, gaze at; hope, expect
n.tall tree
var.variant of
v.to stab; to pierce
var.ancient variant of
n.tub; bowl
n.plaster knife
v.to plaster
var.variant of
n.a kind of tree
n.a kind of tree, probably linden
n.a wooden instrument for combing silk
n.a kind of tree with very hard wood (Quercus glauca Thunb.)
n.tree knot; collar; Yoke
n.hedge thorn;trifoliate orange;(Cant.) a plug
n.a specie of oak; silkworm oak; drumstick
n.leaf (arch.); a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip
n.plate; container
n. The vertical pole of the rack used for silkworm culture
n.handle of a sickle
n.calyx of flower; railing raft; handle
n.cage, pen for wild animals; scabbard (of a sword)
v.to lock up in a cage
n.cedar; variety of evergreen tree; Machilus nanmu
n.threshold; sill
n.wood with ridges
var.variant of
n.a wooden bat (serving as a game for children); a kind of farm tool; tip of a twig
particlehow; what then
v.to divine (arch.)
n.handle of dagger-axe (a kind of weapon)
adj. unhappy, displeased, anxious, unsettled
n. a device used for divination
v.to hate; to bear grudge
var.variant of 杯(sig.)
n.tree; shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier)
n.a kind of hammer
rel.always used in conjunction withas 栴檀
n.quince (a kind of tree); a flail used for threshing crops
n.bucket, tub; cask, keg
v.to squeeze out of; to extract
n.cherry tree
n.a kind of tree (Chinese ash), with medical value
n.an ancient dish or bowl for food
var.an old variant ofwhich refers to a bowl for keeping food
n.a kind of date (tree)
n.movable door sill; doorjamb; threshold
n.camphor tree
n.a kind of tree mentioned in antiquity
n.a tropical tree with pear-like fruits
n.species of yew
v.to assist
var.phonic variant of 榧, 篚, and
n.very rough tree bark
n.thorny shrub with yellow flowers; a kind of oak
n.(long) oar; boat; a kind of tree
v.to row (a boat)
var.variant of
n.species of tree resistant to cold weather
v.ride (arch.); multiply (arch.)
var.variant of
v.to strike, hit, beat, hammer; to harm; to castrate
n.a kind of tree known in antiquity
n.wooden block; a kind of tree
n.ox yoke placed on the horns (to prevent the ox from hurting people); wooden board
n.a kind of tree
adj.lush, luxuriant
n.peach-like plant
n.hairpin; a kind of wood
n.fast ship, large warship
n.small evergreen shrub
var.variant ofin antiquity
n.tree trunk; pillar; important officials of the state
v.to assist; to support in the state
n.stand for bell or gong
n.spear, long lance; a board game in antiquity
n.a wooden wheel without spokes; ridgepole of a house
n.shovel; trowel
v.to paste wall with dirt or mud
classifier(Cant.) classifier for plants or trees; a tree-trunk
n.a kind of hawthorn; rose hip
n.name of a plant with small leaves
n.(arch.) tool used for shaping wood; to edit a text
n.a kind of tree recorded in antiquity, with very hard wood, ilex
n.sound of wind blown over a wood
var.old way of writing for 楓 (maple) and 風 (wind)
n.a species of tree; cork tree
n.A kind of oak
n.small evergreen shrub; the tea plant (Camellia sinensis); Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees
n.water drainage device
n.a stand for weaving silk
n.a kind of tree suitable for use to make axles for large carts
n.obsolete name of a fruit
n.a kind of pagoda tree with large and black leaves
n.new shoot growing from cut branch or stump
n.sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing fragrant oil; comet; tail of a comet
n.a wooden bucket; a kind of incense
particleused to begin a sentence or a discourse
v.to bid farewell
var.variant ofand
v.to sigh; to exclaim
v.to laugh
adj.slanting, inclined
int.interjection of pleas
n.rare character once used as name of a personality in the era of Spring and Autumn
v.to gesticulate; to teasae, to derife, or to ridicule
n.nausea; an urge to vomit
v.blow through nose, snort, sigh
v.to sip, to drink, to suck
adj.depraved, bad, vicious
n.bone fragment (arch.)
v.to die; pass away
v.stillborn;damage egg before hatching
n.A phonetic trasncription of the Sanskrit name of river Ganges
v.to faint; to swoon; to exhaust beyond cure
n.pit for temporary burial
v.to bury temporarily
n.putrefaction, decomposition
v. to decompose; to starve to death;
v.losing consciousness suddenly
adj.be in great difficulty; be perplex
v.to indulge
adj.stillborn; aborted
v. to abort
n.a thick congee cooked from finely ground rice
v.to pound or grind rice
v.to help, to assist; to connect, to adjoin
n.(Cunning) hare; rabbit
n.Buddhist cassock; Buddhist monk robe
n.artifacts or decorative items made of feather or fur
n.fine hair or fur of animal; down feathers of bird
adj.hairy, covered with loose hair
n.vapour; air
rad.KangXi radical 84
n.the old name for
n.xenon (Xe), no. 54 of the periodic table, a chemical element
var.variant of
n.spirit of harmony; prosperity
n.name of a river and a villiage in Shandong province
n.pool; puddle; ditch
var.variant of
adj.outpouring; splashing
v.pour; dash; splash
adj.dried up
adv.almost, nearly
n.Mi(luo) river in Hunan province where Qu Yuan drowned himself
v.to sink
var.variant of
adj.abundant; flowing and engulfing; brimming
n.name of river;
adj.deep, profound, subtle
adj.turbulent, storming
adj.licentious, libertine, dissipate
v.to overflow; to indulge
n.cracks or marks of perforations on rocks caused by natural or artificial forces
v.to write; to indite; to carve
var.variant of
onomatopoeiasound of water splashing
v.floating on board a ship
n.nasal mucus; snivel
n.shore; border
var.variant of
n.name of a river in Shanxi province, originating in the Zhongtiao Mountains and merging from north to south into the Yellow River
n.mud; dirt; sediment
n.pear juice
n.light rain; drizzle
浿n.ancient name of a river now in North Korea; ancient name of a county
n.name of river in ancient China
v.get dirty, to smear, soil or defile; contaminate; to mess up
v.to flood
var.variant of
onomatopoeiaroar of dashing waves
var.variant of
v.flow, gush,
n.beating of ocean; surging of water
v.to discharge; to remove;
v.(of cloud) forming; to flood
n.gushing of water; turbulence
onomatopoeiaroar of waves or turbulent waters
adj.flowing of water
n.name of river in ancient Shandong
n.tributary; a branching river (used in place names)
n.spring fountain
n.a state of buoyancy
adj.dewy; round
n.heavy dew
n.swamp; puddle
var.variant of
n.saliva (of legendary dragon); spittle; seepage
v.flowing downstream
onomatopoeianoise of dashing waves
var.variant of
onomatopoeiasound of torrent
v.to agree; to chime in with others
n.name of a river in Yong prefecture in ancient China
adj.clear and still
n.intermittent stream or river
n.name of a river in today's Henan
adj.astringent; harsh, rough; uneven
v.grating (of surfaces)
adj.deep, profound
adj.uneven; turbulent
n.name of a river in antiquity
n.(proper name) a spring in Henan province
n.a well that intermittently runs out of water supply; water from a well or spring
v.to boil; to wash, to cleanse, to soak
onomatopoeiasound of water
n.overflowing of a great amount of water
n.a river in Shandong province; a sluice
n.law (arch.)
var.prototypical variant of
var.variant of
n.a group of springs
var.an old variant of
n.the River Gan in Jiangxi
adj.crashingly high (of waves)
n.calamity, disaster, catastrophe
var.variant of 災, an archaic way of writing the script
v.to burn (arch.)
var.Variant of
adj.good looking, good-natured
v.to boast; to yell, to roar
var.variant of 休, 咻, 炰, and
adj.bright (light)
adj.fire like
n.stove, portable hearth
v.to crack
v.to roast or simmer on a slow fire
n.ancient surname
adj. soft and tender (meat) (Canton.)
n.brazier; hearth
adj.blazing; fiery
v.remove, get rid of; scatter
idiomon fire
v.to colour by smoke; being smoked to get a dark colour
v.to shine, to flash; to cook
n.fire; day light
var.variant of
v.smooth out, iron out
var.variant of
n.village of the Hsiung Nu
adj.bright and sparkling
v.to glow; to flash
adj.half alight
n.severe drought; exceptionally hot weather; copious smoke produced by smouldering firewood
v.to use the smoke of burning wormwood etc to repel insects
adj.glowing (of fire)
adj.bright and prosperous
v.to poach in hot water to remove feather or hair; to learn or memorize by heart
v.to blaze
var.variant of
n.Torch;candle; power in terms of watts
v.To shine, to illuminate; to light up
n.used only as personal name in antiquity
n.flame; sacrificial meat
adj.gleaming of fire
v.to raise; to elevate; to lift; to enhance
var.prototype variant of
n.bed, couch; bench; chassis
var.variant of
onomatopoeiaanimals and birds approaching quickly for food
n.one half of a divided pair
v.to halve
n.memorandum, official note
n.ox or cow with exceptional physical strength or prowess
adj.abundant; full
v.to fill up; to stuff
v.to string a cow by its nose
n.ox or cow with black and white fur
v.to run; to rush about (of a herd of bulls); to flee
var.variant of
v.to feed cattle or sheep with hay
n.castrated bull; bullock
n.yak; black ox
n.calf with short legs
n. Gelao, a non-Han ethnic group in Guangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou
n.strong and healthy dog; hedgehog; ape-like animal
n.a badger like animal in ancient China; an ethnic minority in China
var.variant of
adv.showing an angry look (of dogs)
v.(of animal) flee in a frightened manner
n.(arch.) vicious dog; beast resembling a wolf
n.a river in Hu bei; a bank; a foreshore
n.pig; hog, swine
onomatopoeiapig's grunt or squeak
n.a fabulous beast, a tribute animal presented to the Chinese emperor, probably a lion
n.a minority in southern China
adj.vulgar in speech
n.scream or roar of a tiger
v.to intimidate, to scare
v.be fed up with; to eat to the full
var.variant of
n.a dog giving birth to triplets
n.(extinct.) an animal that resembles a hare
adj.terrified, frightened
n.dog with a short snout; smoke or flames from fire
n.a kind of otter; mythical beast similar to an ape with dog's head
n.a dog breed in Southern part of the Zhao state
v.to hunt or search for
adj.foolish; dull, dull-minded; simple; stupid
n.a kind of wild animal
n. an ape-like animal black in color but a white waist
n.collapse, die of dog bite (arch.)
adj.fierce and ambitious; valiant
n.a breed of hunting dog in antiquity
n.a species of wolf; name of an aboriginal tribe in South China, mostly hunters
n.dog of good breed (arch.); hound
n.a kind of ape; a minority in ancient China (in today's Sizhuan)
n.jade with defect; jade carver; surname; a state in the Western region
n.green jade; jade ring
var.variant of
n.semiprecious stone; a kind of jade
n.Gem, streaks in jade; (arch.) an ancient form of putting the name of the first Emperor of the Zhou dynasty
var.Variant of
var.variant of
n.jade-like stone
n.bamboo chips used for divination
var.variant of
n.place name in antiquity
n. mother-of-pearl
n.fine jade; jade carried as amulet
n.jade-like stone; jade from North-Western part of China
onomatopoeiatingling of jade pendants
n.a place in south-eastern Shantong, namely 琅琊
v.to carve, to engrave, to cut out, to sculpt on jade
adj.lustrous, bright
n.luster of gem; smiling composure
n.stone second only to jade
n.fine gold; a kind of jade; an alternative name for gold
n.penannular or half-circle jade ring
n.a kind of jade
n.jade's streaks
n.fine jade
var.variant of
n.jar with long neck
n.earthen vessel
n.large plate or pan; bricks for fixing the inside wall of a well; brickwork of a well; surname
var.erratic variant of
n.pottery; jar
n.earthen pot with a large mouth but shallow enough to be used at table as a chafing dish
n.wall or brickwork of a well
v.to build a well with bricks
n.jar with long neck
n.a jar without ears; brick
n.urn; earthen jar; a squat jar for holding wine
adj.(for utensils) worn and become thin
n.wine jar made of earthenware
n.big jar
n.urn; earthen jar; jar for ashes
n.pot, pitcher; small-mouthed clay vessel
n.earthenware vessel in two parts
n.a white tiger
n.need not
v.to plough
v.to answer
var.variant of
n.ancient sacrifices; place for worshipping the heaven
n.boundary, border, limit (arch.)
n.ground; place trodden by animals
rad.radical no. 104
v.lean against, lie on bed
n.facial skin disease; head sores; mange; baldness
n.disease related to rheumatism
adj.crooked, crouching
v.to crouch
adj.sickly, drunken
n.leprosy (as in 痲瘋); numbness (as in 痲痺); measles (as in 痲疹)
n.disease; chronic illness; dysentery
n.hardship; bitterness; pain
var.variant of
adj.dumb, mute, unable to speak
v.to bury; to inter; to sacrifice
adj.crazy; insane; mad; ill
n.madness, mania, insanity
v.to recover, to be healed, to convalesce, to improve in health
adj.(Cant.) tired, exhausted; sick
var. vaariant of
n.malformed or crooked extremities
n.a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles
n.police runners; stable for keeping animals
adj.clear and bright; white
n.luster (of pearls)
v.to chap; to crack
n.a cooking utensil in antiquity
n.vortex, swirl; whirl
n.salt pit (near today's Yucheng 運城); granulated salt; leisure; pot
adj.perverse; cruel; ruthless and tyrannical
v.bend; to subdue; violate; break, split
var.variant of
n.eyes wide opened
v.to gaze in astonishment
var.variant of
n.surname Qi
n.a look with big eyes; name of an ancient state
v.see unclearly
v.to stare; to glare at
v.to look upward
adj.exhaustive (arch.); parched;
n.eyes without brightness; inflamed eyelids
n.a deep and piercing gaze; surname Sui
v.to defy; to slight; to underestimate
n.area between the eyebrows and the eyelashes
n. pupil (of the eye)
n.beauty of the eyes and the eyebrows
var.variant of
adj.overly cautious
v.to look fearfully with eyes wide-opened
adj.eyes being big
n.round shaped amulate
v.to look askance at, to take a glance at somebody in disdain; to glare at
n.dull vision, blurred vision
v.to look into the distance
n.testis, testicle
adj.stint; feel shame, miserly
adj.lonely, grievous
v.look frightened, return
n.a legendary bird
v.to look with great attention; to scrutinize
v.to blink
var.archaic variant of
v.to spy on; to peep; to watch stealthily
var.variant of
n.a kind of precious stone
onomatopoeiato make a loud sound; water splashing on rock; cracking noise
onomatopoeiawater splashing on rock
n.place name in Shanxi province
n.stones with color patterns
n.stone slab; an anvil
var.variant of
n.high cliffs
n.hill with rubble
onomatopoeianoise of hammering stones
n.cliff, ledge, dock
n.a heap of stones; boulders; grievance
adj.strict and severe; incisive
n.precious stone (arch.); boulder; rocky hills
adj.broad; unlimited
v.to crush, to impact; to fill, to extend
礿n.imperial ancestral sacrifice
pron.He, Him (honourific form of third person pronoun usually used for a deity such as Christian God.)
v.to bless
n.side altar inside ancestral temple; river in Shandong
var.variant of
n.divine protection
v.to bless and to protect (with divine power)
n.order in sacrificial ceremony
rel.related to
v.burning wood for sacrifice to Heaven
v.pray, offer to ancestor
n.heir-requesting sacrifice or offerings
n.ancestor worship held by the emperor or the feudal princes; grand sacrifice;
v.examine, scrutinize
n.prints of animal paws or hoofs
rad.KangXi radical 114
v.to trample, to step on
n.mythical beast
n.darnel; ryegrass; young buds of the willow
n.Place name
n.dense growth of crops
n.early harvested crops
n.grave, tomb
v.to burry; to put a coffin in a grave
v.being in a cave
n.cellar; pit, vault; store in pit
adj.moist, wet
n.a hollow depression; dent
var.variant of
onomatopoeiahowling of wind
n.hole on ground
v.to bore; to dig
n.Chinese harp-like instrument, aka. 箜篌
v.to sing and dance, dancing while singing; beating a drum
n.bamboo rope
n.a kind of bamboo; basket made of bamboo
n.bamboos placed across wooden frames for drying grain; a wooden frame; a kind of music instrument
n. a species of bamboo
n.whip made of bamboo; tablet made of bamboo used for learning or writing
n.rope made of bamboo for fastening a boat
n.a species of bamboo
n.bed boards, sleeping mat
n.basket of brides made of bamboo
var.variant of
n.a kind of bamboo used as a walking stick
n.bamboo chips used for divination
var.variant of
n.bamboo pipe
var.variant of
var.variant of
n.bamboo with thin and broad leaves
var.Variant of
n.trumpet for chariots; a wood wind instrument
n.a wood wind instrument in ancient China
n.an ancient wind instrument, piccolo
n.a kind of bamboo
n.a kind of bamboo; luxuriant growth of bamboo
n.a bamboo sieve or cage
n.A flute made of bamboo with 7 holes
n.sieve-like utensil; bamboo basket
n.rural raincoat made of straw or palm leaves
var.variant of
n.bamboo; a musical instrument made of bamboo, like
n.straw used for divination
n.projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof; eaves of house; brim
n.bamboo cage or frame
var.variant of
n.a style of seal script used throughout the pre-Han period
v.recite, read
n.basin or basket for feeding cow
n.pole used for punting
n.rain cape made of grass or bamboo
adj.long and slender
n.long bamboo (for fishing rod)
v.to feed, to provide for delicacies, dainties; to drink and eat; to write, to compile
n.flute; woodwind instrument; key
n.a kind of bamboo used for making flutes or pipes
n.a weir of bamboo to catch fish or crabs
n.coarse husk of wheat
n.cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste
n.assorted rice
n.a round and thick cake made of rice
n.congee, gruel, porridge (arch.)
n.hectometer (metric unit of length=100 meter=hm)
粿n.rice cake
n.dumpling made of glutinous rice
n.biscuit being made of rice-flour
n. thin grue made from rice water
v.to wash (rice etc.); to thin gruel; to prepare millet wine
n.dumpling made of glutinous rice
var.variant of
n.rice overcooked with too much water
var. variant of
n.a rope for leading cattle or horse
n.large rope; rope attached to bier
紿n.worn and distressed silk
紿var.variant of 詒 = to cheat
n.matting, mattress; cushion; coverlet
var.variant of
var.variant of
n.hempen cloth worn by mourner
var.variant of
n.thread; red silk crest of helmet
n.ornament attached to garment
adj.colorful; luxuriant (in ornaments and colors)
var.variant of
n.fine linen; sackcloth
n.tassels or strings hanging from headwear or hat
n.seam of leather
n.ornament made of leather placed beneath the tail of bulls or horses
var.variant of
n.purse; small bag; sack; place in ancient China in today's Gansu province
n.orange, pink or reddish-yellow silk
n.mourning garments of coarse hemp
n.matter; affair
n.part of a garment in antiquity; knee cover
var.variant of
n.bridal veil or kerchief
v.to tie, to bind
n.fine white silk
縿n.streamer; ornament of banner; fringe
n.umbrella, parasol, parachute; damask silk
var.variant of
n.a kind of fishing-net or animal trap
n.a belt or ribbon made of silk
n.the trimmed lower hem of the ancient Chinese gown.
adj.blemish, wicked
n.knot on a thread of silk; flaw
n.bottle, jar
缿n. a jar-like container made of clay and with a small opening, used for keeping money
adj.empty; hollow
n.net; network
rad.KangXi radical 122
n.net for catching hares ;nets for catching animals or birds
n.animal trap; fishing line
n.hindrance; anxiety, suspense; obstruction
v.hinder, obstruct; disturb
n.fish net; medical compress
v.cover; compress
n.squares on chess board
n.drag-net, fish net
n.bird net with a long handle
罿n.net for catching birds
n.gauze; netting; net or trap for catching wild boar
n.continuous flow of river
n.a black ram or goat
var.variant of
v.to envy, to admire; to praise; to covet
var.variant of
classifierclassifier for goats
n.a species of goat
n.a kind of goat with small horns
var.variant of
n.Rank odour of raw mutton; goaty smell
var.variant of
n.feathers held by dancers during ceremonies in antiquity
var.variant of
adj.quick, rapid, fast
n.feathers used to decorate coffin; large wooden fan carried in funeral procession
n.legendary archer
v.to play with
var.variant of
v.soaring in the heights
n.short flight
v.to fly
翿n.streamer or banner adorned with feathers
adj.aged; in one's nineties; senile
n.very old people; wrinkled face of the elderly;
adj.weak; soft; yielding; coward
v.to plow; to cultivate; to weed
n.lobule of the ear (or its hanging piece of soft tissue); mostly used as proper name in antiquity
v.would not listen
v.to cut the left ears of the captives or the slain
n.pit for temporary burial
v.to bury temporarily by the roadside
n.chest, breast, bosom; thought; sentiment
var.variant of
v.fuck (vulg.), copulate
v.scratching one's skin forming an ulcer
n.repetition of sacrificial rituals on two successive days
v.spread out; smilling or laughing
n.peptide (chem.)
n.descendants or offspring of kings and nobles
n.left-over from meal; dried meat with bone; lungs
n.hipbone; pelvis; light of new moon
adj.thoroughly cooked
n.ribs, armpits, flank
var. variant of
n.internal cavity of stomach; gastral cavity
n.minced meat; trifles
n.intercostal flesh
v.to slice or chop up meat
var.variant of
n.fine meat
v.to make sacrifices
var.variant of
v.to apply grease abundantly
adj.fine; fertile
n.early symptoms of pregnancy
n.natural fibre veins of skin; line of thought in writing
n.shoulder; collar-bone
int.flip flap noises
n.smoldering of one's emotion due to anger or wrath
n.(Cant.) the smell of oily food that has gone bad
n.fat on intestine
var.variant of
adj.weak, thin; feeble; emaciated
n.kneepit; popliteal; knee hollow
n.fat covering the intestines; the omentum; mail genitals, penis (vulg.)
var.old variant of
n.dropsical swelling; oedema
var.variant of
n.internal organs, viscera
n.lump of meat; sliced meat
adj.hard, firm, wise
v.to pick, to fetch, to take (arch.)
var.variant of
idiomin discord with
v.flee out of fear (arch.)
var.variant ofand
adj.jumpy; jittery; worried; unstable
var.variant of
n.spade, shovel
v.to separate the grain from the husk
v.carry by two or more people (four hands) (arch.); carry on one's shoulder
n.magpie; shoes with a thick double-layered sole; the sole of a shoe; clog; footgear worn by the emperor or high officials
v.to stick out the tongue
n.linch-pin of wheel axle
v.to govern; having jurisdiction over
var.variant of
n.kayak; a long knife-shaped boat
n.a ponton bridge; a floating bridge; pontoon
n.s small boat; a place in Taipei city, Taiwan
n.a small boat
rem.meaning unknown
n.bow of a ship
v.ship or boat running aground and be stuck
var.variant of 屆, used in the State of Song (宋)
n.skiff; a light boat typically just for one person
n.two boats fastened side by side
n.bow of a Chinese boat or junk
n.a large ship made of wood
rad.KangXi radical 140
onomatopoeiableat of sheep
var.variant of
n.a kind of straw found on seaside used for making matt
n.common mallow (Malva sylvestris)
n.a herb
adj.hollow; empty
n.hollow pulse, one type of pulse identified in Chinese medicine; scallion stalk; onion, leek
var.a semantic variant of
n.a herb mentioned in ancient text
adj.weary; tired
n.licorice(arch.); glycoside; name for a series of organic compounds
n.strawberry, berry, berries
var.variant of
adv.to be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour and speech
v.to weed; to eradicate
var.variant of
n.sedges; rushes
n.plant like water caltrop
n.thicket, grass cluster
n.thatch grass
n.luxuriance of growth
n.a kind of wooden chips (vitex) used for divination; chaste tree wood
var.variant of 黎; variant of
n.henbane; a kind of poisonous herb that might lead to hallucination, licorice being an antidote
n.a kind of herb
n.name of medical herb; skullcap
n.a kind of grass used as animal feed
n.castor-oil plant
n.plant with large leaves
n.thicket, grass cluster
n.tawnty daylily; hemerocallis flava; mother's room
n.processed monkshood daughter root; a poisonous medicinal herb;
n.twig; tree top
n.a kind of herb, Aralia cordata
n.personal name in antiquity
n.an annual herbaceous plant
n.grass in spring time
n.orris root; leaf of the iris; medicine
var.variant of
n.kind of chrysanthemum, xanthium; Siberian cocklebur
n.name of county in Yunnan province
n.luxuriant growth; lush vegetation
n.a medicinal herb; milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine
n.wild chives or leeks
n.a kind of grass mentioned in ancient texts, used as inlay of shoes
v.breed, cultivate
n.a medical herb; nasturtium montanum
adj.dry; scorched; barren
adj.steamy; strong smelling
n.peduncle or stem of plants
n.frame for silkworms to spin cocoons on; nest
v.collect; gather
n. rue, a herb used to repel insects
n.fuel, firewood
n.hibiscus rosa-sinensis; China rose
adj.weedy; obscene, dirty, unclean
var.variant of
var.old variant of
n.plant related to water caltrop
n.graveyard; dried food
adj.swarming, buzzing sound
v.to die (applicable to a feudal prince or a high official)
n.name of a herb; surname
n.a herb used as a medicine
n.certain grass; ornaments held by dancers while dancing
n.a kind of berry
v.to weed, mow
n.Hemiptelea davidii; a species of elm tree
var.variant of
n.fallen leaves and bark
n.plant used as fodder for livestock
n.name of plant, liquorice
n.lotus-like plant, a plant which resembles wheat but has no edible grain
n.a kind of herb
n.plant like celery
n.radish; turnip; a creeping plant; dodder
n.salted vegetables; spices; minced pickles; leeks; fragment
n.creeper; bramble
v.to entwine, interweave
n.a variety of red-stalked fine millet
n.young ferns
n.tiger; head of tiger
rad.KangXi radical 141
n.an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with horn(s?)
v.to cry; to shout; to howl (all arch.)
n.poles of a rack on which musical instruments were hung, support structure for bell; bell pendant stand
adj.cruel, violent, passionate
var.variant of
n.tigers fighting
n.striped wild cat
var.variant of
n.stripe pattern on a tiger's fur
adj.frightened; terrified;horrified
n.black tiger
n.a kind of cicada
n.a worm
n.maggot of certain insects
n.a kind of shell
n.a kind of worm
n.a kind of very small crab known in antiquity
n.millipede; a kind of anthropod
n.small worm
v.to move slowly (in the manner of a worm); to tip-toe
n.scorpion; ant eggs; green frog
n.newt; soil dwelling primitive hexapod
var.variant of
n.legs and maxilipeds of shrimps and crabs
n.rice weevil; mantis
n.oyster; hairy and poisonous caterpillars
var.variant of
n.a kind of cicada
var.variant of
n.large size mussel; wild caterpillar feeding on celery leaves
n.mantis; cicada
n.a red spotted lizard; horned toad
n.water-beetle; a form of money in antiquity
n.ant eggs
n.larva of insect
n.a kind of locust
n.scales on the belly of a snake aiding locomotion; snail
v.to crawl
n.snail; slug, mole cricket
n.dung beetle
n.cockroach, dung beetle, mantis
n.egg; the Dan ethnic group in South-Western China
var.variant of
v.(of snakes) to crawl
n.dung beetle
var.variant of
n.locust larvae
n.small snails; clams
n.A tick, acari, acarina, ioxdes, cause of Lyme disease
n.poisonous snake
n.rainbow; spider
var.variant of
n.a weevil found in rice etc; mantis
var.variant of
var.variant of
n.ape; monkey
var.phonetic variant of
n.a kind of locust; lizard
v.to move in a zigzag or meandering fashion
n.an insect; aulacophora femoralis
n.a small cicada with a square head
n.a dragon whose horns have not grown
n.a short-lived insect; mayfly
n.nymphs or eggs of louse; nits; leech
adj.crooked, bent;
n.eggs of mantis; cicada; a small bug
n.a kind of marine crab
n.a kind of frog or toad
n.larvae of scarab or tumblebug
n.mosquito larvae
n.minute flies, small insects produced in damp places
n.grasshopper; cyrtophyllus sp.
n.a small green cicada
n.spider; louse
v.smear, slander; defile
n.alley, lane (hutong); diarrhea
n.lady's garment with big sleeves
adj.(clothing) long and loose
n.casual clothes; daily clothes; chemise; women's undergarments
adv.only, merely
n.Buddhist cassock
n.religious gown worn by Buddhist monks or nuns
n.lapel of a large size clothing
n.the legging of a pair of socks
adj.being well; good
n.buskins; knee-pads; costumes of aboriginals in the South
n.book cover; one decade=10 years of one's lifetime; sheathe of sword
var.variant ofor
n.foldings on both sides of a funeral dress; funeral gown
v.to give birth to , to propagate; to multiply in number
n,name of place in the ancient Song state
n.scarf worn by a man for mourning purpose; an apron
n.rag clothes
n.mat, coverlet; underwear; underclothing
n.a border or band on the edge of a dress
n.cinch binder for horses; cincha
v.to mend clothes
adj.long dress billowing in the wind; flag flapping
n.baby bib; apron
n.swaddling band, a cloth for carrying small children
adj.properly dressed, wearing thick clothing
n.sleeve; ample flowing robes
var.archaic variant of
n.a piece of string attached to clothes, used for hanging a jade pendant
n.robe made of flax or coarse hemp
v.to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; wrap, conceal
var.variant of
adj.stupid, dull, ignorant, doltish
v.(Cant.) to tie up, bind
n.large scarf
var.variant of
v.to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal; to conceive (a child)
var.prototype of
var.variant of
n.folds on clothes
v.to whisk; wipe off; brush clean
n.the sheath of a sword
n.warm clothes
adj.ignorant; naive; unsophisticated
n.robe made of silk
n.sleeve of dress
rad.KangXi radical 146
v.cover, wrap up things
pron.the coalescence or merging of the two soundsand
v.to examine; to investigate, to consider; to check; to verify; to audit
v.court officials in ancient feudal states paying each other visits every three years (arch.); to scan or to scope over a wide range of distant objects
var.variant of
v.to show up abruptly
adj.unclear due to obstructed view
v.to spy on; to observe in secrecy
n.subtle thoughts
v.to look with good will
adj.coarse, rough, rude
var.variant ofor
n.wine goblet made from horn
n.a small goblet for ceremonial purpose
n.curled horns
n.cow or ox with two steep horns
adj.horns unevenly aligned
n.tartar horn; chilly wind
v.cut and polish horn
n.clamour, uproar, annoyance; disturblance
v.to prove, to confirm, to verify
var.variant of
v.cheat; talk recklessly; to make deceitful or unfounded statements
var.variant of
n.gossip; joke
adj.contrary; obstinate; confused, disorderly; perverse, absurd; contradictory
var.variant of 悖
v.to quarrel; to wrangle; to dispute
var.archetype of 競/竸
var.variant of
adj.respectful; righteous
v.to speak gently
v.to slander
v.to avoid as taboo; to plan; to strive at
adj.glib, talkative
n.flattering words, flattery
v.to think, to reckon; to miss someone; to consider; to inform, to tell; to know; to reprimand
v.praise, commend, extol, laud
n.knowledge; discrimination; treachery
v.to examine; to consider; to rectify
n.posthumous name or title (of emperor, distinguished minister)
v.to confer a title posthumously
v.to consult, to confer; to communicate in
var.variant of
v.to scold; to criticize repeatedly
v.to beguile; to cajole
adj.small, little
v.to induce; scold, censure; lead people toward virtuous ways
v.to be angry at; to laugh derisively
var.ancient variant of
v.to speak with a friendly voice in a relaxed pace
n.deceitful words
v.deceive; humiliate; browbeat
v.to consult; to deliberate; to commerce
var.variant of
adj.being stubborn in speech; obstinate; not easily subdued
v.to roar; to lie
n.noise, uproar; clamor, hubbub
var.variant of
v.frame a case against somebody; cheat; accuse falsely; slander
v.make an uproar, clamour
n.improper, biased talks
v.to interrogate; discuss
v.cry in pain; shout
adj.terrified; swift
v.to shout, to roar, to cry aloud
n.obituary; Heaven's mandate
n.a feast, banquet
v.to entertain, to feast
v.to counsel, to advice; to speak out
n.bitter reproach; severe accusation; hate
v.to slander, to utter evil words, to curse; to complain
n.A hole or opening
adj.deep and hollow; vast and empty
n.deep valley
adj.abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty
n.ceremonial vessel; utensil for rites and ceremonies (arch.)
var.archaic variant of 禮; nowadays often regarded as a variant of 豐 (sic)
adj.plump, voluptuous, beautiful, stunning
n.castrated pig (barrow)
n.pig big in size
n.a wild boar; animal fight
n.pig, hog, swine
n.running pigs
n.boar, male pig
n.short-headed pig
n.a kind of wild dog in the steppe; prison
n.a kind of wild bear
n.a pig-like animal; badger
v.to borrow; to beg
var.variant of
n.shells or pearls strung together and worn on women's neck
v.relieve, aid distressed
v.give or help for charity, help for humanitarian reason
n.valuable goods
n.leftovers, residue, remains
v. to give as present (arch.); to bestow
var.traditional variant of
n. a kind of rounded coin minted in the Qi State during the Warring States Period; a ship with the figure of a bird carved in the front
adj.abstruse, deep, profound; inconspicuous; hidden
n.profundity, abstraction
v.to jump; to go away; to leave; to ridicule
v.to falter; unable to move
var.variant of
n.upward cut in Chinese calligraphy
v.to jump; moving about in a hurry; to stand out markedly; to show forth
var.variant of
v.to squat
var.variant of
n.callus, callous skin on hands or feet; blisters
n.foot with an extra toe
v.to stand on one's toes
onomatopoeiasound of footsteps
v.step on, trample; tread on; search for
v.to kneel for a long time, to go down on hands and knees
v.to stumble; to slip; to fall
adj.curled, coiled
v.to walk with small steps
adj.contrary to
var.variant of
v.to skip (on one foot); to limp or walk lamely; to leap
v.to fall flat;act casually and unconventionally
踿adj.embarrassed, urgent
n.a short step
var.variant of
n.track of wheel
v.to oppress; to bully
adj.strong; brave;
n.sandals; shoes
v.raise one's feet; cross one's leg
adj.crippled; lame
v.to crouch; to squat
n.path, orbit; course of stars; constellations
v.to follow a path; imitate
v.to pass; to step over; to creep; to twine round
n.movement of an animal (refering mostly to a dragon)
n.a crossbar in carriage for guiding direction
n.two ends of yoke of a carriage
onomatopoeiasound of a bird
n.covering sail of a carriage
onomatopoeianoise of a moving vehicle
var.variant of
v.to obstruct; to hinder
n.cart wheel with no spokes used as a bier; cart carrying a coffin; mediocre talent
n.low rear part of carriage
n.land on hill slope; used often as nme of places in Southern China and Hong Kong
n.clamps for crossbar of carriage; linchpin
n. a car-rut
onomatopoeiarumbling of a cart
v. to crush; to ram over
n.sleeper, sleeping car, sleeping coach; funeral car
n.grease pot hung under axle of cart
n.a pall to cover the hearse; funeral carriage
n.great array of spears and chariots
onomatopoeianoise of vehicle in motion; noises of traffic; loud music playing
n.blinds on both sides of a carriage for guarding off dust
adj.confused, disordered
n.great array of spears and chariots
n.framework of lattice on cart
n.execution by tearing the body apart with carts; strategic roads
n.large ring on the yoke of a carriage, used for grouping the reins
adj.continual; continuous; repeated
n.rumbling sound of cart; cart;
rad.KangXi radical 162
v.walk, travel
v.to extend obliquely; to deviate from straight path
n.(Cant.) row; array
n.a proper name in antiquity, notably as in the case of 關龍逄
onomatopoeiasound of drums
n.life companion
v.to collect, to match, to pair; to unite; to court
trans.used to form the name 邏逤, which refers to the name of Lhasa in Tibet, used during the Tang Dynasty.
v.to evade; to get away with, to escape from; to excuse; to disclaim
v.to fall; to sway; to cross
var.variant of
v.to hurry; to go to and fro
v.meet unexpectedly; come across
adj.mixed, abundant, assorted; manifold
v.deceive, hide, conceal; flee; yield
onomatopoeiagrunting sound of pigs
v.to go away; to migrate
n.steppe where hunting activities take place; plateau
var.prototype of
n.name of a place
n.Ancient Pi state; Pi prefecture, Han dynasty county in modern Jiangsu; surname
n.crack; a special group of acupuncture points;animosity
var.variant ofand
var.variant of
n.an ancient feudal state, in today's Shanxi province
n.name of a country in Spring and Autumn period in modern Shandong
n.name of place
n.an ancient state in Henan
var.variant of
n.name of a district in ancient Shandong
n.place name (near Linfen in today's Shanxi Province)
n. a place in Henan province; an ancient state in Henan
n.county in Shandong province
n.(proper name) name of a district in Gansu, close to present Xining
n.proper name of an ancient county
n.name of place in the state of Song during the period of Spring and Autumn; a surname
n.name of city in Lu state during the Spring and Autumn period
n.name of Zhou period state; surname
v.drink (arch.)
n.refermented wine
v.to double ferment wine
v.to blend in ingredients during wine making; to mix; to flavour
n.bitter wine
n.vinegar or sauce with alcohol content
adj.drunk; intoxicated; tipsy; be dead drunken
n.poisonous drink (arch.); acid radical; acyl
v.to poison (arch.)
adj.uncomfortable while half-drunk
v.to rinse mouth with wine after eating
v.to drink heavily; to drink with others
v. to remove astringency; remove puckery taste; to bleach in water
v.to marinate, to salt, to pickle
adj.very drunk and cheerful looking
n.muddy wine; wine cup
n.repeated offerings
v.to pour wine in a libation; offering wine to a deity
n.brine from pickled and minced meat
n.liquor; spirit; salt
v.drink excessively
n.inferior, unstrained wine
n.clear rice wine
n.plum juice; refined cream
rad.KangXi radical 165
var.Old variant of
n.gadolinium (Gd); No.64 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
v.to solder, to weld by heat
var.variant of
n.fetters; iron pincers; linchpin
v.to fetter
n.holmium (Ho); No.67 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.a carpenter's plane
var.variant of
n.an accessory for horse-riding made of iron
n.long needle; acmite
v.prick, pierce; guide
n.californium (Cf); No.98 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.metal plate
n.a kind of utensil
n.thulium (Tm); No.69 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.leg armor
v.to solder, to weld by heat
n.a old translation of the chemical element Thorium (Th)
var.variant of
n.americium (Am); No.95 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ornament atop the head of a horse
var.variant of
n.terbium (Tb); No.65 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.roentgenium (Rg); No.111 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.soft iron (thoroughly forged iron)
n.metal cap, metal sleeve
n.neptunium (Np); No.93 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.spoon, key; a technique in acupuncture
n.cooking pot, pan, cooking utensil
n.frontlet; ornament mounted on the forehead of a horse
onomatopoeiafilled with the sounds of music instruments
n.iron pan; metal cap, helmet
n.a mineral like mica
n.spear; rifle, small arms, hand gun
onomatopoeiasound of bell (arch.)
n.technetium (Tc); No.43 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
v.moult, shed feathers, clip wings (of birds)
n.an old name of the chemical element now called strontium [鍶]
n.Bronze or champagne colored horse (arch.); Masurium (a now disqualified candidate for the Element No. 43)
n.wine bottle; ancient unit for capacity
n.trowel, shovel; side of coin without words
n.spear made of iron
n.the trigger of a crossbow; the old translation of the chemical element samarium (Sm)
v.to castrate
n.outdated translation for vanadium; an axe with a long blade
v.to remove with a spade
n.frontlet; ornament mounted on the forehead of a horse
n. an ornament
n.massive musical instrument; stand for holding musical instrument
n.darmstadtium (Ds); No.110 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.ytterbium (Yb); No.70 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.einsteinium (Es); No.99 of the Periodic Table; a chemical element
n.dosage with the same amount
v.cut to make even
n.bolt of a lock
n.mirror, looking glass
v.reflect, inspect
n.fireplace, stove, oven, furnace; a chemical element (Rf); No.104 of the Periodic Table
n.bell sound
n.iron parts connected to the bridle of a horse
n.trident like weapon
v.hack, chop
n.poisonous snake
n.gate of a village; portal at the entrance to a settlement; doorway
v.to cover
n.idle time; fence; barrier
var.variant of
n.Dougong, a unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets used in traditional Chinese architecture
var.an old variant of
n.door or gate of palace
adv. in distress; adverse
n.a pass
v. to swindle (Cant.); to defile
n.hillside farmland; slope
var.variant of
n.name of lake in antiquity
n.mountain pass
var.variant ofor
adj.rough and meandering (of a road)
n.place in Shanxi province; ladder
n. islet; bank
var.variant of
n.the steep bank of a stream; a rough mountain path
n.city walls in ruin
v.to fall
var.variant of
n.name of a place in antiquity
n.short tailed bird
rad.KangXi radical 172
adj.lone; single; few
classifierclassifier for animals or for body parts (such as eye, hand, ear, etc.)
n.a owl-like bird (arch.)
v.to hold back
n.a kind of bird, probably a white pheasant
n.sparrow; place name
n.a flock of birds
v.birds flocking on a tree
var.archaic variant of
n.ritual offering sacrifice for rain
n.heavy rain or snow
v.to overflow
n.thunder and lightning; thunder storm
v.clear up after rain or snow
var.variant ofand
n.light rain, drops of rain (arch.)
v.to fall in drops
n.rapid flow of water
n.dripping of rain from eaves;rain-water catcher
n.ancient surname
onomatopoeianoises of flocking together of birds
var.archaic variant of
adj.quiet, still, motionless; gentle
var.variant of
n.dried leather; used in the Han Dynasty as part of the phonetic transcription of the name for (possibly) the Roman Empire
n.bridle, reins
n.sides or uppers of shoes
v.to stretch a skin on a frame for a drum
var.variant of
n.sheath; drum used in army in ancient China
n.leather for making shoes
n.leather shoes
n. large belt, leather belt
n.leather, skin of animal
adj.red yellow
n.a grass that gives red dye; socks (rare)
var.variant of
n.wrinkle or crease on the surface of leather; handling tools made of leather used on carriages
n.archer's thumb ring
n.archer's arm guard;leather arm band
n.bow case
n.wild onions or leeks
adj.barely or faintly audible
n.music in Shang Dynasty
v.to raise one's head
v.fly downward
n.a big head
n.the lower jaw; chin
n. rush (tall grass); bulrush; Boehmeria nivea
var.ancient variant of
n.head held high
v.to raise one's head
n.beard on chin
n.a lean and sickly countenance; dry facial features
v.slap; throw; brandish; look askance at
v.floating in the air
n.wind in high places
n.whirlwind; violent wind or gale
var. relatable to variants as 颮, 飇, and
n.sound of howling wind
n.wheatmeal; oatmeal
onomatopoeiasound of hiccup; hiccough
n. congee; thick gruel
v.to prepare and eat cooked food
n.thick congee or porridge; gruel
idiomThe appearance of a container full of things (food)
v.cut off left ear; tally dead enemy
n.scent, fragrance
n.intense fragrance
n.a fierce horse; name of a tribe
var.variant of
n.horse with a white marking on its forehead
n.camel; other cross-bred animals
n.post horse, relay horse
v.galloping (of horses)
adj.in good condition, in good shape (referring to a horse)
n.a strong and robust horse
v.thunderous beating of drums;terrify, frighten
n.a fierce horse
v.to rage, to run wild
n.a horse in blue-black colour (blue roan)
adj.idiotic;stupid; foolish;simple
n.mare, mother horse, jenny (prefix to female animal)
n.horse with white hoofs, socks, or legs
onomatopoeiasound of bursting open, either by knife or other means
v.burst open
n.horse, the tailhead of which is white in color
n.horse with a bluish white color; buckskin horse
n.wild horse with a mottled skin or coat
n.white horse with black back
n.a hunchbacked horse
adj.glad, happy, pleased
adv.horses galloping in herd
n.shinbone, tibia; the thicker of the two long bones between knee and ankle
adj.crooked, distorted
n.crooked shin
n.a putrid carcase; remains of dead animals
n.the narrow part of the foot just above the ankle; cartilage of the chest or the rib case
n.hip; hipbone; crotch; thigh; pelvis
var.variant of
n.shoulder, front shoulder; collar bone
n.carcase (carcass)
var.variant of
n.joint cavity between bones;hip bone;seam
rad.KangXi radical 190
idiomhair rolled up in a bun; hair dishevelled, as in mourning
adj.(hair) disheveled, uncombed
var.variant of
n.tip of long hair, tail of a comet
v.to shave
var.variant ofand
adj.disheveled; slovenly dressed; unkempt
n.disheveled; uncombed hair
n.head ornaments; pretty hair
idiomto make a top knot; (Cant.) ; to be slovenly dressed
adj.(hair) unkempt, untidy and disheveled
n.tumult; uproar; clamor; disturbance; noise
n.earthenware vessel in two parts
n.iron pot; cauldron; rice pot
n.ghost of a child
n.legendary animal like a brown bear
n.demons, mountain spirits
n. name of a star
n.a bad ghost that drains your money
N.magic drawings for exorcising evil spirits
n.ray, stingray, whip-tailed ray; nautilus (fish)
n.grouper (a kind of fish); fish paste; seasoned rice mixed with fish or vegetable; sushi;
n. sea monster, sandy islet off shore
n.a type of fish
n. a species of fish; enualosa reevesii
n.cuttlefish (arch.): Crucian carp, squid, inkfish
n.fresh water fish similar to a river dolphin
n.a fish like stingray
n.big and fierce marine fish, possibly sawshark or hammerhead
n.small fish
n.a proper name
n.wild pheasant
n.small bird like wren
n. wild goose; magpie; Pica species
n.a legendary creature with a human face and a bird's beak
n.wild goose
n.hawk or eagle at the age of two
n.partridge; Francolinus chinensis; Taiwan pigeon
n.swallow; emu
var.variant of
n.owl-like bird; Otus scops; buzzard; in antiquity supposedly a bird that signals bad luck
n.the Pycnonotidae or bulbul family of birds, Bulbul
n.pedator bird; eagle, vulture (arch.)
n.pigeon; turtle-dove; hawk; falcon
n.owl; cuckoo; a small wild goose
n.a pheasant-like bird in antiquity
n.a kind of bird in the Eastern part of China
n.a kind of hawk
n.a bird like a magpie
n.crossbill, species of nightingale
n.a seabird
n.a mythical monstrous bird
n.water bird pale white in color, related to some species of wild duck
n.A species of owl
var.variant of
n.quail-like bird
n.variant of
n. the silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera
var.variant of
n.a bird that resembles a crow but with white feathers
n.a type of eagle
n.oriental bullfinch, weaver bird; a mythical bird which supposedly can tell the fortune
n.a bird that resembles a crow but with white feathers
n.a wild bird, probably a sparrow hawk with a white spot on its tail
n.shrike, a kind of bird
n.an aquatic bird; a young legendary phoenix
n.salt; brine
n.female deer; doe; female animal (dam); incest
n.bit of a horse (arch.);
v.to till, to plow; to weed
n.young hornless deer; roebuck
n.strong and robust deer
classifierstag, herd
n.a female elk
n.female of Chinese unicorn
var.variant of
n. fawn, young deer
n.a male elk
n.muntjac deer, hornless river deer
n.a kind of goat
var.variant of
n.buck; stag; a male deer
n.young of dear; fawn
n.a large deer
adj.rough, coarse; big, robust, strong
v.travelling great distance
var.once variant of
n.coarse husk of wheat
n.school; college; temple
v.to stick
adj.pale yellow black
adj.dark; blue-black; ill-illuminated
adj.dark; black
adj.dark; black
adj.black, dark; unclear
adj.grey black
n.mold (biol.); fungus, fungi; mildew
var.variant of
n.black spots on body; mole; scar; blemish
n.(arch.) day time; a kind of sea turtle; surname (eg. 鼂錯)
n.huge sea turtle
n.a kind of turtle
n.large turtle, sea turtle
n.cover of tripod caldron
n.clogged or congested nose
v.(of pigs) digging up earth with the snout
n.speak with a nasal twang; stoppage of the nose
adj.severe; intensive; great
n.sacrificial bowl for holding millet
adj.teeth unevenly spaced or grown due to overcrowding
n.gums (of the teeth)
v.to dispute
v.to grit one's teeth as a result of anger; grinding or clenching one's teeth while asleep
n.rumination of sheep or goat
v.to chew, to ruminate
v.to chew the cud (in cattle or other ruminants)
v.to expose the teeth
v.to shed milk teeth and get adult teeth
classifierclassifier for plays or chapters of classical novels
n.act; stanza
adj.teeth missing; teeth exposing
v.to ruminate (goats)
var.variant of
v.bite, gnaw; erode
n.(teeth) bite of upper and lower jaws
v.to bite
adj.teeth unevenly spaced or grown
adj.uneven (teeth)
n.rumination (of doe or deer)
adj.unevenly grown (of teeth)
adj.dented, chipped; toothless
n.missing of tooth or teeth; defect of utensils
v.hold in veneration; behold with respect
adj.high and bright
n.appearance of a dragon flying
adj. concordant, harmonious; peaceful; calm
var.old variant of
adj.funny, humorous
v.to harmonize; to accord with; to agree